Egg for a conditioner?


everyone! This is my 1st post!!!! However, I have constantly been reading everyday since I found this site. I LOVE IT!!!
I was wondering if anyone have ever used egg as a deep conditioner? My sister told me of a lady that works with her & the lady's hair was terribly damaged from coloring it. Someone told her about using egg as a d/c. My sister said the next day the lady came to work after using the egg, her hair was the BOMB! She said that it looked 1,000 times better than the day before! It had a wonderful shine to it and everything! (She left it on her hair about an hour) Have any of you ever tried this? If so, what were your results? Thanks!
Hi Happyyogi, Welcome to the board!
I use egg as a conditioner every once in a while. Usually what I'll do is mix it with some mayo and a little olive oil, put on a plastic cap with a hot towel around it for about 30 minutes than rinse it out with warm water. After doing this my hair (which is natural) is very shiny. It actually has "radiance". I also notice a vast improvement in its elasticity afterwards too.
Happyyogi, although I'm late... congrats on your first post!

I've never tried straight egg on my hair. I do, however, know that it's protein. If you use it, don't use it too often because it will dry your hair out. I would think that using the egg would be kind of tricky because if you've ever gotten egg white on your skin you'll notice how hard and drying it feels. I guess the effect would be the same on your hair if you're not careful. Annnnddd... if you try it, don't forget to use a moisturizing conditioner afterwards. DON'T FORGET!!!
Hi Happyyogi, and welcome

Whenever I use egg, which isn't too often, I only use the yolk and I mix it with olive or coconut oil...sometimes, I'll add some mayo too. But, as has been mentioned, it's the protein in the egg that gives the result. You may find a good protein conditioner and not ever need to use egg. Protein conditioners are not conditioners you use ever wash, you should use a moisturizing conditioner. However, whenever you do use a pc, you will love the results.

Welcome again.
