Egg treatment


New Member
Yesterday, I used an egg & a little EVOO for my deep treatment. I just applied it to my hair, covered with a plastic cap & towels for about an hour, then rinsed it off & conditioned, first with Suave(Balsam & protein), then Pantene relaxed & natural. I couldn't believe that I shed about 7 hairs through the whole process. It's amazing! When I put the egg mixture on my hair, it reminded my of Aphogee. I imagine if I left it to dry, it would also harden. Has anyone ever tried this before? I'll try consistently and see the results. If it works, this will be my new deep treatment routine. I'll save so much money by not buying Motions CPR and all that other stuff.
Actually, no. I think I used half. I have some left over mixture in the fridge for next time. My hair is about shoulder length though, so longer/thicker hair might require a whole egg.
so you used half of the white and the yolk???? did you beat or blend it before mixing with your conditioner?????
Well, I thought I was going to need a whole egg, so I did beat a whole egg in a container and added some EVOO. Just a little bit because I've run out of it. Then I applied this to my hair and when I had enough on my hair, there was still some mixture left over in the container. I didn't mix in the conditioner. I used the conditioners on my hair after rinsing off the egg mixture an hour later. Make sense?
ok...I want to use egg somehow in my haircare routine to se how it works out... i am definitely interested in knowing if this routine will be a keeper for you...keep us posted...
I've used the "egg treatment" with good results as well. Back in my student days cash flow was really low I use to use as a pre-shampoo with a bit of natural oil in the mixture (1 whole egg blended with a few teaspoons of oils) and it would harden just a bit after 10 - 15 minutes. This is definately a "protein" treatment and should be used sparingly, i.e., no more than once a week and then even less often after hair has gain it's strength back. My 4b hair improved drastically (even though I was still doing damaging things like blow drying all the time, touching up every 4-6 weeks, only washing once a week, etc. etc.). I stopped using because my hair no longer needed the protein all the time and the "soft core" protein conditioners (keraphix, GPB, etc.) gives me superior results, IMO. But that is a good cheap protein if ever I'm out of cash and need a quick protein fix for my hair. It's acually a very balanced protein/moisture treatment == the whites provide the protein and the yolk provides moisture/cholesterol. HHMMMM, I'm talking myself into trying this again real soon. . . .
I have done this before on my relaxed hair as well as my daughters natural hair. It is really good, I used to do this about once a month faithfully (until I got lazy). You are right jla, if you leave it on your hair long enough it will harden!!!! I just started doing it again since getting serious about my hair care. Last week I mixed some up and here's what I did:

I used 2 whole eggs
2 msm capsules
2 teaspoons of honey
2 caps of EVOO
1/4 lime.(to cut the scent)

This really strenghtens the hair. When I did the egg treatment in the past, I just mixed 2 eggs and some mayo (stink but great), and followed up with a conditioner.

But since discovering LHCF, I am incorporating new ingredients.
I've mixed an egg in with my GPB before. It turned out great the first time. Using an egg too often will cause protein overload.
Thanks for sharing ladies. I was afraid of trying the egg treatment out because a friend of mine ended up getting her hair into a tangled mess. Mixing it with conditioner...honey and oil sounds like a good idea.
thanks for all of the reviews, are a great I have one more you go under the hooded dryer when you add a whole egg to your conditioner???? I was wondering if the heat would fry the egg while it's in your hair.....I hope this is not too ridiculous of a question...
No, SherryLove don't go under the dryer with the egg because it will start to cook and you will have egg whites in your hair and it will be very hard to get them out.
ricamorena03 said:
No, SherryLove don't go under the dryer with the egg because it will start to cook and you will have egg whites in your hair and it will be very hard to get them out.

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I went under the dryer with mine. If you cover it with a plastic cap, the conditioner/egg will stay moist. The longer you stay under dryer, the harder your hair will get because of the protein. Be careful...
keylargo said:
I went under the dryer with mine. If you cover it with a plastic cap, the conditioner/egg will stay moist. The longer you stay under dryer, the harder your hair will get because of the protein. Be careful...

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for how long were you under the dryer?????? And you mixed a whole egg or just part of the egg with your conditioner???
I think I spent 10-15 minutes under the dryer. I believe I used just the yolk. Not sure why. I think at the time I thought the yolk was the part of the egg most beneficial. Now, I think the entire egg is beneficial.
keylargo said:
I think I spent 10-15 minutes under the dryer. I believe I used just the yolk. Not sure why. I think at the time I thought the yolk was the part of the egg most beneficial. Now, I think the entire egg is beneficial.

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ok...i will definitely be trying this....I am going to beat half an egg then mix it with my conditioner..
Keylargo what setting did you put your dryer on when you used the egg. I think mine could because maybe the setting was too high.
Something else to keep in mind is that when rinsing off the egg mixture, don't use hot water, it will cook the egg in your hair. The first time I did this, I had white egg pieces in my hair....
Cool/ tepid water is best
ricamorena03 said:
Keylargo what setting did you put your dryer on when you used the egg. I think mine could because maybe the setting was too high.

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I always use a medium heat setting. Then I rinse and follow-up with a moisturizing conditioner.
jla said:
Something else to keep in mind is that when rinsing off the egg mixture, don't use hot water, it will cook the egg in your hair. The first time I did this, I had white egg pieces in my hair....
Cool/ tepid water is best

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thanks for the tip, jla......
Hey Ladies,

I posted on something in reference to an egg treatment that I still use to this day.

I use one egg with olive oil and mahabringraj Tail.
I blended with handwand.
I left on my hair for an hour with a plastic cap.
Every little curl had seperated into ringlets.
My hair was soft and had less frizz.
Use this about twice in a month or when I notice my ends noting.

Type 4a/natural
Hey Ladies,

I posted on something in reference to an egg treatment that I still use to this day.

I use one egg with olive oil and mahabringraj Tail.
I blended with handwand.
I left on my hair for an hour with a plastic cap.
Every little curl had seperated into ringlets.
My hair was soft and had less frizz.
Use this about twice in a month or when I notice my ends noting.

Type 4a/natural
Jla, thanks for posting this! I'm 10 weeks post relaxer and the breakage was really depressing. Reconstructors were doing absolutely NOTHING. I figured I had nothing to lose and tried the egg mixed w/ some olive oil and conditioner. Thats the best thing I've done for my hair! I hardly lost any hairs after that, which is quite unusual.
In my home my girl and I use the cheapie version Hair Mayo and then add an egg. Our hair is so full and thick when I do a blow out women come up to me and ask what do I use on my hair.