Dumb question on the first date....


Well-Known Member
My friend recently went on a date with a really handsome, insightful guy. She said he was well knowledgeable on topics like religion and politics and it was really refreshing to have a smart companion. Well that is until he asked her about her career. Now she works in microbiology like me...so you guess'd it...infections, infections, infections. Feel free to go "uh-oh"....

His question then went along the lines of:

GuyX: "So you handle all sorts of infections?"

GirlY: "Everything from HIV to Strongyloides...we handle bacteria, viruses, fungi etc"

GuyX: "Can I ask a really quick question. If a guy has unprotected sex with a girl, and then has a really quick shower afterwards. Is he then clean? Is the HIV or something like gonorrhoea washed away?"

GirlY: ":perplexed No, that's impossible"

GuyX: "Really? oh....ok"

Now she's scratching her head wondering how a 28 year old man, with an honours degree could be so ignorant on sexual health:nono:

Worst, he's asked her out on a 2nd date. Her response? "I'll think about it"

What say you? Would you think about it or KIM?
Book smart does not always equal common sense. I tell people all the time that a degree only means that you are an expert in that particular field. That's it. LOL!
Book smart does not always equal common sense. I tell people all the time that a degree only means that you are an expert in that particular field. That's it. LOL!

It shouldn't have taken a degree in microbiology to answer that question. Middle school health class should have covered that topic for him.
Heck no, I'd be wondering how many wash ups he been up to. Idiot. He probably thinks he could wash out and reuse the condom since it's rubber.
Dumb question and it would be a turn off for me...but believe me, he's not a rare breed. Because I work with HIV+ people, other people are always asking me questions about HIV and other STDs. More often than not, these are questions that I feel grown people should already have the answer to, but at least they are asking the question now.