*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
hey bronzed,
do you see a challenge coming on? maybe a raw egg for 90 days(or you pick the # of days). if so, i am in.

You know, I haven't eaten eggs in about 15 years. I just cant eat them.
Dont like the taste and they upset my stomach if I eat them plain.

Now you ladies have me ready to try and swallow a whole egg.
My BC has me watching my growth like i'm waiting for it to boil.

I do know I could use more protien. I've been anemic or close to it for the last 15 years or so.
I'm glad I read this post. I used to drink whey protein shakes with fresh/frozen fruit and soymilk, and that's a lot of protein. I may try this again
Br*nze, your post was a GODSEND. Well, He led me to do it! I am going through some trials in relation to my hair's density. Me too. I have been working on a game plan to get me back on track, and it meant cutting out most salts, sugars, animal protein, and animal fats. I still plan to stick with that plan, but this concoction is going to HELP me. How do I know? I used to take something like this years ago and my hair was much healthier. Also, there is a slightly similar concoction used by Jamaicans and it works. I'm using your concoction now (today was my first day) and I am excited. I plan to keep doing this for the rest of my life. yaaa! *Br*nze claps excitedly and does a little jig*

I used Soy Milk (vanilla), 1 cage free egg, lots of wheat germ, wheat germ oil, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. It was YUMMY. Thank you :)
You are welcome, luv~

I had this again today. I am doing it about once a week because I still have to build my mind to swallow the drink. It doesn't taste bad at all, it's just mental for me. Well I hope I can still get some positive results from doing this once a week. My goal is to get up to 3 times a week though.
Girl, tell your mind that you are taking one for the team, the hairy team, that is! You can do this! This week, you will have taken that cocktail no less than 3 times, bet!

ITA on that! I am so energetic and am really bursting for things to do. I feel more vibrant and stronger.
Me too, I feel my old body comin' back, I was fierce, thus the name....

i love this idea, but thinking on it, I think I can only go with the cooked egg version. I've been on the whole ovo vegetarian thing so I think I'll eat eggs (allowed on ovo vegetarian) in the morning, and veggies all day. That should really up my hair growth anyways. I'm going to start doing yoga 3-4 times a week for exercise purposes too. I think that should really up it.
Luckiestdestiny, you and the other exercising divas may just motivate me to get myself movin' sooner rather than later, i know i'll reap the rewards on soo many levels..pray for me, y'all. I really need to get in better shape. *Br*nze begins to dust off "walk away the pounds"* ~Don't laugh, it's a start!~ LOL!
I'm glad I read this post. I used to drink whey protein shakes with fresh/frozen fruit and soymilk, and that's a lot of protein. I may try this again
i'm glad you read this post, too, suburbanbushbabe, i luv whey protein, i'll have to get some this week...it's sooo much better than soy. thanks for the reminder...let us know how your shake works for you, okay?
has anyone tried drinking horsetail tea for growth? i bumped the thread last night, but not many responded...supergirl has a similar post about a tea that has horsetail as one of its ingredients....
cool...not doubting you at all... like i said, i am doing this too!!!
just have heard in the padt that old hair is dead, and can't be repaired
i've always learned the same thing, so i totally understand where you are coming from, but the first thing that really got me to thinking about that is antibiotics. when you take those they effect ALL of your hair in a bad way. i hope i didnt come accross the wrong way. i totally didnt mind you asking.
has anyone tried drinking horsetail tea for growth? i bumped the thread last night, but not many responded...supergirl has a similar post about a tea that has horsetail as one of its ingredients....

I believe horsetail has trace amounts of nicotine in it, which is why I wouldn't drink it as a tea.

Though, I did try drinking nettle tea for hair growth, which I learned is close to horsetail through the MoeGro challenge. Nettle tea made me feel a little weird. My heart felt heavier and beat a little faster. :ohwell: BUT my scalp did tingle and that was good! I don't know how effective it would be for long term growth.
i've always learned the same thing, so i totally understand where you are coming from, but the first thing that really got me to thinking about that is antibiotics. when you take those they effect ALL of your hair in a bad way. i hope i didnt come accross the wrong way. i totally didnt mind you asking.

no harm done...like i said...i am learning a lot from this forum....
never meant to make it seem like i was doubting anyone(sorry if i did) but just stating what i had learned in the past.

i don't know if i should notice a difference without any products on my hair(i have only been using coconut oil)

but i can say breakage has been minimal

I just realized I bought the wrong ingredients for my cocktail. The healthfood store only had toasted Wheat germ - not raw, and the wheat germ oil doesn't say whether or not it's raw. Any suggestions on where to get the raw kind?
i've always learned the same thing, so i totally understand where you are coming from, but the first thing that really got me to thinking about that is antibiotics. when you take those they effect ALL of your hair in a bad way. i hope i didnt come accross the wrong way. i totally didnt mind you asking.
you guys are so nice and polite...

no harm done...like i said...i am learning a lot from this forum....
never meant to make it seem like i was doubting anyone(sorry if i did) but just stating what i had learned in the past. i can feel the love and genuine care not to hurt anyone's feelings, this is great....

i don't know if i should notice a difference without any products on my hair(i have only been using coconut oil)

but i can say breakage has been minimal


I just realized I bought the wrong ingredients for my cocktail. The healthfood store only had toasted Wheat germ - not raw, and the wheat germ oil doesn't say whether or not it's raw. Any suggestions on where to get the raw kind?
I, too have toasted wheat germ. I couldn't find raw (it's not as good, anyway), but I need to get it. It's been a hard find...i guess it's to whole foods we'll be going...or any store that sells natural or organic foods en masse. Walmart used to carry it, but they don't anymore, at least the one i frequent.
I get my raw wheat germ and raw wheat germ oil from Whole Foods. The oil is just about always sold out, so I ordered it by the case (6 bottles for a litter over $100.00-you get a 10% discount).
Thanks to you both. I'll stop by Trader Joe's today. Hopefully they'll have it. I plan to mix my toasted Wheat Germ with the raw one.

This feels so odd, but I'm craving another glass of that stuff. My body must really like it.
Next time, try Vitamin Shoppe for Wheat Germ Oil, they carry Viobin, 32oz for $14, talk about a deal, I spend $15 on 8 oz Spectrum Brand at HEB Plus...Whole Foods has been out of stock of WGO from Spectrum for months...
I can't believe I'm actually considering downing a raw egg tonite for hair. Welp...my husband already thinks I'm crazy...I guess adding a raw egg to the mix won't make it worse.:look:
I found this book, "The Natural Way to Super Beauty," at a fleamarket, and was hooked. I had to get it, it sums me up in sooo many ways. It was all of 50 cents. As some of you may know, I am healed of alopecia and on the path to regain 7 times what the devil stole from me. Literally. Anyway, this book was written in the 70s and was way ahead of its time. The author gives information regarding natural remedies for skin, hair, weight, etc, - the benefits of sulfur, protein, ph balancing, you name it. She refers to a recipe for regrowing thick, lush hair. I have enclosed it below.

This recipe comes from the book, "How I Stopped Growing Bald and Started Growing Hair," I tried this drink for about two months 4 years ago. I happened upon an old photo and I thought, "Man my hair looked gorgeous! So long, lushfully thick, full and shiny! What was I doing then?" Then I remembered it was the time when I was drinking this shake daily. You know how sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees? Well, I think that sums up how I could not see how gorgeous my own hair was for always looking at someone else's. I'd get compliments daily and just roll my eyes, like, do you see these split endz? Lesson learned ~ to appreciate what God blessed you with...

Anyway, I thought I'd share it, because it is also helpful in those dealing with hairloss. That's what led me to find LHCF, so I give this back to you with love.

I pray that you guys find much benefit from it and it rejuvenates, replenishes and restores your follicles and blesses you from the top of your head to the very soles of your feet!

Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)
1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season

blend at low speed for thirty to sixty seconds. drink this blended mixture promptly. this drink should serve as your complete breakfast. do not eat or drink anything else for two hours after drinking this mixture. keep all ingredients refrigerated until use. once you notice the changes in your hair you may cut down on the daily intake of the hair cocktail and take it only twice a week. ofcourse, since it is a healthful drink, you may prefer to continue taking it indefinitely.

Believe it or not, the drink was not so bad. Even the raw egg bit :sad:. It really just tasted like a protein shake. I felt energized after taking it and I think I buffed up and slimmed down. So there you have it. I will start this new regimen on Monday, October 5th.

Be Blessed, I am!
I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing about this book! It is very informative and educational at the same time. I purchased it from Amazon and could not stop reading it. I am going to incorporate the drink into my regime. Except I will have to find some kind of substitute for the milk. I am very lactose intolerant and am afraid of the affects. Just wanted to give you my sincere thanks and will let you know after about 2 months of drinking everyday my results.:lachen::grin::lick:
Ok, I got my book today but it is filthy! I mean just plain filthy! I am gonna return it and get another! I can’t even bare to even touch it. Yuck!

After calming down I look thru the book and I can't bare to part with it now. There is just too much information! I will hold on to it and see if I can find a better copy.
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I can't believe I'm actually considering downing a raw egg tonite for hair. Welp...my husband already thinks I'm crazy...I guess adding a raw egg to the mix won't make it worse.:look:
Girl, he won't think you're crazy when you have hair to your butt! He'll just think you're drop dead gorgeous! LOL!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing about this book! It is very informative and educational at the same time. I purchased it from Amazon and could not stop reading it. I am going to incorporate the drink into my regime. Except I will have to find some kind of substitute for the milk. I am very lactose intolerant and am afraid of the affects. Just wanted to give you my sincere thanks and will let you know after about 2 months of drinking everyday my results.:lachen::grin::lick:
YCJ, you are more than welcome, I know the book is a real page turner, that's if you can get a clean one...note below .... ewww!

Ok, I got my book today but it is filthy! I mean just plain filthy! I am gonna return it and get another! I can’t even bare to even touch it. Yuck!
I'm sorry, MonaRae, even mine was clean and it was in a dusty old resale store "ka-chew" ...i swear I sneezed my way out of there, but man was I overjoyed with my 50 cent purchase! What a deal, I mean, steal!
Which book are you all buying? Br*nze recommended two, no?

  • How I Stopped Growing Bald and Started Growing Hair
  • The Natural Way to Super Beauty

ETA: I just purchased #2 for $0.01 + shipping
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I got The Natural Way to Super Beauty! Mines looked like it has dust on it from 1883! I cleaned it up a bit and when I get home I will spray it down with lysol and buy a book cover!!!!!
Which book are you all buying? Br*nze recommended two, no? I did pitch both books, but I only have The Natural Way...I didn't even get the other one, but that's a good thought...
How I Stopped Growing Bald and Started Growing Hair
  • The Natural Way to Super Beauty
ETA: I just purchased #2 for $0.01 + shipping

hmm, let me google it to see what i find...
I tried this last night. I think it is a mind over matter thing because I thought the drink was pretty good.:lick:

I didn't put the wheat germ in my drink. I took 1/2 tablespoon full of the wheat germ and followed it with the egg drink.

I used 1 med. raw organic egg and VERY Vanilla Soy Milk(sorry I didn't measure but there was more milk in the cup than egg, definitely less than 8oz). The thickness of the soy milk and the sweetness blended really well with the egg. I used a fork and "beat" the egg for about a minute then added the milk and mixed it together. I drank it with no problem. There was no weird smell or taste. I felt fine after. I am going to try it for 30 days to determine if it has a noticable effect on my hair.
I have a question, I definately would like to try this for 2 months but is the Soy milk good for people who is lactose intolerant? That's me, I love milk but can't tolerate it!
I am loving this drink! Earlier at work I was like "I can't wait to get home so I can drink me some egg" lol. I was seriously craving it.I'm really enjoying it with vanilla soymilk, vanilla whey powder, and a hunk of frozen fruit..it's very tasty with pineaplle.

I'm lactose intolerant, and soy is fine with me..

I haven't noticed any hair changes yet, but my nails are growing quick, and my skin feels nicer somehow. Anyone else notice this?
I have a question, I definately would like to try this for 2 months but is the Soy milk good for people who is lactose intolerant? That's me, I love milk but can't tolerate it!
most definitely, it is great for lactose intolerants...so you're good to go.
You know, I haven't eaten eggs in about 15 years. I just cant eat them.
Dont like the taste and they upset my stomach if I eat them plain.

Now you ladies have me ready to try and swallow a whole egg.the things we'll do for hair, that we won't even do for money...LOL!
My BC has me watching my growth like i'm waiting for it to boil. oooh, i feel ya on that, sheesh...but i'm waiting on thickness...like, thicken, already, darnit~

I do know I could use more protien. I've been anemic or close to it for the last 15 years or so.

I am loving this drink! Earlier at work I was like "I can't wait to get home so I can drink me some egg" lol. i wake up looking for my drink, that is sooo not like me, i'm not a breakfast person, but i look forward to this...cra-zee I was seriously craving it.I'm really enjoying it with vanilla soymilk, vanilla whey powder, and a hunk of frozen fruit..it's very tasty with pineaplle.

I'm lactose intolerant, and soy is fine with me..

I haven't noticed any hair changes yet, but my nails are growing quick, and my skin feels nicer somehow. Anyone else notice this?
check out the earlier posts, we are all feeling/seeing some major results, thats for sure...
:grin:THAT BOOK WENT UP TO 62.00 :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:AND I STILL WANT IT!!!!!! I BEEN AWAY ABOUT A WEEK :crying3:, WHEN I SHOULD HAVE BEEN HERE ON THIS BOARD.:yep: TRYING TO FIND THIS BOOK.
Butternutbaby, I just purchased my book on amazon and it only cost me 4.00 used. Check there first before paying that outrageous price of $62.00 Please!
I do. My skin, and not just my face but everywhere has a younger appearance. That is the vitamin E from the wheat germ. Helps slows down skin from aging and wrinkling. I am throwing in a tsp of flaxseed oil in mine as well.

I am loving this drink! Earlier at work I was like "I can't wait to get home so I can drink me some egg" lol. I was seriously craving it.I'm really enjoying it with vanilla soymilk, vanilla whey powder, and a hunk of frozen fruit..it's very tasty with pineaplle.

I'm lactose intolerant, and soy is fine with me..

I haven't noticed any hair changes yet, but my nails are growing quick, and my skin feels nicer somehow. Anyone else notice this?
well....I did buy some whey protein today.
I really need to start eating eggs, mine will be cooked though.

I just realized I bought the wrong ingredients for my cocktail. The healthfood store only had toasted Wheat germ - not raw, and the wheat germ oil doesn't say whether or not it's raw. Any suggestions on where to get the raw kind?

dang, now i'm wondering if i have the 'raw' form....

also, i read in an earlier post that someone whipped the egg before adding the milk. i read someone on the internet, that if u whip the egg without the milk, the egg loses enzymes and some nutritional value....don't know if this is true, but i wouldn't want us all swallowing raw egg for nothing
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