*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I am loving this drink. I see why it is good for the hair. In any case, I would drink this if it wasn't good for the hair. I really like it. I will say this. You might want to regulate the time of day that you take it because it helps with digestion and when you have to go you have to go. It doesnt make your stomach hurt or anything, but it keeps that digestive tract in tip top shape. Love It.~
I received my used book today. Book was in excellent condition. $1.99. This is a very good read. You should know that I immediately turned to and read the complete hair chapter. I look forward to reading the rest of the book. She has a great nutritional approach to taking the best care of your body as a whole.

Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll; This was an excellent find.
bought my wheat germ today(this is new to me) so i will be trying this when i get off work this morning
Come on and join us...there's room for more than just a few heads of waistlength hair!

I am loving this drink. I see why it is good for the hair. In any case, I would drink this if it wasn't good for the hair. :yep: Yeah, me too. really like it. I will say this. You might want to regulate the time of day that you take it because it helps with digestion and when you have to go you have to go. It doesnt make your stomach hurt or anything, but it keeps that digestive tract in tip top shape. I am sooo happy about that, it's like an unexpected bonus, huh? And man do i need all the help in that area that i can get! Love It.~

I received my used book today. Book was in excellent condition. $1.99. This is a very good read. You should know that I immediately turned to and read the complete hair chapter. I look forward to reading the rest of the book. She has a great nutritional approach to taking the best care of your body as a whole. Yep, the lady was ahead of her time by leaps and bounds, for real.

Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll; This was an excellent find.Thanks for that acknowledgement. You guys are generous with compliments...*blushing*
I felt "led" to this book. I wasn't looking for anything like this, I just "happened" across it. It's a blessing and it has results to back up the claims, too.

Oh I hope I get my book 2morrow! I'm having it delivered to my job.
Girl, you won't get any work done once that book gets in your hands, you may have to take an early day bcs you will not be able to put it down. It's soooo much information! The book is 432 pages!!! :blush: Small print, no less.
Ladies I know I mention this yesterday but my breakage is getting less and less by the day so bare with me as I tell ya again!

Many days and nights have I prayed begging not asking the Lord for help with my hair. I reminded HIM how a woman hair is her glory (as if HE didn't know) and told HIM mines was not! Then when I really thought about it ladies, the day before Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll posted about the egg drink I prayed hard for an answer and I believe I finally got it.

You really don't understand when I mentioned how bad my breakage WAS! All I had to do was touch my hair and it came out. And today I can run my hand thru it and even give a good tug and nothing! maybe one strand but for the most part nothing!

May God richly bless you Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll!!!!!
Ladies I know I mention this yesterday but my breakage is getting less and less by the day so bare with me as I tell ya again!

Many days and nights have I prayed begging not asking the Lord for help with my hair. I reminded HIM how a woman hair is her glory (as if HE didn't know) and told HIM mines was not! Then when I really thought about it ladies, the day before Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll posted about the egg drink I prayed hard for an answer and I believe I finally got it.

You really don't understand when I mentioned how bad my breakage WAS! All I had to do was touch my hair and it came out. And today I can run my hand thru it and even give a good tug and nothing! maybe one strand but for the most part nothing!

May God richly bless you Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll!!!!!
I am so blessed by your post, MonaRae, I really was only doing what The Lord told me to, so I knew there was someone who would benefit from this, I am so glad you shared this testimony, and it has meant the world to me!
I have a quick question.. Are we all using organic eggs only? I have one egg left in my dozen, but this last carton cost me 6$! That's a lot for some eggs, when the regular type is 2$. I do feel safer ingesting the organic eggs though, I just wanted to know what everyone else was using. If I have to, I'll stop being cheap and stay organic. Thanx!
I have a quick question.. Are we all using organic eggs only? I have one egg left in my dozen, but this last carton cost me 6$! That's a lot for some eggs, when the regular type is 2$. I do feel safer ingesting the organic eggs though, I just wanted to know what everyone else was using. If I have to, I'll stop being cheap and stay organic. Thanx!
i'm not using organic eggs, just plain old grade aa, large...more power to ya with the organic...i don't feel the need to get organic, but if this makes you more comfortable try to stick with it, Thank God I have had no problems with regular eggs, even the last time, those were totally suitable for me to use, i think someone is using powdered eggs, have you considered those?
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You're too funny.
I know that I wont see any changes in my hair for a few more weeks, I can already see more improvement in my muscles. I have been on a health kick for like forever. I had forgotten about the incredible, edible egg. I couldn't flex my arm musles last week. Today I noticed they were a little perkier than they were last week. I am so happy about that. I was starting to think that my body had started its "southern" adventure. There may be hope after all.
I had my bevg. already. I just purchased my first real batch of powdered eggs http://store.honeyvillegrain.com/ shipping only $4.50.
Bon Apetite'

"~Here's to long, lush waistlength hair, Cheers!~ "*Br*nze gulps down her cocktail with unabashed delight*
I'll drink to that!

You're too funny.
I know that I wont see any changes in my hair for a few more weeks, I can already see more improvement in my muscles. I have been on a health kick for like forever. I had forgotten about the incredible, edible egg. I couldn't flex my arm musles last week. Today I noticed they were a little perkier than they were last week. I am so happy about that. I was starting to think that my body had started its "southern" adventure. There may be hope after all.
I had my bevg. already. I just purchased my first real batch of powdered eggs http://store.honeyvillegrain.com/ shipping only $4.50.
Bon Apetite'
I am not on this challenge but I have added wheat germ and a brewers yeast blend to my daily shakes / supplements due to some of the info I found here. I just as the post about powdered eggs, that's something to consider as well.

I am drinking power shakes for fitness and weight loss purposes. I know my hair is benefiting from the extra protein alone.

This thread has become huge!! I'm going to have to read through it soon.

Best of luck ot everyone on the challenge :up:
Going strong here! This is week 2 for me!
~go Mona, with your bad self, go Mona with your bad self~

I am not on this challenge but I have added wheat germ and a brewers yeast blend to my daily shakes / supplements due to some of the info I found here. I just as the post about powdered eggs, that's something to consider as well.

I am drinking power shakes for fitness and weight loss purposes. I know my hair is benefiting from the extra protein alone.

This thread has become huge!! I'm going to have to read through it soon.

Best of luck ot everyone on the challenge :up:
~Thanks, atlantajj, many of us are seeing noticeable differences already, like i noticed my skin is really bright and glowing(i look younger, more youthful, I was looking a little tired before - like i hadn't gotten enough rest)..i had a few breakouts but it looks as though i've had a facial, others have reported less shedding and breakage, more energy - i, too, can attest to that, and great digestive functioning (how else can i put that and be polite :blush:) ~ you may find some interesting new comments and tweaks that may be helpful to your regimen....

do u see a difference in your new growth, or all of your hair?
i just seems strange to me that it would help the old hair at all...

i have noticed a HUGE difference in my energy
i am not doing this everyday, about every other day.
~go Mona, with your bad self, go Mona with your bad self~

~Thanks, atlantajj, many of us are seeing noticeable differences already, like i noticed my skin is really bright and glowing(i look younger, more youthful, I was looking a little tired before - like i hadn't gotten enough rest)..i had a few breakouts but it looks as though i've had a facial, others have reported less shedding and breakage, more energy - i, too, can attest to that, and great digestive functioning (how else can i put that and be polite :blush:) ~ you may find some interesting new comments and tweaks that may be helpful to your regimen....
That's so awesome! The most exciting thing I have done is to use flax seeds and flax oil daily, my breakouts have been cut down to just a couple per month from almost chronic acne!! I am so happy about that. I totally know what you mean about the glowing and the energy levels also.

I am at work now :perplexed but as soon as I get some down time I will read through here and I should join because I really am doing a very simular thing that you laides are doing here. This is really powerful because those morning shakes have changed my life!!

ETA: I realized I did not use my coffee pot once last week! That's incredible!
do u see a difference in your new growth, or all of your hair?
i just seems strange to me that it would help the old hair at all...

i have noticed a HUGE difference in my energy
i am not doing this everyday, about every other day.

i have always seen a difference in all of my hair. not sure why, or what the science is but my hair after a few weeks tends to be stronger and shinier. it was my magic pill when i didnt know anything about good hair care. my new growth would grow more vigorously and my old hair just seemed stronger and shinier. now.... if that does not sound believable - take an anti biotic and notice the effect on your old hair. dull? brittle? that has been my experience which is why i try to avoid taking anti biotic like the plague. didnt like the effect on my hair. so honestly i am not sure i believe that your hair(previously grown) cannot be effected by what you are doing inside because it just has not been my experience. but ofcourse that is just myu humble opinion/experience.
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Just to let you know, I voted for 'Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!' :look:

I don't even like cooked eggs, let alone RAW eggs :barf:.

I would / do use raw eggs on my hair though! Great for shine and elasticity :yep:
That's so awesome! The most exciting thing I have done is to use flax seeds and flax oil daily, my breakouts have been cut down to just a couple per month from almost chronic acne!! I am so happy about that. I totally know what you mean about the glowing and the energy levels also.

I am at work now :perplexed but as soon as I get some down time I will read through here and I should join because I really am doing a very simular thing that you laides are doing here. This is really powerful because those morning shakes have changed my life!!

ETA: I realized I did not use my coffee pot once last week! That's incredible!

you are the second person to mention going without coffee...i also went without coffee 3 days out of last week...coincidence? I think not.
Just to let you know, I voted for 'Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!' :look: LOL! That's exactly why I included that in the choices, I knew that's what many had in their minds...

I don't even like cooked eggs, let alone RAW eggs :barf:. Try powdered eggs, maybe that could work, hmm, that's a thought.

I would / do use raw eggs on my hair though! Great for shine and elasticity :yep:
My cousin swears by this. She loves mayonaisse and says that it is a miracle in a bottle! I have yet to try it. I was supposed to do this today, though...so maybe i will....but i just washed and dried, so maybe in a few days...
i have always seen a difference in all of my hair. not sure why, or what the science is but my hair after a few weeks tends to be stronger and shinier. it was my magic pill when i didnt know anything about good hair care. my new growth would grow more vigorously and my old hair just seemed stronger and shinier. now.... if that does not sound believable - take an anti biotic and notice the effect on your old hair. dull? brittle? that has been my experience which is why i try to avoid taking anti biotic like the plague. didnt like the effect on my hair. so honestly i am not sure i believe that your hair(previously grown) cannot be effected by what you are doing inside because it just has not been my experience. but ofcourse that is just myu humble opinion/experience.

cool...not doubting you at all... like i said, i am doing this too!!!
just have heard in the padt that old hair is dead, and can't be repaired
cool...not doubting you at all... like i said, i am doing this too!!!
just have heard in the padt that old hair is dead, and can't be repaired

we appreciate your questions, shyekiera, we are all learning, here...and none of us are claiming to be scientists, so, it is something valid to think about....thanks! It works, we are all just not sure how...:grin:
My cousin swears by this. She loves mayonaisse and says that it is a miracle in a bottle! I have yet to try it. I was supposed to do this today, though...so maybe i will....but i just washed and dried, so maybe in a few days...

i recently started using mayo on my hair...great conditioner...leaves my naps soft and more managable.
i love this idea, but thinking on it, I think I can only go with the cooked egg version. I've been on the whole ovo vegetarian thing so I think I'll eat eggs (allowed on ovo vegetarian) in the morning, and veggies all day. That should really up my hair growth anyways. I'm going to start doing yoga 3-4 times a week for exercise purposes too. I think that should really up it.
Br*nze, your post was a GODSEND. I am going through some trials in relation to my hair's density. I have been working on a game plan to get me back on track, and it meant cutting out most salts, sugars, animal protein, and animal fats. I still plan to stick with that plan, but this concoction is going to HELP me. How do I know? I used to take something like this years ago and my hair was much healthier. Also, there is a slightly similar concoction used by Jamaicans and it works. I'm using your concoction now (today was my first day) and I am excited. I plan to keep doing this for the rest of my life.

I used Soy Milk (vanilla), 1 cage free egg, lots of wheat germ, wheat germ oil, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. It was YUMMY. Thank you :)
I had this again today. I am doing it about once a week because I still have to build my mind to swallow the drink. It doesn't taste bad at all, it's just mental for me. Well I hope I can still get some positive results from doing this once a week. My goal is to get up to 3 times a week though.
I had this again today. I am doing it about once a week because I still have to build my mind to swallow the drink. It doesn't taste bad at all, it's just mental for me. Well I hope I can still get some positive results from doing this once a week. My goal is to get up to 3 times a week though.

i know what u mean about the 'mental challenge'. i swear i can smell the egg as i swallow!:rolleyes:

do u see a difference in your new growth, or all of your hair?
i just seems strange to me that it would help the old hair at all...

i have noticed a HUGE difference in my energy
i am not doing this everyday, about every other day.

ITA on that! I am so energetic and am really bursting for things to do. I feel more vibrant and stronger.