*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I had my regular shake this morning-44.5g of protein, protein bar-20g, whey powder shake-31g, & then some holiday brunch w/ my squadron. Not sure how many grams of protein but a good amount. I had some chicken & ham. From what I can count I had 95g plus the chicken & ham. So I know I reached my goal of 100g. I worked out yesterday & I really think this protein is giving me energy. I ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill w/ ease
Ladies I just have to report that this green Egg Smoothie is the joint (yes, I'm a child of the 70's)! My old shake filled me up but I was still able to eat as neva before.

But this green Egg Cocktail! I eat half of everything. This AM I has a chocolate muffin and could only eat half and did not feel bad about throwing the rest away. If figure throw it away or work it off! For lunch I had a 6 inch turkey sub from Subway's and ate half of it and 3 hours later ate the other half. That was 2.5 hours ago and I am still full!

I now see why Lavender lost 19 pound!

How do you make your green egg cocktail?
2 Handful of organic raw spinach
1 Organic veggie feed raw egg
8 oz Almond Milk
8 oz Orange Juice (will switch to Pineapple juice later this week)
2 oz Carrot Juice (altho I left this out today to see if I would get the same effect and I did)
Vitamin cocktail
1/2 tsp Bee Pollen

And it keep me full all day long. I did get a bit hungry between meals but it was time for my next meal.
2 Handful of organic raw spinach
1 Organic veggie feed raw egg
8 oz Almond Milk
8 oz Orange Juice (will switch to Pineapple juice later this week)
2 oz Carrot Juice (altho I left this out today to see if I would get the same effect and I did)
Vitamin cocktail
1/2 tsp Bee Pollen

And it keep me full all day long. I did get a bit hungry between meals but it was time for my next meal.

Thanks. On a whim I purchased spinach and almond milk today. I'll throw these in my shake and try it out tomorrow. It would be GREAT to consume tons of spinach without having to chew it all.
I must report, ladies, my hair is getting so much healthier...

the thickness is coming back, it doesn't look *sick*~
(That's what unhealthy hair looks like to me, it makes the wearer look *sick*, too, like something's not quite right...)

anyhoo, I am sooo happy. My stylist even mentioned that my roots looked really good and full, she thinks my hair is doing fine...yay!....i cut 2 inches off of my ends -bsl gone again-, it still has a way to go, but I'm so thankful for my progress...

keep it up you ladies, you'll see and feel the difference..

i've only been at this since, what, October?~

i was flatironed today. and of course, i'm transitioning...

~!!!The Waistlength Hair Cocktail RuLeS!!!~
I want my greenfood shake, too....those sound awesome...that's okay, i'll be ready for next week.....y'all aren't leaving me behind, nooooo way~
I have been drinking the cocktail religiously for about a week and a half. Finally I am starting not be as hungry during the day. After my cocktail yesterday I only ate chicken and rice soup and tuna. This is great because I am trying to diet.... I added more fruit to my smoothie this morning and it was awesome. I want to add another egg for some reason. I don't know why.

Ladies, a word to the wise. I got cocky and added grapefruit to my smoothie. :nono: It was not tasty at all!

As anyone added yogurt?

I made my shake with:

3 ice cubes
1 frozen banana
Vanilla or Original Rice Milk
2 tbs raw wheat germ
1 tbs lecithin
1 egg

Taste like a banana shake and oh, so yummy.
I had two shakes today and some raw carrots for lunch.

I love PotBelly's Apple/Banana Smoothies. I think I am going to try that with my shake this weekend.
I use 2 organic eggs.

Someone earlier gave advice to clean the outer shell with vinegar. This would remove any salmonella bacteria. I use Bragg's acv to do this.

Poster said that you could also place the egg in hot water for 10 seconds.
I've been adding 2 organic eggs for the past 2 days. I think it makes my drink taste somewhat better or maybe I'm just getting used to the taste. I remember the first time I drank it. I almost couldn't finish. Now I just take it to the head and don't stop until it's all done. I've been taking this shake now for a/b two weeks. I definitely think it's growing my hair faster. My hair grows uberly slow, like 1/4" a month. So to my surprise I'm going to be 10 weeks post tomorrow and I already have 3/4" of new growth. I wasn't expecting that for another 2 weeks. Yay!!!
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I have been drinking the cocktail religiously for about a week and a half. Finally I am starting not be as hungry during the day. After my cocktail yesterday I only ate chicken and rice soup and tuna. This is great because I am trying to diet.... I added more fruit to my smoothie this morning and it was awesome. I want to add another egg for some reason. I don't know why.

Ladies, a word to the wise. I got cocky and added grapefruit to my smoothie. :nono: It was not tasty at all!

As anyone added yogurt?

I'm glad you didn't like it b/c in Dale Alexander's book he specifically
said not to use grapefruit juice. Come to think of it I believe he said no citric juice. Glad I use the last of my orange juice this morning. Starting 2morrow I will replace it with pineapple juice.
I'm glad you didn't like it b/c in Dale Alexander's book he specifically
said not to use grapefruit juice. Come to think of it I believe he said no citric juice. Glad I use the last of my orange juice this morning. Starting 2morrow I will replace it with pineapple juice.

Oh wow, I'm glad i didn't go there, the oj sounds delish....
My shake is fine, i'm taking it straight, no chaser...as in original recipe sans fruit....I'm hardcore, y'all :yep:
Did NOT have my shake today, woke up this morn and NO POWER

basically I just got home, we had yet another power outage, (6-7 in the past 2 months) so I could not make my shake today, kids have been getting over a cold, so I had to waiht until my husbands lunch to get the car and take them somewhere warm,

oh yea and get this, I ate Mikey D's today, its just been a really hectic day and I need to get more soy milk anyway, but I will be back in the morn and if I'm not then you know that these people who run an air force BASE cant get it together,
sorry about the rant
Did NOT have my shake today, woke up this morn and NO POWER

basically I just got home, we had yet another power outage, (6-7 in the past 2 months) so I could not make my shake today, kids have been getting over a cold, so I had to waiht until my husbands lunch to get the car and take them somewhere warm,

oh yea and get this, I ate Mikey D's today, its just been a really hectic day and I need to get more soy milk anyway, but I will be back in the morn and if I'm not then you know that these people who run an air force BASE cant get it together,
sorry about the rant

I'm sorry to hear about your power situation. I know how awful and frustrating that is. Our whole city lost power back in September, like 300,000 people without power, nowhere to buy gas, it was awful. I personally was without power for two full weeks, and I honestly wanted to kill somebody (not really, but just to give a frame of reference for how much it sucks). I hope you get your power back soon!! :blush:
thanks for the support princess! got power back today! but they really need to get it together, anyway I'm holding off until my dd goes to preschool, and my DH is dropped off at work to go to the store and get some more ingredients
oh, and I have been using egglands best Cage Free eggs!
AND today is my Amelia's B-day, she is three today, my younger one in my avatar pic
I've been wanting a green smoothie for some time now.

Thanks to Mona Rae's post, I added spinach to my shake and used almond milk. It was pretty and greenn, but the taste.... It tasted even better than it did originally.

So now my shake consists of:
Organic egg
2 tbs raw wheat germ
1 tbs lecithin
8 oz or so of almond milk
1 frozen banana
3 ice cubes
Handful of spinach

I don't know what this mixture is doing for my hair, but it keeps my pretty full, eliminates me eating all kinds of junk for breakfast, gives my skin a beautiful glow and now I'm getting in the greens that my body needs.

I feel like I found a healthy, yet enjoyable, decret for life.
I might have to go buy some of that green food/ superfood bc I know I'm definitely not getting enough vegetables. As a matter of fact I need to go to the chow hall and get a salad for lunch today. I ate a salmon steak for lunch yday. Pretty good and it's got 24g of protein too.
Green is definitely where its at! Now I can get the benefits of a salad on a consistent basis without having to eat it.

Going out of town for 8 days. Would you ladies continue the shake or skip it until you got back home?

Thanks ladies.
PuffyBrown your hair is looking good!

:bighug: Thanks Mona! I can finally see results!

Green is definitely where its at! Now I can get the benefits of a salad on a consistent basis without having to eat it.

Going out of town for 8 days. Would you ladies continue the shake or skip it until you got back home?

Thanks ladies.

Green is in.
How inconvenient is it going to be. I have one of those
hand blenders that I can take around. Not sure if you have one of those. You can put the ingredients in a small cooler if you have one. Other than that maybe you can drink a scaled down version just to make sure you get at least some of the ingredients in there. Have a good time on your trip BTW and be safe.
I'm going out of town as well on Sunday. I so badly want to keep taking my shake but I don't want to risk anything in my bag breaking or leaking bc I've seen how those bag handlers "handle" luggage. They don't give a crap. I'm also too cheap to buy the ingredients over again just for a week trip. But I'm sure one week couldn't hurt that bad. I'm definitely going to keep this up bc I can definitely tell the difference in my skin & hair.
I'd have to drive about 15 mins to WFoods, get the ingredients and get to drinking.

Guess I will make the effort. Shake fills me up and keeps me healthy.
Well I've ran out of eggs a few days ago and haven't bought any since. When I went to the store the expiration date said 12/23. That was too soon. So I've been MIA from my shake. And I was just getting past the bad gas...so starting over does not excite me. Oh well....I will be back on it asap.

Anyway.........here's the Nutrition content of the "Incredible Edible Egg"

Nutrient Content of a Large Egg

Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Eggs are an excellent source of choline and a good source of the highest quality protein and riboflavin. Many of the egg’s incredible nutrients are found in the egg yolk, including choline, folate, lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin D. The yolk also includes healthy monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats and almost half of the high-quality protein found in eggs.

One egg provides 6 grams of protein, or 12% of the Recommended Daily Value. Eggs provide the highest quality protein found in any food because they provide all of the essential amino acids our bodies need in a near-perfect pattern. While many people think the egg white has all the protein, the yolk actually provides nearly half of it.

The high-quality protein in eggs helps you to feel full longer and stay energized, which contributes to maintaining a healthy weight. In fact, research* shows that eggs eaten at the start of the day can reduce daily calorie intake, prevent snacking between meals and keep you satisfied on those busy days when mealtime is delayed.

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I made an attempt at the Pot Belly's Apple/Bananna Smoothie this morning. May I say that it was OFF THE CHAIN! I used all original ingredients and simply added apple slices and a bananna. Mmmmmmmmmmmm whew! It was delicious! (Using my Katt Williams voice)