*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
eeeh hee hee! Yes, but it tapers off after the first week to 10 days...yes that's an unpleasant side effect..i've had to excuse myself from the presence of others quite a bit....:spinning:

o. k. I'll say it....Gas City... So thank where you are going and schedule those dates accordingly "after bathroom time" :lachen::lachen:


Great, it's not only me! Okay that gives me hope, I'll stick with it until it tapers off.
ok, is it just me or are you having problems seeing a current post. The thread says the last post was at 10:20 PM but the last post I see is 4:58 PM?
i see your post, monarae, at 9-ish and the one before that at 2:48...i think i'm gonnna up my eggs in cocktail to two a day...not sure, but it is a thought...what you guys think?
i see your post, monarae, at 9-ish and the one before that at 2:48...i think i'm gonnna up my eggs in cocktail to two a day...not sure, but it is a thought...what you guys think?
I'd be hesitant about depleting too much biotin because of the avidin in raw eggs.

ETA: Nevermind . Looks like the yolk supplements additional biotin - significantly reducing the probability of a biotin deficiency

What about the biotin-deficiency risks from eating too many raw egg whites?

Egg whites contain a glycoprotein called "avidin" which binds biotin - one of the B vitamins - very effectively. The cooking process deactivates the avidin in the egg, much the same way it deactivates every other protein in the egg white.

While it is true that eating too many raw egg whites by themselves will cause you to suffer from a biotin deficiency, the fact is that nature created the egg in such a way that its yolk is very rich in biotin. One of the highest concentration in nature. Eat the egg whole together with the egg white and you will be fine.
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Hey Br*nze,

I started the 2 eggs in my drink this a.m. The only difference is that it made the consistancy (sp?) less thick.

I know I can't eat for 2 hours after my drink, but can I drink water? I'm trynin to get me 64 oz per day in: 32 oz. in the a.m. and 32 oz. in the p.m.

Hey Br*nze,

I started the 2 eggs in my drink this a.m. The only difference is that it made the consistancy (sp?) less thick.

I know I can't eat for 2 hours after my drink, but can I drink water? I'm trynin to get me 64 oz per day in: 32 oz. in the a.m. and 32 oz. in the p.m.
Hey LOV, I think water is okay. Anything else may affect the absorption of the nutrients...good deal with 64 oz, that's what I need to get back into...I've relapsed into ---Coca Cola---horrid, huh? I've got to break that habit...it's not good, I drink it too much!
I received the powdered egg yesterday. Of course, everything came to a hault so that I could investigate my packages.

The package was very neat, and clean. Box in excellent condition. The product came in a large can that was spotless. I opened the large can of powder. It has no smell. I expected it to smell yolkie but it doesn't. Now for the taste test. I put a little in a spoon and added water and tasted it....."raw egg" pride and true.
I made a egg shake and drank happily. The dry egg mixed excellently. There was no residue there was no powder at the bottom. All of it blended; "as would an egg". The dehydrated egg is a winner....I have attached a picture of the product.


I am quite excited for you, Puff~ I know alot of ladies are happy to hear of this as an alternative to raw eggs....I'm so glad you weren't disappointed. Well I'm off to the grocer to pick up another supply of eggs and milk and wheat germ...why hasn't my liquid lecithin, wheat germ oil and Dale Anderson book arrived??? I'm quite steamed. I so dislike online ordering. :ohwell:

I received the powdered egg yesterday. Of course, everything came to a hault so that I could investigate my packages.

The package was very neat, and clean. Box in excellent condition. The product came in a large can that was spotless. I opened the large can of powder. It has no smell. I expected it to smell yolkie but it doesn't. Now for the taste test. I put a little in a spoon and added water and tasted it....."raw egg" pride and true.
I made a egg shake and drank happily. The dry egg mixed excellently. There was no residue there was no powder at the bottom. All of it blended; "as would an egg". The dehydrated egg is a winner....I have attached a picture of the product.


I got to reading the weight loss section of the book and she says the granule lecithin is better than the liquid kind. I got some yesterday and used it today and I have not notice anything different as far as taste.

Question on wheat germ oil: What kind are you using? The brand I got is Viobin and today I forgot to add it in my mix and notice that the odd taste was missing. So of course I realized it was the wheat germ oil. There was a brand in the freezer section but it was $14 next to the one on the shelf for $7! So guess whose gonna get the $14 brand tomorrow? :ohwell: I'll use the Viobin for my hair.
I got to reading the weight loss section of the book and she says the granule lecithin is better than the liquid kind. Dang. I got some yesterday and used it today and I have not notice anything different as far as taste.

Question on wheat germ oil: What kind are you using? The brand I got is Viobin and today I forgot to add it in my mix and notice that the odd taste was missing. So of course I realized it was the wheat germ oil. There was a brand in the freezer section but it was $14 next to the one on the shelf for $7! So guess whose gonna get the $14 brand tomorrow? :ohwell: I'll use the Viobin for my hair.
Okay, so I'm like the opposite, my brand is Spectrum - $15, however, I'm downgrading to the Viobin, I get more for the $$. And it is great on hair. Thanks for the heads up, I'll get the lecithin grantules....you're keeping me on my toes...*Br*nze goes digging for Super Beauty Book to read-up on lecithin and weight loss...*
I received the powdered egg yesterday. Of course, everything came to a hault so that I could investigate my packages.

The package was very neat, and clean. Box in excellent condition. The product came in a large can that was spotless. I opened the large can of powder. It has no smell. I expected it to smell yolkie but it doesn't. Now for the taste test. I put a little in a spoon and added water and tasted it....."raw egg" pride and true.
I made a egg shake and drank happily. The dry egg mixed excellently. There was no residue there was no powder at the bottom. All of it blended; "as would an egg". The dehydrated egg is a winner....I have attached a picture of the product.


Ok I want this stuff, do me one small favor mama, tell me where you got it again, I know its back there in the thread somewhere, dont be mad at me for askin u to tell me again :grin:

I most def wanna get this
PuffyBrown I'm glad you found something you like. :yep:

Br*nzeb if you really want to hear something big Mary Ann (the author) gives a formular for weight loss that allowed her to lose 12 pounds in just 2 weeks (that is not a typo). Here's what she did:

  • B Complex
  • B6 (50 mg)
  • ACV (1 tsp in water after every meal)
  • Kelp (5 - 6 tablets after every meal)
  • Low cal diet (1000 daily)

I'm gonna tried it but I will up my calories. I will admit the drink helps with the appetite but I'm not willing to go that low right now.
I read that. I had everything except for the sea kelp and the B6. I got the B6 but not the sea kelp...yet.
I wish she would have made some pictures.

PuffyBrown I'm glad you found something you like. :yep:

Br*nzeb if you really want to hear something big Mary Ann (the author) gives a formular for weight loss that allowed her to lose 12 pounds in just 2 weeks (that is not a typo). Here's what she did:

  • B Complex
  • B6 (50 mg)
  • ACV (1 tsp in water after every meal)
  • Kelp (5 - 6 tablets after every meal)
  • Low cal diet (1000 daily)
I'm gonna tried it but I will up my calories. I will admit the drink helps with the appetite but I'm not willing to go that low right now.
PuffyBrown I'm glad you found something you like. :yep:

Br*nzeb if you really want to hear something big Mary Ann (the author) gives a formular for weight loss that allowed her to lose 12 pounds in just 2 weeks (that is not a typo). Here's what she did:

  • B Complex
  • B6 (50 mg)
  • ACV (1 tsp in water after every meal)
  • Kelp (5 - 6 tablets after every meal)
  • Low cal diet (1000 daily)
I'm gonna tried it but I will up my calories. I will admit the drink helps with the appetite but I'm not willing to go that low right now.
This is so funny. After your post about lecithin, i re-read the book and found this as well. Last night, about the time of your post. Amazing. I will try, 1000 calories will have me crawling on the floor. Yep, I will pick up the rest today hopefully. I think the 2% milk is making me bulk-up. I think I'll go back to soy...I am firm, though! *makes a muscle*Thanks for the post...there's so much in that book, you just have to read it a couple, no, 4 times or so to grasp it all. I think I saw a supplement that has all those ingredients in it...maybe Puritan's Pride? I'll research..
You got that right. My muscles in my arms are great. They had gotten soft (I think I told this story before)..anyhoo... Are you using the lecithin grans?

This is so funny. After your post about lecithin, i re-read the book and found this as well. Last night, about the time of your post. Amazing. I will try, 1000 calories will have me crawling on the floor. Yep, I will pick up the rest today hopefully. I think the 2% milk is making me bulk-up. I think I'll go back to soy...I am firm, though! *makes a muscle*Thanks for the post...there's so much in that book, you just have to read it a couple, no, 4 times or so to grasp it all. I think I saw a supplement that has all those ingredients in it...maybe Puritan's Pride? I'll research..
Dang! Raw eggs, eh? I was hoping your were gonna say something fun to drink, like wine. :lol: I think I'll stick with the MT. :yep:

shoot, if it was wine, i was going upstate to the brotherhood winery and was going to come back with CASES of holiday! :lachen:
Hey LOV, I think water is okay. Anything else may affect the absorption of the nutrients...good deal with 64 oz, that's what I need to get back into...I've relapsed into ---Coca Cola---horrid, huh? I've got to break that habit...it's not good, I drink it too much!

is everyone else waiting 2 hrs??
I can't seem to go that long, after an hour I'm usually eating :wallbash:
This is so funny. After your post about lecithin, i re-read the book and found this as well. Last night, about the time of your post. Amazing. I will try, 1000 calories will have me crawling on the floor. Yep, I will pick up the rest today hopefully. I think the 2% milk is making me bulk-up. I think I'll go back to soy...I am firm, though! *makes a muscle*Thanks for the post...there's so much in that book, you just have to read it a couple, no, 4 times or so to grasp it all. I think I saw a supplement that has all those ingredients in it...maybe Puritan's Pride? I'll research..

After I read about it in the book I was all over google and I did find a product that was an all-in-one. I rather get then separate so I know what I'm getting.

This AM I added the b-comples and the b-6 in the blender along with the egg drink. It easier and I will make sure I'm taking my b's! :yep:
I wait 2 hours and must admit it take effort for me. So I drink mines on the way to work and that way I only have to wait an hour after I get to work.
PuffyBrown I'm glad you found something you like. :yep:

Br*nzeb if you really want to hear something big Mary Ann (the author) gives a formular for weight loss that allowed her to lose 12 pounds in just 2 weeks (that is not a typo). Here's what she did:

  • B Complex
  • B6 (50 mg)
  • ACV (1 tsp in water after every meal)
  • Kelp (5 - 6 tablets after every meal)
  • Low cal diet (1000 daily)
I'm gonna tried it but I will up my calories. I will admit the drink helps with the appetite but I'm not willing to go that low right now.

seems like the 1000 calories will allow u to lose the weight by itself...no need for the other ingredients
I tried adding brewer's yeast to my cocktail, but they didn't blend :ohwell: i guess i need to press the higher buttons to get real blending action...

i'm really hoping that weight loss combo works...don't forget, drink vinegar water with a straw, it ruins teeth.
So I finally found my raw wheat germ (WG) at the health food store. I bought 3-4 bags...Added it to my cocktail (with some toasted WG) and I let's just say I'm waiting for the taste to wear on me. I didn't like it and I almost regret buying so much of it, but I will stick with it for now.