Drink Water For Blingin Hair Challenge!

today was not a good water day for me. I only drunk a couple of ounces while at the gym and that's it. I will do better tomorrow....promise.
I'm in too. I do drink about 40-60 ounces of water a day. I just keep a bottle on my desk and replace it when I suck it down. I do add my liquid chlorophyl to one of the bottles to get that in daily.
This is soooooo hard to do .. I barely drink a bottle a day ... Nevertheless, I'm in! But I may need a buddy to hit me up daily questioning my water intake :lachen:
i'm in i have been struggling lately with it, but i need to drink water, not just for my hair, but to have things move properly and to help with my skin condition. i'm drinking water right now.
I'm on it. I have a small water jug (it's pink and looks like a small ozarka bottle with a handle). I figure I might as well drink from something visually pleasing with a spout. I am working on my first 32 oz right now. I will try to drink 2 of these per day. I added about half an ounce of koolaid to give it some flavor though lol.

that is what i use! this way if i drink two of those a day, i got what i needed. i got mine from walgreens for $3. i couldn't see myself just drinking cups of water all day.
2 L's today and nearly pee'd myself 4x's, the urge to tinkle comes so fast and strong :)
yes i felt like sharing that
I passed day one...sorta. I drank 64 ounces (but should have had another 8 ounces), and already have 16 ounces accomplished so far today.
I hardly drink fake drinks, but I am a huge fruit juice fanatic. I put a stop to that one month ago and have only been drinking water as my beverage. It was hard at first, but I plan to keep this up for another few months and then ease into my fruit juices again. Have I seen an improvement? I would say on the hair, I have to wait a little longer before the verdict is out on that but as for my skin it looks extremely clear and even.

Almond Eyes
Our water's back on, but it looks murky! It's not clear at all. WTH???? I am NOT drinking this :censored:

I'm so incredibly annoyed right now. I'm so thirsty!!! :wallbash:
Yipee! I did all of my 85ozs and I don't think I peed as much! It was easier today. I do 500ml before work, keep a 1ltr bottle on my desk that I have to finish before I go home, and do the last 1ltr at home
One thing to remember is that the water will ony affect the hair the new growth not the hair that is already on your head. So if your hair still feels dry after drinking lots of water, dont get discouraged, you have to give it time for the new growth to come in.

This is not true. It's a common misconception.

The hair strand is continuous, and though hair is dead, it has layers that are continuous and feed right from the bulb. What you give to your body is not only apparent in the new growth, it is also spread throughout the core of the hair- (again because the entire strand is one continous length and it feeds out from the bulb). Since there is no disconnect between the bulb and the rest of the hair, what is available to the hair at the root, will eventually spread out to the tips/ends of the strand. You may notice it first at the new growth, but it will also make a difference in the hair that has already grown out (though this may take longer).


You can see between the root (bulb and papilla) and the rest of the strand, there is no division or block to the spread of nutrients and minerals to the rest of the shaft. This is one of the main reasons doctor can take tell whether you have ingested certain drugs by studying your hair strands (whether the roots are in tact or not!)

Oh yeah PS- I'm in too! :o
Okay, I've gotten 3 cups in so far :ohwell: I'll get another 2, maybe 3 before I go to bed...
I'm in too. I do drink about 40-60 ounces of water a day. I just keep a bottle on my desk and replace it when I suck it down. I do add my liquid chlorophyl to one of the bottles to get that in daily.

***off to see what liquid chlorophyl does***
***off to see what liquid chlorophyl does***

I'm wondering about that too, gotta do some research.

Yesterday I only got in 32 ounces. I am going to try to make sure I get at least 1 bottle (32 ounces) before noon and another bottle before dinner. I haven't been in the br as much as I thought though. :grin: