Drink Water For Blingin Hair Challenge!

im in. i was just thinking the other day how i feel off my water game. so im back on. in fact im drinking water now lol.
I think it's good to start off slow, like aim for at least 32 oz and then gradually increase the amount.

1/2 your weight in ounces is good, but if I did that I'd be in the bath ALL day :lol:

I'm down with the bolded....I'll start shooting for at least a liter a day...that is doable... :yep:
I'm in too! Almost any kind of fluid intake is hard for me. For some reason everything goes straight through and I end up in the br constantly. My body needs cleansing and I need to lose weight too so this will be great for me. I will be adding vitamins to my daily water intake. I plan on starting slow with 6 glasses per day and working my way up to 8.
This is officially my first post after lerking for a few weeks but I'm in. I have a seriously problem drinking water so a challenge will make me focus on doing it. I am just beginning my healthy hair journey so I am very excited.
I love water, it's pretty much all I drink.
I want to join this challenge and from now on I will drink half my body weight or more daily.
I am in. I have a glass of it right now. I need to continue to lose weight. I also want to see what it will do for my hair, so here it goes...
"Even if you are hydrating your skin on the outside, proper internal hydration is critical to maintaining total health and function of your precious epidermis. Similarly, your hair and nails will show signs of wear if your body is not getting the proper amount of water. If your nails are dry, brittle, and cracked, and you do not do anything strenuous with your hands to cause a problem with nail health, increasing your water intake could help repair your nails. Hair will be dry and damaged if the follicles are not saturated with enough moisture. The moisture is directly linked to water intake. "

Source: http://www.carefair.com/nutrition/do_you_drink_enough_water_973.html
Review: http://maturenatural.wordpress.com/2008/01/10/is-your-water-intake-affecting-your-hair-health/
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I have fallen of my water game in a terrible way. I use to get at least 64 oz a week. Now I'm lucky if I even get 30:nono:
I definitely need to get on this... I need to loose weight and my hair needs some internal moisture. its loosing its shine.
I must be a lucky girl, 'cause I don't drink water and my hair is doing okay. However, I need to drink around 64 ounces of water for overall health. I'm in!
I'm in too. I was drinking a gallon of water a day :yep: for like 3 wks straight. I got that off of Mary J in an essence mag. I quickly fell off, but if I discipline myself I can do it again. So I'm def in.
Ok, yeah, it's almost tomorrow, but I just drank my first 2 glasses. How sad is that? Hopefully I'll have enough control not to pee in the bed :blush:
me too i need to be up on my water game i think i only drank like an eleven ounce cup of milkshake and thats all i had to drink today so dehydrated is like an understatement im hittin the bottle.
I realized that since I started bring my nalgene to work, that's helped a lot! I'm jumping aboard this challenge, both for my hair and skin (plus that whole overall health thing, I hear that's good to have)
I got all of my water in yesterday!

This is gonna be such a challenge for me cause I usually only get like 1 maybe 2 glasses of water a day. Sad, I know :ohwell:
How are we doing today, ladies? I didn't make it anywhere near my goal yesterday (only 2-16.9 oz bottles and my goal is 7.5 for 1/2 my weight). But today is a new day with new possibilities for success. I'm working on my second bottle now.

Anybody else up and at 'em?
I'm in and I'm starting on my first .5 liter bottle as we speak. 100 oz. is the requirement for my weight, so that's about seven bottles for me. I doubt if I reach that goal today, especially since I have never consumed that much water in one day in my life, but I will work my way up to it. If I can stay off the toilet long enough!
I'm on it. I have a small water jug (it's pink and looks like a small ozarka bottle with a handle). I figure I might as well drink from something visually pleasing with a spout. I am working on my first 32 oz right now. I will try to drink 2 of these per day. I added about half an ounce of koolaid to give it some flavor though lol.
I want to join!!
To make it easier for me I had to break it down.
This is a 90 day challenge.
So I did a daily break down..
The cups at work are 350cc= to ~12 ounces.
I need to drink 82 oz for my body weight, but I will be drinking for 96 oz per day.

I can take one of these plastic cups home.

So here is my regimen:
1 cup before leaving the house in the morning

1cup after breakfast

2 cups at 10:30- 11am.

1 cup before lunch

1 cup after lunch

1 cup before I go to school in the evenings

1 cup before bed with my msm and vit C.

Trust me I need this structure or I will never get it done.

So how does that sound?
I could never drink the amount of water I drink daily if I drank it cold out of the frige. Especially since it's getting cooler. I always drink my water when it's close to room temperature. On my bad days I get at least 32oz most day I ge 48-56oz which is recomended for my weight.
OK.....I've done about 60ozs...only 25ozs to go!! I'll have that with my vits tonight.

My first day has been hard going....I have to pee every 10 minutes!!!

Sevetlana...you got the right idea, I think i'll try a regime, that way it won't seem so hard going!!

oooppps...gotta pee!! goodnight all:sleeping:
Sevetlana, That's a good water reggie! I need to make one, too :yep:

The stupid freakin water company cut off our water, when they were SUPPOSED to cut off the neighbors!!! :wallbash:

They'll be here tomorrow, so I have to cut way back on water today. We only have 1 jug, and I'm using it for the kids. I'll probably get one or two cups in today :censored:

Today was wash day, too. I wanna dc!!! :censored: