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How do you feel when someone touches your hair without asking?

  • Flattered

    Votes: 72 13.9%
  • Annoyed

    Votes: 386 74.5%
  • Dont care

    Votes: 97 18.7%

  • Total voters
I personally have it happen to me all the time. I honestly don't like it. I don't care who you are. I swear people do it to me to see if I have weave. But so what if I did whose business is it. I don't like ANYONE touching my hair.
It all depends who is doing the touching. I don't care if its my man, my besties, or family. But when strangers do it or folks I'm just not close with well yes its a problem.
I feel pretty much like everyone else does--if u're someone I know, then u're cool--but if u're someone im not familiar with then get the steppin.....accept for lil children (with clean hands) though :) I think it's soo cute when they reach up to play with someone's tresses!
When my hair is straight I could care less. It is flattering most of the time unless they cross the line... When my hair is curly it annoys me so bad. Do not pull on my curls. First it makes it frizz when you pull a curl out, second it can even make it a different length (temporarily) then the rest of my hair, and third I do not want your fingers to get stuck in my hair (I don't brush it dry so why would I want your fingers to pick it). Moral of the story DO NOT TOUCH CURLY HAIR no matter how tempting!!! PS All you women with curly hair know what I am talking about :)
I cannot stand when people touch my hair! :wallbash:

I even used to hate it when my mom used to make it growing up. I guess because I might be super tenderheaded or something but every person that manages to touch it pulls it in some way.

I remember one time in Grade 6 where I straightened it and at the time it was around apl-bsl and some girl ran up and just grabbed my hair and said how beautiful it was. I guess by beautiful she meant long - IRL, y'all long haired ladies in here are putting me to shame! - because my mama greased the ish outta my hair! hair hates anyone but me up in it.
It would annoy me but you know people dont touch my hair. Only my previous SO and my brother have had the b@lls to reach out touch my hair and I dont mind when they do it. I swear I must have a look about me that says reach out with those dirty little fingers to touch my head and You Will Pull Back A Nub lol
i used to be in a cult. and they said you shouldn't let anyone touch your head because a devil could possess you that way.

Only the ministers could touch your head. by laying on of hands, etc. we've all seen that on t.v. You know where they "cast out demons" or "heal" folks by putting their hand on your head. (then shoving you backwards so that you fall on your a&*(&ss when everyone else thinks you've fainted.):ohwell:
ANNOYED to the 10th power! I had to politely tell my grandmother to stop touching my hair. She would hate if I touched her hair, so I don't know why she always liked to put her hand in mine. I wouldn't do it without permission but I never have an urge to touch people's hair.
Mostly annoyed ESPECIALLY when folks want to pull on a curl or twist to see how long my hair is. I tell them "yes, it's longer than yours now get your damned hands out of my head" and they leave me alone.

I actually did a Matrix move to deflect an older woman from touching my hair at work. Bent back and the whole nine. It was a HUMID day, hotter than a dragon's mouth and I was sticky all over so I KNOW my hair was feeling damp, and here she goes about to tug on my damn hair and make it even frizzier. I was not in the mood.
It depends. I'm a pretty affectionate person with my family especially my dad and he'll kiss the top of my head on instinct or cradle my head and I love that. Of course he doesn't ask beforehand and its cool.:drunk: He does make sure not to pull on it lol. But heaven help any stranger that dares touch my hair without asking. And if even if someone asks, I don't know them. It's just straaaaange IMO.:ohwell:
I had an episode with that this weekend. My SO's coworkers aren't used to weave and when they saw the latest curly install I have, they decided to put their hands all in it and shake it. Man talk about UPSET! Afterwards, I shampooed and detangled my hair. Needless to say it looked like a freakin kitten was on the floor after all the hair came out!!!
As long as you ask, don't treat me like a science experiment, are a women and sane I may let you touch my locs....and have a conversation with you about them. :yep:
Mostly annoyed ESPECIALLY when folks want to pull on a curl or twist to see how long my hair is. I tell them "yes, it's longer than yours now get your damned hands out of my head" and they leave me alone.

I actually did a Matrix move to deflect an older woman from touching my hair at work. Bent back and the whole nine. It was a HUMID day, hotter than a dragon's mouth and I was sticky all over so I KNOW my hair was feeling damp, and here she goes about to tug on my damn hair and make it even frizzier. I was not in the mood.

Ok that had me cracking up imagining you bending backwards in slo-mo :lachen::lachen:

But I know the feeling.
Touching someone's hair is like coming up to them and squeezing their boob, butt or love handles.

It just aint right, don't do it. My body is my temple, but if you feel the need to worship it, please do so from a distance.
omg people (that i know) touch my hair allllllllllllll the time without asking me !! i HATE it...but im so nice so i usually just smile while side-eying them in my mind...i dont mind if you ask me first, then im flattered...but just dont reach your hands all up in my head without permission...i wouldnt let a stranger touch my hair, even if they asked, and if they did it w/o asking there would be repercussions
I HATE IT when people try to touch my hair without warning. Like, seriously, I DESPISE IT. I went to a family reunion and my fam hadn't seen me since I BC'ed, and they kept touching my hair and asking me what I did to it. I was inFURiated, especially because I had used this crappy gel that day since I was on vacay and didn't have my HG products, and it was all crunchy (especially since it was about 100 degrees outside)...I HATE crunchy hair! Then, my mom touched it last week and I winced...I didn't want to be mean to her but I was like uuuuugggghhh! And she was like, Oh it's wet! And I was like no duh mom, I cowash my hair everyday and let it air dry!
I always assumed I would be cool with friends and family doing it, but not strangers of course.

But recently a friend, while commenting on how long its gotten. Grabbed a piece and kinda flipped it. I was kinda shocked, and annoyed. But I felt bad that I felt that way. After all she is a friend. I guess it was how she did it more than, THAT she did it.
i extra hate when ppl try and touch it b4 its my hair is frizzy and your fingers are wet...nobody wins

Exactly! And some people really want to act like it's gross that your hair is wet - one time my friend touched my TWA and was like, "Ew! There's stuff on it!" And I was like, "Uh...yea...conditioner. What, you want my hair to be a dry and scraggly as yours? No gracias!"
Honestly it creeps me out. If its family I don't mind, but when a complete stranger touches my hair even if its to say its so pretty, I feel violated LOL
i hate it. I'm not a dog, don't come up to me and pet my hair like I'm one. but if you ask ... then it's different it feels more like admiration then just "omg look at that girls hair, it's so different. let me race up and touch it"
I wouldn't mind. I'd be quite flattered, actually. It's not like its gonna fall out just from them touching it.
Sometimes it bothers me (even if the person is clean), sometimes it doesn't.

BTW I thought hair was one of the germiest (new word) things on a human and it traps bacteria. Add that together with a lot of us washing once or twice per week, people might be coming back with "dirtier" hands than when they grabbed the hair LOL