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How do you feel when someone touches your hair without asking?

  • Flattered

    Votes: 72 13.9%
  • Annoyed

    Votes: 386 74.5%
  • Dont care

    Votes: 97 18.7%

  • Total voters
Meh. It's fine. I don't really like it but I'm pretty laid-back so it's like whatever.

Usually they're just tryna see if it's real. I'm thinking, yeah go ahead and try to check for tracks(is it track or tract?). My cousin gave me a blatant weave check the last time I saw her. She went "Oh your hair is so long!" and I thought she was reaching up to stroke it, next thing i know i had four fingers rubbing up on my scalp. :lachen:That's fine.
It's just hair - don't really care. Now, if they they are intentionally messing up my hair do then that's another story.
It doesn't matter much to me. I'm indifferent. (As far as coworkers, casual acquaintences, family) Nobody has ever touched my hair after eating fried chicken or playing in mud or anything. :lol:

I've been blatently weave checked and that amuses me more than anything. Now people who I don't know from Adam apparently have the good sense to not touch me at all and stick with verbal compliments, as they should. Sometimes they ask, and I oblige.
Ive had an associate pull my hair at the grocery store and it hurt. I guess she was doing a sneaky weave check, and it still pisses me off when I think about it. DONT TOUCH MY HAIR SNEAKY ****!!!! OK im alright now:look:

Yeah I would've cussed her ARSE out.
That is an invasion of ones personal space. I do not like it. However, if I am asked first, then it MAY be ok. However, I would probably ask the person if there hands were clean. Or, I would avoid it all together by just saying no. It depends on the circumstances and the person asking ...
I've only had a weave check once and it was by my fiance's best friend(male) so it didn't bother me. I feel like most people- Family and friends are okay, strangers better back up off me.
If you are not my parents, my man, an elderly relative (who used to comb my hair), or my hairdresser, Don't even think about it!!!! I notice people(who don't know me) act like they want to do the wannabe slick weave check, but they never follow through. I have a way of stopping people dead in their tracks with a look. I don't play that.
:nono2: I feel annoyed...

I know that they didn't mean any harm, but when I was natural, someone would touch my hair and say "oh, it's so soft" or "your hair is a lot softer than it looks". My response, in the sweetest voice I could muster: "Yeah, I know it looks like a brillo pad, but it isn't quite that rough."

After it happened several times, I learned to duck.
i dont care if pple touch my hair. its not like they are pulling it or doing anything that can damage it in the 30 seconds, if that, that they run their fingers through my hair. if they pull it or have something on their hands then thats a different story. other than that i could care less.
with friends and family, i don't say anything but it does make me a little uncomfortable sometimes because i'm protective of my hair :o. i will get annoyed if they're too rough because i know they'll mess it up. there are times that i'm ok with them touching it though.

strangers have never tried but i would be highly annoyed if they did.
Nah I dont mind really as long as they dont have dirty hands or look like they have dirty hands. I can understand with my semi-obsession of hair how someone would want to touch. :yep:
I could care less!! Its not like they puttin they hands in my face or something. They want to touch it be my guest. :-) Im a hair toucher myself. Its just hair!
I only let people I know who ask first touch my hair.

Just the other day some girl on the bus tried to fondle my bun and I smacked her hand. Babies I don't mind but if you're old enough to ride the bus by yourself keep your hands to yourself.
I was in Sallys, looking for some seamless combs, and this girlchild who worked there walked up to me, asked me if I needed help (no), and did I have dreads (no) and then proceeded to touch my hair!!!!! Mind you, my hair was up, which made it worse, as she was almost touching my HEAD .... ya'll, I nearly went into convulsions. Mind ya'll, I'm a generally quiet, mildmannered, won't honk at you unless you are FORREAL about to put a dent in my car kinda person, and I don't know HOW I looked at that woman, but she scurried her happy tail back behind that register without a word.

So, yeah. I've finally had a complete stranger touch my hair, and I was truly of a mind to bite her hand (and head) off.

I chose all three because it depends on how well I know the person. If they're a complete stranger, I feel annoyed. I mean, hello? Personal space please? If they're an acquaintance, I'm either slightly flattered or I don't care. If it's family or friends, I don't care.
ooo, oooo, oooo! Before my BC people would walk up and touch my hair like I was a monkey in a zoo! I actually had some old white woman yank my french-braid!!!! Recently, I have a fro, some lady walking by actually tried to run her finger through the side of my hair! I gave her THE BIZ-NIZZZ!!! :swearing:
I don't mind at all. My family and friends can touch my hair whenever they want, unless they're messing up my 'do ... then they need to step off. I actually work with a friend of mine who likes to touch my hair every day. But what kills me is that she sniffs it too because I co-wash and it always smells fresh. I think it's hilarious when she does that 'cuz she's just being stoopid. I only let her get away with it because we're friends though.

Now strangers? Nawwww son ... back it up!
I don't want nor like anyone hands in my head :clubu:

When I had my Afro puff, I remember people would pet it! Like I was a some poodle! That used to make me so mad. Especially when brothas would do it :mob:
I couldn't stand it when a stranger tried to touch my head when I was rocking a boy hair cut, so I know I'll be annoyed if a stranger tries to touch my hair without permission. I don't care if it's a family member. It's kind of like when I was pregnant: family=OK, strangers =BACK OFF!
It doesn't really bother me if my friends or family touch my hair, but I don't care for strangers or persons I don't know that well to do so. So I guess my real answer is yes and no.
I live in Japan, so at times, my fro/twist can be an attraction. If I'm in the mood and they aren't too intrusive, I will let the young girls touch and take a pic w/me. But that typical happens if I am alone and not with my kids.
I live in Japan, so at times, my fro/twist can be an attraction. If I'm in the mood and they aren't too intrusive, I will let the young girls touch and take a pic w/me. But that typical happens if I am alone and not with my kids.

Co-signing... when I lived in Asia I wasn't as offended as I am here; the kids there were fascinated by black hair, and you're dealing with a different culture... but here in the States I hate it, especially when someone has to touch your hair just because you have a new do, or even if you do something as simple as switching the side of your part, but you hear them saying how much they hate for someone to touch their hair. :ohwell:
depends on who it is. If it's a family member or friend, i probably won't mind. But a complete stranger, i will most likely not like it. It also depends on the manner in which they do it. I remember a coworker lightly tugged my hair. I almost sh** in my pants, it was unexpected and sudden. Luckily she did it very lightly because maybe i would have had a quick reflex reaction.