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How do you feel when someone touches your hair without asking?

  • Flattered

    Votes: 72 13.9%
  • Annoyed

    Votes: 386 74.5%
  • Dont care

    Votes: 97 18.7%

  • Total voters
It really depends, because if I know the person and I am cool with them, then I don't have a problem with it. But it it is a total stranger or someone that I really don't care for, then I get upset.
for me, it really depends on who it is. the average person in my life wouldn't just touch my hair...unless its my mom or sister who have become quite enamored with my hair (being newly natural and all)....when I first cut, I had quite a few random coworkers (no relationship) just wanting to touch and I would be ecstatic that when they touched their hands would be wet. lol. I cowashed daily in the mornings and my hair would usually be wet for the first 4 hours of my work day.
I used to hate it. People would come up to me and touch my hair all the time when I was younger. But now no one really pays much attention to it, and I miss the compliments.
I get more than annoyed. I hate it! I am not an animal in a zoo. Don't pet me! And when was the last time you washed your grimy hands? My boyfriend touches my hair. My close friends if they ask first. The end.

I had a co-worker ask to touch my braids once. When I said no, she had the nerve to ask why. Because I said so ****! I hate people who feel entitled. I just looked at her like she was crazy and kept it moving.
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If is a stranger, I move my head away and ask them to stop. If it is a relative or friend, than it's cool. I have one particular relative that always touches my head when we're chatting. :spinning:
I usually don't have this problem. Sometimes if I've tried a new product and I'm especially pleased with the result, I'll ask someone close to me to feel it. Once my boss came in and touched my hair without being invited. She seems facinated by my hair. She asked if it was a wash-n-go. I was so disturbed by her touching it, I just said yes to get off the subject. Even though I'm relaxed, sometimes I can fix it to make it look like a curly 'fro. She apparently thought I was wearing my hair natural that day:ohwell:
I voted dont care because most people dont touch my hair unless I know them very well, like my sister, mother, etc. My ex touches my hair all the time but he snaps his hands back and is like "Sorry, I know girls dont usually like it when people mess up their hair..." But if you're close to me, I dont mind at all. I dont normally do intricate styles anyway, so my hair is always easy to put back in place. =]
I dont like people touching my hair unless its friends or family but its not that serious r pple to pull bacC a nub LOL
I'm just starting to feel how really soft my hair is (because I'm still new) the last couple of days its been me the culprit :grin: I have the HIAD right now. But my supervisor asked me about my hair and said it looked really good and healthy (made me feel awesome) because on January 31, 2009 it was dry and damaged. There is still damage. Then she asked to touch it so I said go ahead --- she was like OMG its as soft as a feathered pillow. Today when I come in to work there two coworkers come to my desk and said my supervisor said they should come feel my hair... I was like nope - nobody's hands in hair but I guess its ok with people I know but these two I didn't know... I think they just thought it wasn't as soft as my supe said. Later she comes and says she sent them over - why would I not let them touch it. I said I didn't know them - that's like letting a stranger touch your belly when you're pregnant (NOT!)
I was a hair model for a couple of years and had to really get beyond the whole "Don't touch my hair" thing. They paid me to let people touch my hair. So now that I wear my hair natural, people still want to feel my hair. Especially Caucasians!
Annoyed as all get out. I have to constantly tell men not to touch my hair. Women no better. One day the clean up guy at my job was emptying the trash and then he touched my hair :nono:. I went ballistic. I was so mad.
:lachen: LMAO! I also hate the "ooh it's so soft" comment What did you think ti was gonna feel like?! F*£$%^& wire wool?!!! :nono: Arghh! esp. when it comes from a white women :wallbash:

My man- please do!
Good looking man- it's ok.
Family member- it's ok.
Female I don't know- keep yo' hands out my head!
Beautician with tore up head- keep yo' DAMN hands out of my head!
It depends upon whom it is. Some of my friends, Naaaaah, don't care. Some folk I "know" but perhaps don't wanna be bothered with, Donn't touch nuttin' on me. :lachen:
Its all good either way, hmm I should have put flattered, dang wasnt thinking! But I guess it depends, because I am flattered if they think its pretty, annoyed when the wanna see if its real, or if I just get my hair done and dont want hands in it! And dont care if someone is just touching it to play with it... lol idk
What bothers me is when white people -- and maybe this isn't a problem with younger white people -- touch your hair of their own volition (I mean, I didn't ask them to touch my hair) and then rub their fingers or hands as if there's some grease or something on them. WHEN I KNOW THERE IS NO GREASE GONNA COME OFF ON YOUR HANDS IF YOU TOUCH MY HAIR.

It's like it's in their minds that if they touch a black person's hair it's gonna be greasy. But gee whiz, if you think something is going to be greasy WHY UP AND TOUCH IT??? I mean DAMN.

Like I said, I hope it's just older white people. Hopefully the younger ones know better?
When I was wearing my curly hw, strangers would come up and touch it without warning, along with a comment like your hair is so cool! Black men would do the touch and go to weave check it (one got confused cuz he was checking for tracks and didn't feel any lol). White men would just feel it and say "coool" and call me Foxxy Cleopatra or something(not kidding). Women wouldn't touch (the woman code lol). I took it off because it was causing too much annoyance/rukus on my part.

No one touches my real hair, it's usually in an airdried bun. But when they do, as long as it's someone I actually know, I let them, because they marvel at how soft it is.
I clicked all three. It's a combination for me. Mostly, it depends on the person, though. Sometimes I may think, "Well, they seem impressed and just want to feel it, so I'm flattered..but I'm annoyed because I wish they'd ask before they just stick their fingers in my hair..." Other times I may not care because I know who it is, I know they mean no harm, and I know they practice good hygiene and aren't going to stick dirty hands in my hair. Basically, certain friends know I may snap if they do. Then there are the people I know are just digging to find something snarky to say and there is no combination. I'm flat out annoyed and will express as much.
If its a random stranger I am generally annoyed. Expecially if my hair is out in a wash n go because my curls will frizz if they are touched too much. if its somebody who I KNOW is trying to throw shade heck yea they can touch. Just so I can see the look of surprise on their face when they feel how soft and wonderfully curly my hair is. It makes me wanna yell " what now suckaaaaa!!" lol.

But if its a friend or family I'm fine. I don't like my Mom to do it though because she likes REALLY wild hair and I like somewhat sculpted, wild hair and she can't touch my damn hair with out messing up my curls " I like the frizzy look", well geez mom make YOUR hair frizzy.
I didn't answer the poll becasue I have mixed feels. I actually was talking to a girlfriend about this over the weekend.

If you are a woman, I don't really care. If you are a man and we aren't in the moment. DONOT GO THERE. I guy friend touched my hair on Friday and it was one of those prolongs touches. Made me uncomfortable and when I said ok that enough he didn't stop as soon as I would have liked.

My dad touches my hair ALOT and it bothers me. I tolerate it but it bothers me. Anyone else feel this way?
It's no big deal for me. I like that they feel comfortable touching my hair and isn't "afraid" of the black woman myth.
I would rather people not touch my hair or my person. I am just that way...always have been. I just believe that within reason, personal space should be respected. You won't find me caressing strangers...just not my tea. My close friends...we clearly have built up to familiar interaction; so I am not as moved when they touch my hair, but even then, they know to ask PRIOR. The ones that forget are quickly, yet nicely reminded. I try not to go ballistic off the bat; sometimes the desire to touch does come from a place of innocence.

Bottom line, I prefer people to ask and thereby give me the choice to approve or decline. More than likely for most, it is a decline.

My grandmother always told me not to let people put there hands in my head because you dont know if they wash their hands after using the bathroom. So for this reason when i see a hand coming towards my head I usually do the bob and weave. I dont need anybodys pee pee fingers in my head
I wouldn't like it if a stranger touched my hair - you just never know what energy they coming with.

I had men touch my hair as a way to flirt - didn't like it.

Friends rarely touch my hair. And if I feel a certain type of energy from someone trying to touch my hair, I will pull my hair up.

Family and b/f - don't mind.