Dont know what he embarrassed


Well-Known Member
I was driving in the car with my best friend. We were on our way to get something to eat. I was filling her in on my SO, what's been going on about us and a little about his family--some things not so nice but true....I told her a lot of things that in of itself, nothing would be wrong...but would still offend or upset the party not intended to hear it. I hope you guys know what I mean.

My cell phone (Palm Treo--DONT EVER BUY) was in my bag which was sitting in the back seat of my car. Apparently he called and the motion of the car caused it to answer the phone ALL without me knowing.

I'd say roughly about 30 minutes later after dropping my friend off and going home I called him. He tells me, he called me and heard me and my friend talking. He said that he was on the phone for a good 5 minutes...At first he was acting like he heard things I was saying....then after a while, he stated that he didnt really hear anything and couldnt even put a sentence together. I was trying to figure him out through his mood and tone after that but it became difficult because I caught an attitude after hearing that he stayed on the phone, and that may have given him one. In other words I couldnt tell if his attitude was because he really heard some things or he was just catching an attitude back.

I dont know what to think or believe. And, if I were him and I really heard anything, I'd probably feel a way too.

I really wish I could undo last night.....:sad:
Omg, I feel for you, this happened to me but luckily not with anyone I was interested in! Do you recall what you said? Did you say anything negative or embarrassing? If not then dont worry. Also check exactly what time his call came in and try to remember what you mighthave been saying at that time. Im not helping am I :look: Im one of those nutty people who hangs up the cell phone and presses the hang up button 5 times sometimes and occasionally will even rip off the battery cover to disconnect the phone to be SURE the phones hung up after a call :look:
My Palm Treo once called someone while I was peeing :mad:

But yeah, I'd be mortified too. Fortunately, my b/f knows exactly how I feel about certain members of his family. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to open up about it?

No, don't listen to me, I'm far too confrontational and this could lead to a fight in a relationship. Just suspend disbelief and pretend that it never happened.
Omg, I feel for you, this happened to me but luckily not with anyone I was interested in! Do you recall what you said? Did you say anything negative or embarrassing? If not then dont worry. Also check exactly what time his call came in and try to remember what you mighthave been saying at that time. Im not helping am I :look: Im one of those nutty people who hangs up the cell phone and presses the hang up button 5 times sometimes and occasionally will even rip off the battery cover to disconnect the phone to be SURE the phones hung up after a call :look:

Yes, I recall many things I said that may have been negative but they were not about him. It was just things he told me about some family members. Stuff like that.

Unfortunately I cannot tell the time when his call came in because after 1200am, it all reverts to the date all calls took place. I'm kind of mad at him for staying on the phone in stead of hanging up...but I cannot blame him because I dont know what I would have done given the same opportunity. But dang by 5 minutes, you pretty much knew what you were doing. I almost feel violated *sigh* I want to ask him what exactly did he hear but I am waaaay to embarrassed. I would just want to melt like metal and freeze forever....

My Palm Treo once called someone while I was peeing :mad:

But yeah, I'd be mortified too. Fortunately, my b/f knows exactly how I feel about certain members of his family. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to open up about it?

No, don't listen to me, I'm far too confrontational and this could lead to a fight in a relationship. Just suspend disbelief and pretend that it never happened.

Oh how I wish I could do this....
Hmm, I think that by asking him what he heard may give off guilty vibes...if you know what I mean. Try to give him a little credit for admitting that he was on the phone for 5 or so minutes....he could have lied about that. If you know you weren't doggin him out I really wouldn't say anything. Now if he brings something up, then you will know how to play your hand.
Hmm, I think that by asking him what he heard may give off guilty vibes...if you know what I mean. Try to give him a little credit for admitting that he was on the phone for 5 or so minutes....he could have lied about that. If you know you weren't doggin him out I really wouldn't say anything. Now if he brings something up, then you will know how to play your hand.

Yeah, pretty much.... Thanks
you said stuff that would offend him or his family..both....

being honest with people is about saying the good and bad about how you feel....if you can talk behind his back about him or family they should all be things that can be said to at least his face since you guys are in a relationship....
you said stuff that would offend him or his family..both....

being honest with people is about saying the good and bad about how you feel....if you can talk behind his back about him or family they should all be things that can be said to at least his face since you guys are in a relationship....

No I wasnt saying anything bad about him or them, I was basically telling my best friend a few unpleasant things I knew (that he shared) about his family. Every thing I said about him was great...The only thing he could possibly be offended about is that I told my best friend some of his family's past mess. But since he is claiming not to have heard anything really, he was just fishing, I'm stuck with wondering....
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You can lock your Treo :)
Yep, DH's old Palm would call me ALL. THE. TIME. because he would purposely put my number in as the last call. I said, "you better lock that thing before you go calling the wrong person.":look: He eventually took my advice and started locking it. Problem solved.:yep:
You can lock your Treo :)
Sorry you had to find this out the hard way :(

Yep, DH's old Palm would call me ALL. THE. TIME. because he would purposely put my number in as the last call. I said, "you better lock that thing before you go calling the wrong person.":look: He eventually took my advice and started locking it. Problem solved.:yep:

It is locked. My phone has never called anyone...The thing is, when somebody calls you, it will automatically unlock for you to answer it. So the movement from the car, caused it to answer in my bag. Remember, he was calling me not me calling him...Other than that,I'd have to unlock to make a call.

My girlfriend has been trying to convince me that he did not hear anything. She said that he couldnt have because the way he is, would have definitely said something....I dunno...I'm still so embarrassed to the point where I didnt even answer the phone when he called yesterday. *sigh*
I don't think he heard anything because the phone was in the in the back seat. Its hard enough hearing with the phone just sitting out. My phone would call people without me knowing they said it wasn't clear. since the car was moving he didn't hear anything. Don't give him an attitude and don't question him, it make u look guilty. Trust me if he heard u repeat something he told you he would let you know. Don't be upset just let it go.
I don't think he heard anything because the phone was in the in the back seat. Its hard enough hearing with the phone just sitting out. My phone would call people without me knowing they said it wasn't clear. since the car was moving he didn't hear anything. Don't give him an attitude and don't question him, it make u look guilty. Trust me if he heard u repeat something he told you he would let you know. Don't be upset just let it go.

Thank you I really appreciate you and everyone else who has tried to make me feel better.

I rarely bring a personal problem to the board but this one really got to me.
It is locked. My phone has never called anyone...The thing is, when somebody calls you, it will automatically unlock for you to answer it. So the movement from the car, caused it to answer in my bag. Remember, he was calling me not me calling him...Other than that,I'd have to unlock to make a call.

My girlfriend has been trying to convince me that he did not hear anything. She said that he couldnt have because the way he is, would have definitely said something....I dunno...I'm still so embarrassed to the point where I didnt even answer the phone when he called yesterday. *sigh*

I understand this- but do you have key guard? I've never had my phone answer for me. It would take quite a lot of movement for the button to actually push in- and in addition to that, for all incoming calls I have three options to answer, ignore, or ignore w/ text message- so the phone would have to not only push a button, but push the *right* sequence of buttons to select the "answer" option. The likelihood of which is relatively low.
I don't know if that's something you can try with your phone (if you don't already have it) in addition to key guard.
OMG! How awful. Like others have said though, he didn't hear anything untoward. He was just looking to see what your response would be, and go from there.

Thank god you weren't telling your homegirl how he had a stumpy crayon or that you stayed fantasizing about your ex while you color with SO. That could have been really embarassing!
Why were you tellin your friend stuff about his family anyway. If i were him, I would have a problem with you runnin ya mouth about my fam.
I understand this- but do you have key guard? I've never had my phone answer for me. It would take quite a lot of movement for the button to actually push in- and in addition to that, for all incoming calls I have three options to answer, ignore, or ignore w/ text message- so the phone would have to not only push a button, but push the *right* sequence of buttons to select the "answer" option. The likelihood of which is relatively low.
I don't know if that's something you can try with your phone (if you don't already have it) in addition to key guard.

I'll look for it. I have a touch phone though. Maybe I could deactivate that part.

OMG! How awful. Like others have said though, he didn't hear anything untoward. He was just looking to see what your response would be, and go from there.

Thank god you weren't telling your homegirl how he had a stumpy crayon or that you stayed fantasizing about your ex while you color with SO. That could have been really embarassing!

LOL, no none of that. I dont even talk about sex related stuff with any of my friends anyway.

Why were you tellin your friend stuff about his family anyway. If i were him, I would have a problem with you runnin ya mouth about my fam.

Because she has been my best friend for over 20 years and that's how we are with each other.

Ok if you were him you'd have a problem.... and so would many others, hell, if I were him I may have had a problem too with this. I cant turn back the hands of time, cant take anything back....I just have to deal with what ever comes now.
I'll look for it. I have a touch phone though. Maybe I could deactivate that part.

Yeah look for that, b/c mine is a touch phone/screen as well. I can't remember exactly everything I did, but I know locking the screen, and disabling touchscreen, and using key guard helped.

I used to call folks while I was already on the phone w/ someone else :nono:. :lol:
Because she has been my best friend for over 20 years and that's how we are with each other.

Ok if you were him you'd have a problem.... and so would many others, hell, if I were him I may have had a problem too with this. I cant turn back the hands of time, cant take anything back....I just have to deal with what ever comes now.
regardless you need to watch what you tell her about your relationship AND his family. There is nothing you can do now, the cat is out of the bag.

Next time know and do better.

It appears as if hasnt really heard anything. When we talked last night he could tell something was wrong with me and kept asking me if it was something else...(a previous issue). I told him I was dealing with some other issue and that I would talk to him about it another time...Then he started talking about how much he loved me and missed me and our plans for the future. So I can only conclude that either he didnt hear anything significant, or what he did hear was not enough to upset him. Either way, I learned my lesson and just wanted to update you all. Again thanks for the advice, scolding and empathy. Love you all....

It appears as if hasnt really heard anything. When we talked last night he could tell something was wrong with me and kept asking me if it was something else...(a previous issue). I told him I was dealing with some other issue and that I would talk to him about it another time...Then he started talking about how much he loved me and missed me and our plans for the future. So I can only conclude that either he didnt hear anything significant, or what he did hear was not enough to upset him. Either way, I learned my lesson and just wanted to update you all. Again thanks for the advice, scolding and empathy. Love you all....

Oh I am so glad he didn't hear you don't have to deal with unnecessary drama:grin:

This is too funny and ironic cause the exact same thing happened to me last night and I have a Blackberry. My phone called my husband some how and he heard me tell my friend that I was kinda glad he was going on a business trip this week so I could have a little me time.:spinning: OOOPPPSS!!!! hahahahahha...he seemed a little salty about it at first so it will probably linger a little bit. These dam cell phones:lachen:
(((((HoneyLemonDrop))))))) I'm so glad he didn't hear anything. My phone does this all the time and it usually calls the person I most don't want eavesdropping.
Oh I am so glad he didn't hear you don't have to deal with unnecessary drama:grin:

This is too funny and ironic cause the exact same thing happened to me last night and I have a Blackberry. My phone called my husband some how and he heard me tell my friend that I was kinda glad he was going on a business trip this week so I could have a little me time.:spinning: OOOPPPSS!!!! hahahahahha...he seemed a little salty about it at first so it will probably linger a little bit. These dam cell phones:lachen:

LOL, My ex's phone called me once, and I heard him talking to another guy about careers and the like. I just hung up within the first minute or so. But if I was hearing some next ish or something about me, I probably would have stayed a little longer. I mean I understand that it's human nature to want to listen and to even get mad about something you hear, all the while knowing that it wasnt intended for your ears. I still feel like crap though, but I'm trying to push it out of my mind.

Anyway, I'm switching phones real soon. I almost want to go back to those ugly flip phones...

(((((HoneyLemonDrop))))))) I'm so glad he didn't hear anything. My phone does this all the time and it usually calls the person I most don't want eavesdropping.

All the time huh? What type of phone do you have...I want to avoid it, lol.

And thanks for the hug :)....
Awwww HLD :bighug: I'm glad it worked out- but I'm sorry you're still thinking about it. I wish I could *wish* it out of your mind. Don't beat yourself up over it.
Aww, I've a few "foot in the mouth" incidents under my belt myself. If the phone was in your bag, then the bag, or contents of your bag may have muffled the sound of your voices. There are times when people have accidentally called but the background noises etc have prevented me from hearing what they were saying.