Don't Announce You're going Natural...

I feel you ladies pain on the subject of natural hair. I did the bc in March so I could go natural. My family members hateed-did. It was ok for me to wear a short permed look but say you don't want a perm and they go crazy. :lachen: Folks are just scared of their natural hair and consider it ugly, nappy and hard to manage. I used to think it would be more work. I found that no matter what state your hair is in it still is work. Actually I applied heat last week for the first time after wearing a natural and twist since 3/05. I haven't seen my natural hair since elementary. Its all soft, shiny and fluffy. All I want is natural healthy long hair. When I was permed it was pretty, full and long. The the perm was drying and made it stifflike at times. I have been tempted on several occasions to relax but it would be a waste after all I went thru to get the guts to go natural. :perplexed I will get a professional flat iron and cut soon. I hope my hair will get trained and not fluffout eventually.