What's so wrong with being natural?

I mentioned to my mom that I haven't been to the salon in 4 months and she said "Oh, so you've been perming your own hair?" I said "Nope. I haven't had a perm since November." She then stated in a VERY alarmed tone "You haven't had a perm?!" Me - "Nope" Her- silence. My mother used to have big beautiful natural hair in the 70's, so I don't know why this would be so shocking to her. A lot of us have been programmed to think natural is ugly. We need to change our way of thinking.
I think natural and relaxed hair is beautiful. I think what is discouraging is that we (black people who are not natural, my former self) are conditioned to think that something is wrong with how our hair comes out of our head. I watched "Good Hair" and the comment that shocked me was the scene were the high school girls (three relaxed, one natural) said that if the natural girl went for a professional job interview they wouldn't hire her because of her hair and how it looks and nothing was wrong the the curly haired natural girl!

It took my hair to fall out from relaxers to go natural or I would HAVE NEVER done it, because I was convinced my hair was too nappy that it would not look right on me! I've learned so much about myself going through this natural journey and all the ladies on this forum are an inspiration. Welcome girlie, there are many wonderful teachers here!!
So Hi everyone, I'm a total lurker. I joined the forum about 2 months ago after lurking for a year. Well anyway, I was just talking to my momma and we were talking bout relaxers and being natural. Well she made a comment about black people dying to get relaxers when she was younger and that she doesn't understand why someone would want to be natural and "have a nappy bush on their head".:nono: I am a relaxed girl but I think natural hair is cute. What the hell is wrong with having nappy hair on your head. It's the hair God gave you so what is wrong with it. I'm seriously thinking about going natural just so I can have beautiful natural hair like many of you ladies on here and show her what being natural is all about.

Just a small rant and a introducing myself to LHCF.

Hey, and you know what, my mom makes me feel the same way when she starts talking some nonsense about good hair and bad hair. It really just turns me off that she is so against her own hair and she does not understand it. The only thing you can do is slowly try to educate her. I would not let her affect my hair decisions.

sorry to hear about your mom's comments. my mother, sister and i all transitioned at the same time so i don't get any of that from her, but my cousins (and even my best friend, who threatened to give her baby daughter a fade if her hair "naps up" like her brother's) are a completely different story. it's just strange to me how something we are born with can seem so FOREIGN to some people.