Does This Warrant A Conversation?


Well-Known Member
*this is long*

My mother and I attend a music festival every year. It is out of the country. My mother and I do a lot of things together especially traveling.

My bf has been hinting that I don't include him on my travels after I told him about these plans. Now, we plan our trips way in advance, so everything was already booked and paid for in advance. I asked my mother and her friend (another lady) if they mind if he come along and they were ok with it so I invited him. This is one of my much cheaper trips, or should I say cheapest one. On the last day he raised a couple of issues:
  1. He feels like the third wheel - my mother and I shared a room, I spent time with him during the day, at the concert and he joined all of us for breakfast and dinner, we had lunch together
  2. He feels as though this is me and my mother's trip and he was tagging along whereas he tries to include me with his family
  3. He is upset that I didn't change my departure ticket to the day after the first day of the festival (missing the first concert) to coincide with his departure - that I chose my mother over him. Please note, when I booked the tickets the same day and time was available. After he made the decision to come tickets were already sold out for the day the rest of us were going across.
  4. He felt like I was abandoning him because I refused to change my ticket to coincide with his and that (he refused to come on standby after I suggested it - there were also a couple of standby seats available)
  5. He spent a lot of money to go on this trip and used up this vacation days (he has 15 left) to be with me.:confused:

Also, he refused to go the last concert because of the above because "it didn't make sense". He ended up going.

Now, at the time, I calmed him down and quelled his issues. But I was angry. I still am. I addressed part of it when we returned and told him basically that if he didn't want to come then he shouldn't have, I only invited him because he hinted it. But I am very annoyed. I planned a couple of "touristy" activities that he said he wasn't interested in so I let it go. He's an introvert, I get it. We strolled along the beach and went to the pool. We ate lunch alone every day, plus I spent 50% of the time hanging out with him either doing the aforementioned, or in his room, or in the patio of his room with him.

To me, he was acting like a big baby instead of a grown man.

He knew about the entire trip and the arrangements that were made. My mother was extremely nice to him and he spent a lot of time with us on our patio.

I want to have a discussion addressing all of the above and speaking on my feelings. At this point I don't mind walking away from everything. I'm that annoyed.

Do you think I'm blowing this entire thing out of proportion? Should I leave it alone or should I confront it? WWYD?
I think it would have been best to not invite him. I understand why you did it but things like that rarely work out. He really wasn't asking to be included specifically. He was asking generally that you to do less with your mom because he is jealous of your relationship and wants to feel like more of a priority in your life. I wouldn't discuss what happened on the trip. All you will do is end up going back and forth.

You two need to talk about the kind of relationship you both want moving forward. Maybe there is room for compromise? I think you need to search your heart and honestly ask yourself if you do leave him out. Of course not intentionally. But are you squeezing him into your life or are you actually making real space for him? Look at your plans over the next 12 months with an open mind.

Maybe you guys are too different? Maybe neither of you is willing to compromise? Maybe you don't compromise for a boyfriend, but would for a fiancé or husband? Or perhaps you will always plan to travel often with your mom and will need a man who is equally busy and extroverted? I honestly think the two of you like each for a reason and your differences offer an opportunity for growth and compassion.

Try to let go of the anger if you really care about him and want to be with him. Assume for now that you are both right and you are both wrong. You can respect how you see things and still try to see things from his point of view.
I actually felt much better after typing it all out. It was the first time I actually got out my entire feelings about the whole trip because it has been eating at me. The two things that irked me the most were saying that I "chose" my mother over him (I explained that we are not married so at this point I will choose her <--- maybe not the best response) and second the money issue. He blows his money on rubbish imo so now he wants to talk about money? smh

I specifically travel with my mother because she does not complain, will go anywhere I choose and has the money to spend. There were times plans fell through and we had to sleep in a church is a non-English speaking country for example, and she laughed through it lol. We also act more like friends/sisters than mother & daughter.

Thanks for the responses :)
^^^^ In our first conversation about the issue, he said he's very insecure about our relationship because he thinks that I will leave him for a guy who's more like me so he felt "obligated" to go on the trip. I like him because he's not like me and I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a man with the same personality as mine.

I tried my best to include him the only ways I knew how. I think I'm trying... I do feel less confrontational but I feel that he got to lay out his feelings while I kept most of mine bottled up.
I actually felt much better after typing it all out. It was the first time I actually got out my entire feelings about the whole trip because it has been eating at me. The two things that irked me the most were saying that I "chose" my mother over him (I explained that we are not married so at this point I will choose her <--- maybe not the best response) and second the money issue. He blows his money on rubbish imo so now he wants to talk about money? smh

I specifically travel with my mother because she does not complain, will go anywhere I choose and has the money to spend. There were times plans fell through and we had to sleep in a church is a non-English speaking country for example, and she laughed through it lol. We also act more like friends/sisters than mother & daughter.

Thanks for the responses :)

I have nothing to add other than that I've discovered that any time I say anything resembling the bolded to SO, whatever issue we have gets overshadowed and we both end up on the defensive about that statement (him because he feels hurt, and me because it's true) and the whole thing just goes down hill. I understand how you're feeling though and I think you're right (I also agree with Hopeful) to feel the way you do.
I will also add that in the "Calling in the One" book and there's also a challenge here, it points out that having a relationship requires subtraction, not addition. Everyone wants to do everything they've always done and enjoy AND have a great romantic relationship. But something has to give. There is only so much time. He does sound whiny and insecure but (and please forgive me) you sound a little cold and insensitive. But he also sounds sweet and committed to you and the relationship. You also seem to be independent and a lot of fun. You both seem to think the other is wrong wrong too. If you stay in the relationship you have to acknowledge your own weaknesses too and the others strengths and rightness.
I'll admit I'm quite cynical and I like to do my own thing :(

Ok I'll let it go and try to do better. I may even make it to his family thing this weekend...

That's okay :kiss:. You are fine as is, just open your heart up. We all have opportunities for growth. You'll need to be a little less independent and he will need to be a little more. Hopefully you'll find a balance. If you think he may be the one, it's worth the effort. Be patient and loving toward yourself and him.
I think it would have been best to not invite him. I understand why you did it but things like that rarely work out. He really wasn't asking to be included specifically. He was asking generally that you to do less with your mom because he is jealous of your relationship and wants to feel like more of a priority in your life. I wouldn't discuss what happened on the trip. All you will do is end up going back and forth.

You two need to talk about the kind of relationship you both want moving forward. Maybe there is room for compromise? I think you need to search your heart and honestly ask yourself if you do leave him out. Of course not intentionally. But are you squeezing him into your life or are you actually making real space for him? Look at your plans over the next 12 months with an open mind.

Maybe you guys are too different? Maybe neither of you is willing to compromise? Maybe you don't compromise for a boyfriend, but would for a fiancé or husband? Or perhaps you will always plan to travel often with your mom and will need a man who is equally busy and extroverted? I honestly think the two of you like each for a reason and your differences offer an opportunity for growth and compassion.

Try to let go of the anger if you really care about him and want to be with him. Assume for now that you are both right and you are both wrong. You can respect how you see things and still try to see things from his point of view.

YES to ALLLLL of this!!! (Especially the parts in bold :yep:) @hopeful said it best.

I completely agree w/everything....
We are very different. We are as opposite as opposite can get personality wise, but that's exactly what I love about our relationship! However, I'm a bit too quick to tell people about themselves so I need to reel back from time to time. While writing this I was ready to bounce.

But he is definitely a sweetheart because after all of that, he bought my mother a souvenir from our trip.
Op , how would you feel if they roles were reversed?

Going in knowing what he knew, I would be fine with it. I think it was full disclosure. What else would I have expected?

If we made plans and he invited his mother or vice versa I would be annoyed. Also now thinking of it, we did make plans and he invited his sister and I sucked it up, though I was annoyed. In this case we made plans and accommodated him. However, lesson learned - in the future, he is staying at home.

Thank you for all of the responses. I just discussed it with him because I really couldn't take it any longer. The whole issue apparently arose from the different flight dates. I explained that I wouldn't have known it was an issue unless you said so when you agreed to different flights. In future, either same flight dates or his butt stays at home.
There are times where I have to separate the people I interact with based on the circumstances. I have demanding friends and a demanding DH and it would be difficult for me to share my time equally between the two on a trip without one feeling left out. So I don't.

If I had a trip planned and someone else wanted to come, it would all depend on their personality. If I thought they would be easily integrated into the group/plans then yes. If I thought I would need to be the center of their trip, but also the center of someone else's, then no. Cause someone will feel left out. When you take an SO somewhere, it's usually assumed that you two will spend the majority of your time together (more than with the other people who go), but when it was already planned and SO just tags along, that's exactly what happens...he becomes the third wheel.

I think this is a situation where you both could have made better choices. But at least now you both knowbetter.