Does Natural mean your more Black!!


Well-Known Member

I went out yesterday with friends and we are all relaxed, confident, dressed up, were the type of girls that like to follow the fashion trends, nice make up and accessories. And we were enjoying ourselves.

Anyway there were two girls in the ladies, who were Natural, they looked nice, more covered up than us, wooden beads, no make up. Generally they looked a little more converative. But you could tell we were all the same age.

The looks these girls gave us, I couldnt believe it. You know what is like in the ladies with your girls, your chatting about the nite, looking in the mirror, re-applying lip gloss etc.

Anyway as we were walking out this girl said 'FAKE', at first I just thought she was refering to my hair. I have got that a lot that nite as I have just relaxed my hair anyway.(Take that as a compliment)
She continued to say 'FAKE' black peps. I decided to hoover around the door so I could hear the rest of your conversation with her friend.

She said' FAKE black girls, that I bet no nothing about there culture, with there FAKE straight hair, wanting to be WHITE'.

I wanted to punch her.

Just because I have chosen to wear my hair straight, fashionable clothes, enjoy wearing make up.

HAVE I SOLD OUT??????????????:whip:
No . . . she's a hater. That's part of the beauty of being black . . . the versatility to change our hair and look great however we decide to wear it. Some ppl feel the need to maintain a superiority complex over others any way they can. Natural hair does not mean you are more "black", spiritual, conscious or what have you. Do you and shake the hater off.
To answer the question, "Does natural mean you're more Black?" I say no. But, yes there are a lot of sell out chicks wearing relaxers.
nslewis said:
No . . . she's a hater. That's part of the beauty of being black . . . the versatility to change our hair and look great however we decide to wear it. Some ppl feel the need to maintain a superiority complex over others any way they can. Natural hair does not mean you are more "black", spiritual, conscious or what have you. Do you and shake the hater off.

I totally agree with you!
FAKE black girls, that I bet no nothing about there culture
So she could tell all that just by *looking* at you?

Just be yourself and ignore people like that because no matter what you do, someone, somewhere will find something to criticize...
There is no possible way I would have stood there and allow those judgmental little:wallbash: &*# to call me fake .See you are a good one to have so much control. It makes no since that people can be so ignorant and claim to have all the knowledge they think they do. Thats why my name is FREEDOM because we should have the freedom to be able to choose the way we wear our hair and not have to feel guilty about our decision. I am almost 100% natural, besides a little colored ends and no one has the right to tell me or anyone else that the choice that I have made for MY hair is not the right! And as far as knowledge is concerned you probably know more about how to take care of their hair than they do considering you are an LHCF member! don't even secondguess yourself, if you feel that relaxing your hair was the best thing for you to do than you go ahead and flaunt your stuff. I like fashion and wear makeup, does that mean that I am a sellout to my race. Think about it, that even sounds silly. Like as black women we are not allowed to wear the best clothing or wear makeup to look our best. They were just ignorant and they were showing it!
If you cut off your relaxer tomorrow, what would that change in her life? With people like that, if it wasn't your hair it would be something else. Heaven forbid your texture not be "kinky" enough. You still don't qualify for her club.

That was about intimidation, not elightenment.
freedom said:
There is no possible way I would have stood there and allow those judgmental little:wallbash: &*# to call me fake .See you are a good one to have so much control. It makes no since that people can be so ignorant and claim to have all the knowledge they think they do. Thats why my name is FREEDOM because we should have the freedom to be able to choose the way we wear our hair and not have to feel guilty about our decision. I am almost 100% natural, besides a little colored ends and no one has the right to tell me or anyone else that the choice that I have made for MY hair is not the right! And as far as knowledge is concerned you probably know more about how to take care of their hair than they do considering you are an LHCF member! don't even secondguess yourself, if you feel that relaxing your hair was the best thing for you to do than you go ahead and flaunt your stuff. I like fashion and wear makeup, does that mean that I am a sellout to my race. Think about it, that even sounds silly. Like as black women we are not allowed to wear the best clothing or wear makeup to look our best. They were just ignorant and they were showing it!


I wouldnt even have wasted my time, to get to her level. The fact she judged be by my hair and clothes really piss#ed me off.
I can't stand the hair critics on either side. The 'you need a perm' chicks or the 'you're not natural so you're a sellout' chicks. MIND YA BI'NESS!
Obviously being natural doesn't mean you are "more black." There are many reasons why women are natural, and it may or may not have to do with any "black conciousness." Black is black is black. There are people out there with self-identity issues, but you cannot tell that by the way they wear their hair.

Sometimes some women are just not nice people. They were not mean-spirited because they are natural, and they are not necessarily jealous of your relaxed hair. They are impolite and insensititive at best. Ignorant and mean-spirited at worst. Some people like to be in the bully pulpit. But they would be like that about anything with which they do not agree.
Of course not. Don't waste another minute concerning yourself with the opinions of others. Those ladies to whom you referred are obviously narrow-minded and unaccepting of others' styling choices. The problem is theirs, not yours. Please know that not all naturals share those views. I have encountered naturals who believe that any natural with less than 4B hair is not "black enough" and doesn't understand "the struggle." Give me a break!
I Just find it so hard to believe, that after all we have been through as black people.

We still have this discrimation about HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know its just 2 bad apples
JCoily said:
I can't stand the hair critics on either side. The 'you need a perm' chicks or the 'you're not natural so you're a sellout' chicks. MIND YA BI'NESS!
I agree wholeheartedly, JC, well said. :up:
Don't let small minded folx shake your confidence like that. I'm natural and I know about the same amount of info about my culture as I did before I went natural. (Not that I'm not learning or growing but there isnt any more emphasis or more interest now that I'm natural, other than how to properly care for black hair in its natural state) When you stop relaxing are you supposed to suddenly get a download of new culturally signficant information? If so, where's mine?? :lol:
MeccaMedinah said:
To answer the question, "Does natural mean you're more Black?" I say no. But, yes there are a lot of sell out chicks wearing relaxers.

I agree 100%

Selling out is HATING your natural self, selling out is hating who you REALLY are, selling out is attempting to hide the truth about yourself. I think we all could stand to read The miseduation of the Negro mind. Alot of us do things and we dont even know why we do them. Trust me 400 years of prgramming doesnt go away THAT quickly.

As to the ladies that called you fake, they are just as bad. They are fake for thinking they are any better than anyone else in this world. Whether we choose ot relax or shave it all off we are still sistahs. Being natural doesnt change your dna. Black is black whether its in the projects or the corporate firm. The sooner peopel realize that the better off everyone will be.
kizzylonghair said:

I wouldnt even have wasted my time, to get to her level. The fact she judged be by my hair and clothes really piss#ed me off.

Honey you were absolutley right not to stoop to their level. What I'm saying is takes a strong women of character not to!

Enchantmt said:
Don't let small minded folx shake your confidence like that. I'm natural and I know about the same amount of info about my culture as I did before I went natural. (Not that I'm not learning or growing but there isnt any more emphasis or more interest now that I'm natural, other than how to properly care for black hair in its natural state) When you stop relaxing are you supposed to suddenly get a download of new culturally signficant information? If so, where's mine?? :lol:

LOL :lol: The whole story makes me laugh but I just had to share
I don't buy into the bs that women who relax are selling out. Maybe some are, but it's not always that serious. My hair is not a reflection who I am as a person. I am so much more than my hair!
JCoily said:
I can't stand the hair critics on either side. The 'you need a perm' chicks or the 'you're not natural so you're a sellout' chicks. MIND YA BI'NESS!

I agree wholeheartedly!
beyondcute said:
I agree 100%

Selling out is HATING your natural self, selling out is hating who you REALLY are, selling out is attempting to hide the truth about yourself. I think we all could stand to read The miseduation of the Negro mind. Alot of us do things and we dont even know why we do them. Trust me 400 years of prgramming doesnt go away THAT quickly.

See, this is where I disagree. How does a RELAXER (a hair product) hide the truth about yourself? Am I hating my natural self if I choose to wear makeup, or color my hair? Women relax their hair for many reasons, but I don't think self-hatred is one of them.
Nope. It doesn't mean anything. I just means that you are wearing natural hair. Some women like to wear that with some sort of badge. All it is a hair style.

I think the fact that you and your friends were having fun brought out some sort of anger in that girl. She is the one with the issue, no you. Don't let someone put their insecurities on you.
OHHH HECK TO THE NAHHHH....No they did not go there. Why are we as a black community try to find fault in someone and put them down? I hate to see that Luther’s dream might go unrecognized, because there are so many haters out there. We need to lift each other up as a nation united not divided over HAIR.
NO! Having natural hair does not mean you are more black. How can you be "more black" about something??? Just associating anything with blackness is so IGNORANT!!! :smirk:
Girls like that are such hypocrites. They make judgements about you based on your relaxed hair, but would be the first to cry foul if someone said they don't shower or they're homeless because they wear their hair natural. They make people like me look bad :lol: Bottom line: They're ignorant. They know nothing about you because your hair does not define your lifestyle or who you are.
Sad to say that jealousy stops some black women from supporting each other. You are one of the good uns. I bet even if you didn't have relaxed hair Haterella and her sistas would have still been trippin'.:lol: Be assured that makes you one step closer to whatever goals you've set for your hair and yourself.
classimami713 said:
I don't buy into the bs that women who relax are selling out. Maybe some are, but it's not always that serious. My hair is not a reflection who I am as a person. I am so much more than my hair!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not think it makes you anymore or less "black" how do you define "blackness" exactly :rolleyes: I do think they were being really immature though :ohwell: