Dealing with people who thinks your hair is fake

All through school people always asked me about my hair being fake...
I always took it as a compliment... If it was really important I'd wear
some out styles with parts in different places but it's never been important to me
Although no one has ever asked me if my hair is fake, i'm always wondering if people are thinking it. I always get stares and sometimes even whispers and double takes from other black girls. My hair has been long my whole life but I've only been asked if this was my real hair once in the eighth grade by a classmate when I had straightened it. I understand because of course it was much longer and some people just don't understand how curly hair works. But i've never had people I know, let alone strangers asking me if my hair was fake (Besides the sly, "What's your background?" question). I'm pretty sure people are asking the question in their head and it makes me kind of uncomfortable. I try to just shake it off though.
I think it's funny when people say it to me. It's not like I have long flowing locks. My hair grows UP like a flower. I guess it could be the thickness or the texture when shrunken? I dunno. But I take it as a compliment. Then I think "Thank you Jesus for giving me all this flyness on my scalp!" :grin:

I don't like to be weave checked though. I remember folks digging, yes DIGGING, in my scalp to see if it was mine when I was younger and relaxed. Not because it was ridiculously long but because it was thick and healthy. It was annoying. I'd rather a person ask instead of give me a faux scalp massage.
A guaranteed way to ensure people know your hair is real....? Cut it short or stop conditioning/taking care of it and let it look fried. 100 percent guarantee that they will believe it's your hair. :rolleyes:

Otherwise... don't let others get under your skin. :yep:
That's ridiculous.:nono:

No effin' way?!!

yes :nono: like seriously:/ from the first day she met me. then constantly questioning him about it. Got Her daughter questioning my family even after I told her this is my real damn hair.
She mustve talked so much about father came out and said your hair has grown a lot is that all your....... I shot him the look of a thousand damn daggers so he got the message, shut his mouth and didn't even finish the question.
this the same lady who after she went out and bought a bottle of ntm got mad cause it didn't magically make her hair grow like it 'supposedly' did for mine..smh
People are going to think whatever they want to think to make themselves feel better about having less hair than you or more busted hair than you. It's a sad day when substandard looking hair is considered normal and healthy looking hair "must be fake."
I am cracking up! My hair always shines an has a lot of body no matter the length. I had to part my hair down the middle to get this boy outta my face when I was 12 and now that I'm grown, women ask me if it's real and the guys just touch it. Either way, I'm Dominican, right? Lol
I'm gonna get a t-shirt that says I'm black, fool!

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Take it as a compliment, no one ever walks up to a women with crispy fried see through ends and ask if her hair is fake. If people think your hair is fake, in my opinion that simply means you are on the right track and keep up the good work.

I can't wait for the day I get weaved checked
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LOL ^^^ Me too, I wish I got as many weave checks as a lot of others. I haven't made my shirt yet, Please Weave check me. :giggle:

For real OP IGNORE THEM, they aren't worth the sweat or worry. You have to let that roll of your shoulder and smile like Ciara Said "SO What"!
Girl, just part it down the middle into two braids and the questions will stop -very effective if I do say so myself :yep: I have white chicks doing double takes when I do this.
I usually don't have people ask me if mine is fake but it doesn't mean they aren't thinking it. Occasionally I get the person behind me at the store pretending to look at something on the same shelf I'm looking at and I linger just a bit longer so they can weave check as long as possible :lol:

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