Does Latin Boy Spray exist?


Well-Known Member
I swear it does. Ever since I started dating, I have had a Latin boyfriend. In fact, I have had more Latin boyfriends than blacks. I don't look "Latin" and even after the BC, they still talk to me more than blacks. I do live in a predominant Latin city and neighborhood but when I have lived in a predominant White city and neighborhood, I still attracted Latin men most and then White and then followed by black men. I have never lived in a Black neighborhood.

Now I have had some Blacks think I act foreign. I have had some Latins think I am Afro-latina or from some other country. I was born in the states, my parents born in the states, grandparents born in the states and so on and so on. I am not understanding this I talk/act foreign.

I am somewhat perplex because from my understanding most of my black girlfriends have never dated outside of their race or maybe once or twice.
I am totally perplex why black American males don't dig me. Africans give me strange looks. A west Indies male may speak to find out where I am from. Afro-Latino totally in to me. Black American male: nada. To give an example, two months ago I asked a black American male out to the movies that I have been talking to for about a year (I am shy), the brother agreed but he stands me up. This past weekend a Latin guy I've known for about a year asked me out to the movies. What gives?

Did my first latin boyfriend spray Latin Boy spray on me so Latin men are more attracted to me? please help a sista out. I don't mind Latin heat but at times hot chocolate would be nice too.
LOL @ "Latin Boy spray"!
It could be that your first BF influenced the way how you present yourself to possible partners in a "Latin Way". Often you learn "love" behaviour patterns and vies with your first sweetheart. Some will always be attracted/date the same type of person/similar looks etc.
You say that it is not your looks. Maybe it is something about your style or body language.
What did your Latin Exes/Dates say what attracted them to you in the first place? Are there common traits?
Could you describe in which situations you get "strange looks"? @ Latin Heat! I know it can be stressfull sometimes! My Bolivian BF often wrecks my nerves but I love him and would never trade him! :)
Nothing to add. Cute thread.

Yeah, I agree. The only thing I can say is if you are attracting Latin men, I have to believe you could attract Black men. I find that they seem to like the same kinds of women (not always, but if a Latin man wants to date you, I think Black guys would too). Just don't think about it, and when you least expect it, some "hot chocolate" will warm you up on a cold day!:yep:
I understand what you are saying. Most of the men I attract are not American or have been outside of my race. The men that I have dated who are AA would say that I act white.
I understand what you are saying. Most of the men I attract are not American or have been outside of my race. The men that I have dated who are AA would say that I act white.

Black guys say that to me too, and when they do I always say "do you want me to get ghetto on your arse" :lol:

Honestly, I'm only going to be me. They may tease a little, but they'll get used to it. If a guy likes you, he doesn't care if you "sound like a white girl," or not!
My mom calls me the mexican magnet because they love me for some reson. A group of black men will walk right past me. A group of mexican men will walk past and follow me down the block, lol. I'm not sure what it is. must be that latin boy spray.
OMG Everyone teases me about this. Just about all of my boyfriends have been Latino with my current who is Cuban.It seems like I'm a magnet for latinos for some reason, but its okay with me cause i love em back.:grin: Maybe since I spent my childhood in Spain it developed my magnetism ;)
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Black guys say that to me too, and when they do I always say "do you want me to get ghetto on your arse" :lol:

Honestly, I'm only going to be me. They may tease a little, but they'll get used to it. If a guy likes you, he doesn't care if you "sound like a white girl," or not!

Ditto. I don't take comments like that too seriously unless it's mean spirited or the guy is looking for some sort of change. Otherwise I assume men (ppl) mean it as an observation and that's all.

As for the OP. I think it may be the vibe you're giving off. I strongly believe that people communicate more on a non verbal basis than on a verbal basis. There are still studies with unexplained results detailing stuff like that.
Maybe you just give off a vibe similar to the Latino women they grew up around. Are you really into latino culture? Your avatar is of a latino actress, the words following your avatar reference Spanish and so I don't think it's too far fetched that maybe you're just giving off a hot latin chica vibe and that's what's attracting them.

I agree with Coco, Latino men typically are attracted to similar women as black men. The skin tones and body shapes within both communities tend to be similar as well as certain cultural characteristics. In my area there are two races white and non white :look: Even the blk women who don't date white men will date Latino/Asian men.

If you're trying to meet some chocolate, maybe broaden your scoup to some other areas/events that might have a wider selection of chocolate with similar interests to your own.

It's also possible that your first Latino bf might still be on your brain so you're attracting similar men. You could also have picked up some cultural characteristics from him and those same qualities may be attracting other Latino guys.
If it doesn't exist I would say Latin Lover Lava is flowing from your cooch coo/pretty place bringing those boys right to ya:lachen:
Ditto. I don't take comments like that too seriously unless it's mean spirited or the guy is looking for some sort of change. Otherwise I assume men (ppl) mean it as an observation and that's all.

As for the OP. I think it may be the vibe you're giving off. I strongly believe that people communicate more on a non verbal basis than on a verbal basis. There are still studies with unexplained results detailing stuff like that.
Maybe you just give off a vibe similar to the Latino women they grew up around. Are you really into latino culture? Your avatar is of a latino actress, the words following your avatar reference Spanish and so I don't think it's too far fetched that maybe you're just giving off a hot latin chica vibe and that's what's attracting them.

I agree with Coco, Latino men typically are attracted to similar women as black men. The skin tones and body shapes within both communities tend to be similar as well as certain cultural characteristics. In my area there are two races white and non white :look: Even the blk women who don't date white men will date Latino/Asian men.

If you're trying to meet some chocolate, maybe broaden your scoup to some other areas/events that might have a wider selection of chocolate with similar interests to your own.

It's also possible that your first Latino bf might still be on your brain so you're attracting similar men. You could also have picked up some cultural characteristics from him and those same qualities may be attracting other Latino guys.

Agreed. Also, there are chocolate complexioned Latin men (think Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Brazil, etc.). Dark-skinned men exist in both the Black and Latin communities.
Thanks ladies for letting me know I am not different. My mom also thinks that I think I am Mexican because all the "jalepeno peppers" like me even though I have never dated a Mexican but to her they all the same.

Seria -- Ah, Bolivan. My first Latino boyfriend was Bolivan. He was wonderful. Too bad his mama hated me.

SleekandBouncy -- Am I into the Latin culture? Well, I guess so. I mean my last three boyfriends were Honduran and Salvadoran. If I wanted my Honduran boyfriend to do anything, I had to tell him in Spanish so my Spanish isn't fluent but it is better then your average American. I had to cook for them so I learned their food. I listened to their music of my boyfriends. Reggaetone was ok but some of the other stuff was :wallbash: after awhile. I learned some of their dances. I watched some telemundo with my boyfriends :wallbash:.

I suppose I do act "Latin" but what is the "black" way then? My black male friend thinks it is because my body type is closer to a Latin female but I disagree.

For the ladies who are interested in the spray :lick: if I can figure out how to bottle it, i will definitely sell it to you.
My mom calls me the mexican magnet because they love me for some reson. A group of black men will walk right past me. A group of mexican men will walk past and follow me down the block, lol. I'm not sure what it is. must be that latin boy spray.
:lachen: Thats funny that happened to me before. But it scarred me because it was like four of them following me.
Thanks ladies for letting me know I am not different. My mom also thinks that I think I am Mexican because all the "jalepeno peppers" like me even though I have never dated a Mexican but to her they all the same.

Seria -- Ah, Bolivan. My first Latino boyfriend was Bolivan. He was wonderful. Too bad his mama hated me.

SleekandBouncy -- Am I into the Latin culture? Well, I guess so. I mean my last three boyfriends were Honduran and Salvadoran. If I wanted my Honduran boyfriend to do anything, I had to tell him in Spanish so my Spanish isn't fluent but it is better then your average American. I had to cook for them so I learned their food. I listened to their music of my boyfriends. Reggaetone was ok but some of the other stuff was :wallbash: after awhile. I learned some of their dances. I watched some telemundo with my boyfriends :wallbash:.

I suppose I do act "Latin" but what is the "black" way then? My black male friend thinks it is because my body type is closer to a Latin female but I disagree.

For the ladies who are interested in the spray :lick: if I can figure out how to bottle it, i will definitely sell it to you.

I don't think you should change yourself to act any which way, just be you. You want to attract men that like you and aren't surprised months later when you come peaking out.
I do notice that some of my latino friends directly from latin countries do have very specific mannerisms and even facial gestures that they joke rubs off on me when I hang around them. You've probably just picked up some of the vibes of latino culture from your boyfriends or maybe you're not over one boyfriend in particular so you're attracting similar guys :grinwink:

As for for your body, obviously I've never met you, but IME both latino and black culture exalt a very similar body ideal, so I'm assuming your body isn't that much different from many black women of similar size.

Enjoy the attention, if you desire to meet black American guys just put yourself in the environment that many black men of similar interest and background tend to be in.
As for for your body, obviously I've never met you, but IME both latino and black culture exalt a very similar body ideal, so I'm assuming your body isn't that much different from many black women of similar size.
Enjoy the attention, if you desire to meet black American guys just put yourself in the environment that many black men of similar interest and background tend to be in.

Thanks ladies for letting me know I am not different. My mom also thinks that I think I am Mexican because all the "jalepeno peppers" like me even though I have never dated a Mexican but to her they all the same.

Seria -- Ah, Bolivan. My first Latino boyfriend was Bolivan. He was wonderful. Too bad his mama hated me.

SleekandBouncy -- Am I into the Latin culture? Well, I guess so. I mean my last three boyfriends were Honduran and Salvadoran. If I wanted my Honduran boyfriend to do anything, I had to tell him in Spanish so my Spanish isn't fluent but it is better then your average American. I had to cook for them so I learned their food. I listened to their music of my boyfriends. Reggaetone was ok but some of the other stuff was :wallbash: after awhile. I learned some of their dances. I watched some telemundo with my boyfriends :wallbash:.

I suppose I do act "Latin" but what is the "black" way then? My black male friend thinks it is because my body type is closer to a Latin female but I disagree.

For the ladies who are interested in the spray :lick: if I can figure out how to bottle it, i will definitely sell it to you.
