Can anyone have long hair or is it in the genes?

To some extent i think genetics can contribute to the rate of someone's hair growth. As far as for length I don't believe that. With proper nutrition for the inside as well as the outside,I think reaching our goal is attainable. Reaching a certain length will just take longer than others.
why does my daughter have longer hair then most of the women on both side of hair family. She has more hair then i ever had in my life and she didn't have any hair when she was born. she started growing hair when she turned 1.:lol:
I believe thickness, texture & Natural growth rate is down to genetics(from both sides of the equation). Or how else can some get away doing nothing and result in nice thick long luscious locks while others are follicley

Desired hair length on the other hand can be achieved with additional effort.
Michellehall said:
Carmella, how long was your hair before joining LHCF and how long did that growth take? It is incredible now. It is hard to believe that you were ever challenged.

Hi Michellehall,

My hair was neck length and so damaged. My sides were totally gone. I had a big bald spot in the middle of my head. My hair was in really bad shape. I started taking care of my hair in November of 2002. You can check out my album it in my signature.
longnapps said:
For the most part I don't believe that genes has anything to do with how long you can grow your hair. I think most people will be able to grow their hair at least bsl. I think the reason ppl tend to believe its genetics is that people in the same family tend to have similar hair practices. So if every woman in the same family has short hair it may be because they are all doing the same bad stuff to it.

Good point. It could be possible that the wrong hair care practices have been passed down throughout the generation, which may have posed a barrier to those who have the potential of growing their hair long.
carmella25 said:
Hi Michellehall,

My hair was neck length and so damaged. My sides were totally gone. I had a big bald spot in the middle of my head. My hair was in really bad shape. I started taking care of my hair in November of 2002. You can check out my album it in my signature.
Carmella, I just looked at your album and cannot believe what I saw. That is wonderful and inspiring. Okay, you convinced me. No more perms and serious attention to my hair. I have learned a lot from reading postings in the forums and there are a few things that I am going to try. But it is really confusing knowing just what to do and what will work. But I am excited about seeing what my hair is capable of. Thanks for sharing.