NO confidence wearing long hair?

I am between APL and BSL and to me that's medium length hair. I feel more attractive with longer hair. I put in alot of work to nurture my body and hair to grow it to to this length and that makes me feel proud and beautiful.
It's a strange feeling. I love that my hair is getting longer. I am more confident now because of the fact that the hair is all mine. When I wore weaves, I wasn't at all confident. Sometimes, I get self concious with the comments if I wear it out but I mean I'd rather comments on my own hair than on a weave.

My thoughts exactly, even though I'm shoulder length. When I was wearing long weaves I was not confident at all even though it was pretty. Its just something about it being your hair...
I love my wigs, weaves and extension braids, but nothing will beat the CONFIDENCE of knowing that the long hair is all yours -no receipt necessary!

I can't wait until I can do a white girl hair toss! :)

You just on yo couch waiting arent you!!

Nope I never had that feeling:nono:...And im sorry you may feel like this....the longer the better for me!!!:yep:....I LOVE LONG HAIR!!...I love my hair more now that it is healthier and I know now how to take care of it which makes growing it longer all the better!....sooo the insecurity (if I did have any) would come from unhealthy and damaged hair wheather if it was long or short. may be the type of woman who loves short & sassy hair and that is FINE!:yep: Some woman just perfer shorter hair and feel this is what makes them happier and feel more just because you are an member to this forum does not obligate or force you to love or grow long what makes you happy wheather it is long and healthy or short and healthy!!


I totally agree with you, because although I like long hair on most women, I simply like my hair short to medium length. People have told me I look "funny" with long hair. I think it has to do with my features and size. So I do not wish to grow it past BSL.
anything length i had i felt confident when it was my hair and healthy. i had a lot of confidence when i was rockin a fade. now i can't wait for my natural texture get bigger. you won't be able to tell me nothin with my big ol' fro! LOL!
I use to wear weaves all the time even though my own hair was longer than ones sewn in my head. I was confident then and still am now, but that could be because even though I don't wear weaves anymore no one actually believes it's my real hair so they don't bother me.
If I feel a little awkward, it's usually on the best of my big hair days. You know when humidity is just right and your hair gets huger than huge. There is something about huge all over the place hair that comes of as sensuous yet sexy in an undeniable way. It's probably because it looks like you just got out of the bed, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, this is the hair I love the most. A beautiful glow, glossy, nude lips, and an effortless looking boho fro is my ideal look. Yet when I get there sometimes it's too much. I just feel like a female animal during heat after spraying pheremones. Wayyy to much male attention. That makes me pull my hair back often.

well, i can't wait to have that momment! you described it to a "T"!
I loved my long hair. I was not a very confident person back in the day, but my hair was one thing I had pride in (as raggedy as it was!) It was longer than average and has always been very thick.

Now, sometimes I want super long hair and some days I don't.
I feel confident with it longer; however, it is weird getting a lot of comments and stares and people asking if I have a weave. People are just plain rude (I'm talking about strangers, not my family or friends). But I'm willing to deal with all of that because I'm so grateful to God that my prayers for the hair of my dreams have been answered. :)
I rarely wear my hair down. Funny thing is when I have in the past, people have a hard time recognizing me. Then I get the is all that hair yours stuff.....oh well. I am more comfortable in my signature bun. As others have posted it does get in the way and more attention needed.....I just don't have the time.