Active Member
Muffin I don't think that jojoba is absorbed into the hair so that's probably what it didn't like. Coconut is the ultimate penetrator so you hair definitely has good taste.
I love talking herbs to. Maybe we (Jamaraa - that means you!) should start a dedicated thread!
Should the thread be about a single herb (like this one) or a general one?
OOOOHHH YEEEESSSS! Please start a general thread dedicated to herbal talk!!

Ive been waiting for something like that for a while, instead of having to look up info on each herb individually. Make it a general one! OOOOOOOO!! AND whoever starts the thread should have a giant list in the first post with herbs and their basic benefits (hair/health wise),it doesnt have to be a giant paragraph for each post,maybe just a sentence of what it does!!

and that post can be updated as more ppl add more herbs. OOOOOMMMMGGGG!! I m so excited! Will somebody PLEASE start an Herbal Support Thread???!! Pretty Please??!!
ETA: In all my excitement I forgot to thank u ladies for the wonderful info about fenugreek! Ive been interested in it for a while since learning about its mucilage properties. Now i know to not leave it in, cause I will smell like syrup and I can add it to my cleansing rinse. Im in the middle of making an ayurvedic shampoo at home right now. Heres what Ive got in it so far..
Boiled Water
Shikaikai Powder
Fenugreek Powder (woo hoo)
A few squirts of Castille Soap
How does this sound??
Oky Dokey I think I need to go eat something cause my head is spinning from all the excitement