Does Fenugreek (methi) powder strengthen your hair?

Can I just say I am loving this thread, I've been on the veda trip for a few months now and I'm loving every bit of it.
Initially I was introduced to veda treatments by CandyC and I believe she says to only leave the mixture in for one minute (Tea Rinsing mixtures). So should I do the same for the fenugreek tea or can I let sit a spell.
Also is anyone else do this with the other powders, or do you let them sit on longer as well? I only do the 1 minute condition with the tea's only. When I do the conditioning mask/paste it sits on for 45 to an hour. Thanks
Hey Ladies! I'm really interested in this Fenugreek herb. I have a question before I purchase some though. Is this the same type of Fenugreek that can be taken internally? I've seen some in the health food store, but it almost doesn't sound like the type you all are using. From what I can tell, what's sold in the healthfood store can be taken internally and is more a tea. Are you all using this as a tea straight from the box or are you taking the contents out of the tea bag and mixing it up with other aryuvedic herbs? I"m a little confused.....[/QUOTE]

The kind I'm using right now is from

This vendor also sells the bulk Fenugreek

If it's straight Fenugreek with nothing else added then yes it's the same thing. It's usually bought in bulk. I wouldn't suggest using a synthetic GNC version in your hair.

Thanks!!! I knew not to run out and buy something without checking with you all first!
Can I just say I am loving this thread, I've been on the veda trip for a few months now and I'm loving every bit of it.
Initially I was introduced to veda treatments by CandyC and I believe she says to only leave the mixture in for one minute (Tea Rinsing mixtures). So should I do the same for the fenugreek tea or can I let sit a spell.
Also is anyone else do this with the other powders, or do you let them sit on longer as well? I only do the 1 minute condition with the tea's only. When I do the conditioning mask/paste it sits on for 45 to an hour. Thanks

swalker, I do not use CandyC's method because it left my hair super dry and hard. I leave my rinses and pastes in my hair for 30 minutes each. I always add oils to my rinses which makes them less drying. The fenugreek tea is very moisturizing and offers major slip so I use it as a base for most of my ayur-powder mixes.
Update: I made a castor/coconut oil-infused fenugreek mix for my scalp. I boiled methi seeds in coconut oil (in a glass immersed in a pot of boiling water) for 20 minutes. The seeds didn't expand. So...I added some methi powder to my mix and let it steep in slow boiling water for an additional 15 minutes. I let this sit since Sunday and I used it today.

Okay, so I smell like maple syrup or molasses- and I like it. My kitchen has the aroma lingering in it, as well. I find it to be rather soothing and relaxing. Reminds me of aromatherapy, actually.

Does this make your scalp itch? My scalp felt like I had definitely put something on it. I'm praying that's a good thing. I think I'll try it for a month or until i finish the bottle. I made about 8 oz. I would have added maka to my mix, but i'm all out.
Ladies, I used fenugreek - 2 tablespoons (seeds) in 32 oz of h2o, however, my rinse wasn't slimy at all. It was ooo-kkk with detangling, didn't notice much moisturization or slip, either. What gives? Did I use too much water?

I will continue to use it for it's hair growing properties. I also have powdered fenugreek that I will mix in coconut oil...still trying to debate on using the seeds vs powder.

i think you used too much water. i usually add a couple tablespoons of the seeds to about a cup of room temp water and let it infuse overnight to a couple days, then strain. i'm left with VERY slimy, slippery water. the trick with the seeds is NOT to boil them in water or use hot water. just let them infuse overnight in room temp water. that's when they release all of their slimy goodness. :yep:
^ Thanks for that, VinD~ II've never had that suggestion before. I'll mix up a new batch.

O-K-, so why at school, today, kids kept saying, "What smells like syrup?" "Who got some syrup?" LOL!! Allll Dayyyy. I just wanted to burst from laughing inside. It's true. Especially when i walked really fast, there would be a quick waft of molasses lingering in the air. It actually made me hungry.

You guys weren't playing about the scent. A-n-d, get this, it sometimes smelled like rum!! Now that was disconcerting. I had a parent meeting and I was praying this lady didn't think i imbibed.

Lord, the things we do for our hair. *smh*
I don't know how it works. The only time I tried fenugreek, the smell drove me to wash it out before it was on long enough to do anything. UGH, just nasty, like a bad mix of maple syrup and curry. And then I was apparently coming down with food poisoning, so I've always associated that smell with projectile vomiting and diarrhea and feeling awful.

Just the foulest nastiest most disgusting smell. I kept the fenugreek, because my b/f likes to cook and loves to try out new flavors, but every time I open the cabinet where it's stored, that smell wafts out, I just want to heave.

Oh, and it's STRONG. I'm a smoker, so I willing admit that my sense of smell is dulled a bit. So I can only imagine how bad that smell would be if I weren't a smoker.
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What information do we need to post, or do you have a list of question to answer and also where are we posting the information?
Update: I made a castor/coconut oil-infused fenugreek mix for my scalp. I boiled methi seeds in coconut oil (in a glass immersed in a pot of boiling water) for 20 minutes. The seeds didn't expand. So...I added some methi powder to my mix and let it steep in slow boiling water for an additional 15 minutes. I let this sit since Sunday and I used it today.

Okay, so I smell like maple syrup or molasses- and I like it. My kitchen has the aroma lingering in it, as well. I find it to be rather soothing and relaxing. Reminds me of aromatherapy, actually.

Does this make your scalp itch? My scalp felt like I had definitely put something on it. I'm praying that's a good thing. I think I'll try it for a month or until i finish the bottle. I made about 8 oz. I would have added maka to my mix, but i'm all out.

Fenugreek is said to promote hair growth and encourage thicker hair, so that could be a reason why your scalp itches. But if the itching persists to a point where it's actually irritating, stop using it. You could be allergic.

^ Thanks for that, VinD~ II've never had that suggestion before. I'll mix up a new batch.

O-K-, so why at school, today, kids kept saying, "What smells like syrup?" "Who got some syrup?" LOL!! Allll Dayyyy. I just wanted to burst from laughing inside. It's true. Especially when i walked really fast, there would be a quick waft of molasses lingering in the air. It actually made me hungry.

You guys weren't playing about the scent. A-n-d, get this, it sometimes smelled like rum!! Now that was disconcerting. I had a parent meeting and I was praying this lady didn't think i imbibed.

Lord, the things we do for our hair. *smh*

:lachen: I'm sorry you had this interesting experience, lol. It makes sense that it could smell like rum. I believe rum ismade from molasses, isn't it? I think I'm mostly going to utilize fenugreek powder in tea form so I can get all of its slimy goodness and mucilage. I'm doing my ayurvedic treatments sort of as prepoo's before I wash so that the combination of washing and DC'ing can offset some of it's herbal smell.
Yep. It is. So i went from molasses to alcholic in about 5 hours....sheesh. I still used it again, today. I'll just have to smell like pancakes.
Fenugreek is said to promote hair growth and encourage thicker hair, so that could be a reason why your scalp itches. But if the itching persists to a point where it's actually irritating, stop using it. You could be allergic.

:lachen: I'm sorry you had this interesting experience, lol. It makes sense that it could smell like rum. I believe rum ismade from molasses, isn't it? I think I'm mostly going to utilize fenugreek powder in tea form so I can get all of its slimy goodness and mucilage. I'm doing my ayurvedic treatments sort of as prepoo's before I wash so that the combination of washing and DC'ing can offset some of it's herbal smell.

The bolded is what I did yesterday and it worked like a charm. I kept some of the fenugreek rinse in my hair and slathered my DC right over it. It was wonderfully soft and strong:lick:.
I don't know how it works. The only time I tried fenugreek, the smell drove me to wash it out before it was on long enough to do anything. UGH, just nasty, like a bad mix of maple syrup and curry. And then I was apparently coming down with food poisoning, so I've always associated that smell with projectile vomiting and diarrhea and feeling awful.

Just the foulest nastiest most disgusting smell. I kept the fenugreek, because my b/f likes to cook and loves to try out new flavors, but every time I open the cabinet where it's stored, that smell wafts out, I just want to heave.

Oh, and it's STRONG. I'm a smoker, so I willing admit that my sense of smell is dulled a bit. So I can only imagine how bad that smell would be if I weren't a smoker.

Aww I'm sorry fenugreek gave you this reaction. I don't find it offensive at all. I live in the Caribbean and we down here :love::love: curry and that's what fenugreek smells like to us. I love the benefits but I never go around all day with it in my hair. I let it work it's magic for an hour or two and then wash it out and afterwards - soft, strong and silky hair:lick:.
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Because I may want to tone down the IHOP comments, do you think if I added lavendar, it would camo the smell - a bit?

I really like the way my hair feels. It is moisturized, but not oily - i applied to my scalp - but my hair feels so supple.

I have had 15 hairs shed since Sunday. *aWeSoMe*
I want to use this consistently for a few months and note the effects.
Ladies, I used fenugreek - 2 tablespoons (seeds) in 32 oz of h2o, however, my rinse wasn't slimy at all. It was ooo-kkk with detangling, didn't notice much moisturization or slip, either. What gives? Did I use too much water?

I will continue to use it for it's hair growing properties. I also have powdered fenugreek that I will mix in coconut oil...still trying to debate on using the seeds vs powder.

I think the best way to use fenugreek is mixed in a henna or some other ayurvedic paste. That is when you feel the slip most it seems.
Because I may want to tone down the IHOP comments, do you think if I added lavendar, it would camo the smell - a bit?

I really like the way my hair feels. It is moisturized, but not oily - i applied to my scalp - but my hair feels so supple.

I have had 15 hairs shed since Sunday. *aWeSoMe*
I want to use this consistently for a few months and note the effects.

Lavendar is good to use. I also like to add a few drops of peppermint oil which masks the smell. As a matter of fact, that is all I smell. (peppermint oil is good for stimulating hair growth along with Rosemary)
well i just made a paste and i will not be doing that again. my scalp has been a little itchy and my strands have been responding oddly to my conditioners, and i realized i hadn't done a bentonite clay treatment in a while so i figured i'd go ahead and whip one up. getting out my clay i saw my fenugreek powder so i mix the clay and powder 3:1 and just added warm water. i forgot one of the ladies mentioned that making a paste will cause it to be kinda gummy because of the mucilage. OH EM GEE. i had to wash (not rinse) my hair 3 times (after 2 rinses) because i couldn't get it out of my hair. this was worse than my egg in hair incident. yeah i'll definitely stick to tea rinses with the fenugreek.
Because I may want to tone down the IHOP comments, do you think if I added lavendar, it would camo the smell - a bit?

I really like the way my hair feels. It is moisturized, but not oily - i applied to my scalp - but my hair feels so supple.

I have had 15 hairs shed since Sunday. *aWeSoMe*
I want to use this consistently for a few months and note the effects.

I get the best results when I make the fenugreek tea rinse mixed in with coconut oil. I am now adding a few tea bags of green tea to the water to infuse with the fenugreek. Still very good results by the way.

I am doing this because of the stimulating effects from the caffeine in the green tea. I know it's great for stimulating hair growth so I'm trying that for a while.

I tried using peppermint, tea tree and rosemary essential oils and in my case, they have not been able to mask the curry/maple syrup scent I'm afraid:nono:.
Thanks Aggie.
I still reek of Hungry Jack Biscuits...even the adults are noticing. One even pointed out it was me *shrugs* I could smell like much worse. At least it's a pleasant smell *looks around*
Anyhoo, I still feel some tingling going on/i have the desire to scratch, but my scalp looks fine. i think there's something going on up there. Might I go so far as to say....growth?
Thanks Aggie.
I still reek of Hungry Jack Biscuits...even the adults are noticing. One even pointed out it was me *shrugs* I could smell like much worse. At least it's a pleasant smell *looks around*
Anyhoo, I still feel some tingling going on/i have the desire to scratch, but my scalp looks fine. i think there's something going on up there. Might I go so far as to say....growth?

That's funny BBB:lachen:. I did a fenugreek rinse again today and kept it in for about 3 hours, then washed it out. I am not leaving the house tomorrow with it in my hair. I work in a spa and I don't want the patrons smelling curry when I'm around them:lachen:.
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Ok - I really need to wash this out. Why do I oil my scalp with it every night? I'm not shedding, either - and this is week 2 of my straight style!! I really like this mix. I want to keep using it - without causing water cooler discussions - so i'm gonna have to get those essential oils - stat. My boss noticed today and that's like the final straw!
hmm this fungreek seems like something i may want to try. Does anyone use straight fenugreek essential oil on their scalp? Do i have to use the seeds and make a mix or is the fenugreek essential oil safe to use alone?
Cupcake, I've never seen the fenugreek essentail oil, but it sounds like it would be fine. Hmmm, i wonder does it reek as much as my homemade version?...
Ok - I really need to wash this out. Why do I oil my scalp with it every night? I'm not shedding, either - and this is week 2 of my straight style!! I really like this mix. I want to keep using it - without causing water cooler discussions - so i'm gonna have to get those essential oils - stat. My boss noticed today and that's like the final straw!

Well I found another reason to use it more frequently and that is when I do my cowash every 2-3 days.

What I do is lightly pre-oil my hair and scalp,
make the fenugreek tea rinse,
pour it in a basin/bowl to cool,
I put the basin/bowl in the sink,
grab a cup,
lean over the bowl and start repeatedly pouring the tea rinse over my hair for at least 12-15 times getting it all through my scalp for stimulation,
grab my towel and wrap my hair.

Either of two things happens after this, I either put some DC right over the tea rinse and keep the mixture in my hair with a plastic cap on for a few hours or maybe I'll exercise and get a steam treatment going while I'm at it OR I'd simply keep the tea in my hair for a few hours, then wash it out.

That's my fenugreek routine but you don't have to leave it in for hours. It can be left in your hair for as little as 30 minutes if that's all the time you have. Adding some EOs to it would intensify the stimulation if you like.

Now here's the part that will freak you out. When it's time to rinse the tea out, I take the leftover tea rinse that was left in the bowl, add some acv to it and pour that over my hair.

By this time the tea rinse is usually pretty cool, then I would finish off with a cool water rinse, style as usual. My hair is usually pretty soft and shiny when I'm done with this routine.

It seems long, but it really isn't. I'm just a detailed person.