Does anyone want thinner hair or is it just me?


New Member
I have thick hair and lots of volume. So when I do a twistout my hair will be big and kind of go to the sides instead of hanging down. I notice that naturals with thinner hair than me have hair that can hang more easily and goes down while mine just goes up and to the sides depending on length. Ladies always rave on this board they want thicker hair but I honestly think there is such a thing as too thick.:perplexed

On top of that it is so hard for me to style thick hair, whether it's mine or a relatives. So much to grab and requires so much effort to flat twist or braid. It puts a lot of strain on my hands.

Ever since a little girl I wished my hair was thinner so grandma could shutup about my hair being too thick and too much to work with.:nono:

Y'all make thin hair seem like the devil. Can someone else relate?

Just in case anyone was curious. This is one year after my big chop. It always felt like I could never reach my scalp through that cottonball.
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Girl, your lucky. The density of my hair isnt thick although im natural!! I crave for thick hair like longhairdontcare2011 but it aint' going to happen... We need to learn to accept what we have and work with it..

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Forgot to add ...Sounds like you've got my ideal hair, We can swap manes if you wish ;)

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I have have thin hair and yes its easy to style and slick down! However, I wish my hair was a lil thicker! I don't want it to be to thick but i wouls like for it to have some volume!
When I am mad I want my hair to be thinner.

I laughed when I heard someone say they want 4 hour detangling sessions because they heard Kimmaytubes say it takes her that long. I'm like are you kidding me? On a good day it takes 2 hours to detangle my hair (without having to take a style down in the process). Bad days...boy do I know about can take 4 hours, 6 hours, 16 hours once....

When I use to get braid extensions, I always needed double the amount of hair as everyone else- 6-8 packs of kanekelon hair, for micros 2-3 packs of human was never cute because I looked like cousin it with all that hair.

I love my volume, and I never want to get rid of that (check my avi, I love it). Shoot I had white people say they love my volume...but the amount of time it takes to do it....yeah, that's for the birds....
My hair is thick and so are my strands. I say look on the bright side. When you get old, you will still have a decent amount of hair. Everyone's hair thins out some as they age, but if you have thick strands and hair, your hair will probably not look as whispy as those who have always had thin hair. So, at least your hair will still be stylable and fierce when you are old.
I won't lie I feel this way sometimes. My hair is so thick there is no just throwing it into a ponytail. The other thing is my strands are not thick so I have to be super careful w/it. I wouldn't give up my hair density though because I really like wearing twists and braids and I like how they look on my hair because of the thickness.
Sometimes I do ... especially in the mist of detangling ... but yes, the grass is always greener on the other side.
Yeah, I wish I could relate...but I am one of the thinner hair people who actually wants thicker hair. It is so funny how we want what we do not have. You said you want your hair to hang and I always complain that my twists outs always hang and I want BIGGER hair. I agree with one of my fellow naturals above, we need to work with what we got! However, I love my hair and even though it does not always do what I want it to do...I appreciate the versatility it allows me.
Yes and no...even when I was relaxed I had HELLA hair...I only had that "flatness" the first week or so after a fresh application; after that, it was back to thick city. I love my it and I hate it, but my head is too big for thin hair, so it works out for me

at any rate, you have beautiful hair!
I've always felt this way too! My hair is sooo thick, Its overwhelming. Even when I was relaxed it was a pain. At the end of the day though, the more strands the merrier:lol: so I'll count my blessings and keep it moving.
I had pretty thick hair until I experimented with wearing weaves for a year. Suffered traction alopecia from it and will NEVER do that again! I've been trying to get my hair to fill in ever since. That was two years ago. It's slowly making a comeback.
My DD had SUPER thick hair growing up that I loved and she hated. Even her daddy had me teach him how to comb and braid it when she was little cuz he thought it was beautlful. But she flatironed, rough combed, and blowdried her MBL hair all away. Now she's trying to get it to grow back from chinlength. It's not the same at all. MUCH thinner. Lesson learned...
All it takes is too much experimenting or rough handling to make it disappear.Thickness is a blessing, trust me!
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Sorry OP, its just you. But I think at times, we want what we don't have. So thats OK. I would love to have thicckness. But is not possible for me. Its genetic for my family to have fine hair.
I have thin strands, but it's very dense. Detangling is hell because any little bit of force = instant breakage. I really wish it was the other way around, thick strands but with less density. :perplexed
yup, sometimes, because my hair was always thick. It's not even long yet, but it's annoying. I stretched my relaxer for about a year and a half (contemplating on going natural) but after I relaxed, my hair was even thicker. After the relaxer wore off, it was evident that my hair became thicker. In my head Im like "Oh boy, I already had a hard time with u as it was, now U wanna get thicker" lol. But I agree with the comments about us wanting what we dont have. My sis has thin, long hair and she would gladly trade with me.
I like my thick hair, but it can be a lot of work!

OP, have you thought about getting one of those thinning haircuts...i think it's called a carve and slice? A lot of the ladies on
My hair is very thick and yes it's a lot of work, but I would never want thinner hair. Thinning hair is actually one of my biggest fears with regard to hair. Most people's hair thins as they get older, even women, so I think people with thick hair should enjoy it while we have it. Personally, I hope my hair never thins.
hey OP your original reason was because it doesn't hang..perhaps that is your hair TYPE not the density. i have thick hair, but my hair always hang to the sides ( i could never to the angela davis fro :( ) so maybe you should look in to that before doing anything drastic.
I used to want thinner hair when I was relaxed, but now, nope. Especially because I air dry my wash n gos...I love not having to worry about having flat, limp hair until it dries. And I STILL fluff it out for more volume!
girl please... im praying for my strands to get thicker cuz i have low to medium density on certain areas of my scalp... i can feel yo pain tho, cuz my sistr took density from my dad side and she be crying and breaking combs, " she look at me saying why i couldnt get your hair. and i look at her hair tha same :ohwell:
girl please... im praying for my strands to get thicker cuz i have low to medium density on certain areas of my scalp... i can feel yo pain tho, cuz my sistr took density from my dad side and she be crying and breaking combs, " she look at me saying why i couldnt get your hair. and i look at her hair tha same :ohwell:
:lol:I would break combs all the time, in fact I still do. :/ I have some teeth missing off of my wide toothed comb.

It's a little embarassing when it takes travelling 2 miles to get to your scalp, I have a ton of hairs on my head and I just sometimes wish it was less so it's easier to manage.

KCcurly: has info on the cut? Hopefully doing a search will just pull it up.
Can't relate. I have thick hair and I'm very happy for it. Your hair is beautiful, and you have so much of it that you can lose a lot and still have a full head of hair - never take that for granted. If you want hair that hangs straight down ... put on a wig. :)