Does anyone want thinner hair or is it just me?

I have both dense hair and thick strands. Whenever I have to spend hours and hours styling that's when I wish I had less! That and when I was relaxed and wanted my hair to just sit down. it just puffs up! (note my siggy)
I think you feel that way because you were made to feel bad about it growing up. Back in those days we had zero knowledge on how to care for coils. I went through the same thing and grew up hating my thick hair and coarse strands. Now that I know how to handle it I love my thickness, it makes every style fuller and more fun, it makes presses more substantial it's just an overall advantage. I wish it didn't take so long to style but I'm used to it and grateful for it at this point.

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No...I love thick hair. It can be kinda difficult at times, but I wouldn't give it up for nothin'. I used to break combs (not anymore because I'm more gentle), I can't use the same hair accessories as others because my hair can't fit in them, etc., etc. But overall, I like the way thick hair looks better.
*raises hands sheepishly*

It's not that I want thin hair, I just wish it was just a tad less thick. It takes FOREVER to do things like twists and roller sets. It's just a lot to handle sometimes. But there are worse problems to have, right? want less hair? #WhereTheyDoThatAt :sekret:

i find the whole premise of this thread blasphemous. :nono:

i gotta go before i got struck by lightening just for being in here.....
No_I have a strong preference for BIG hair, that kinda surrounds my head...even when I have my hair straight I'm forever tossing it upside down and fluffing it to make it super hugeLOL.
I had the same issue. I never got any hang out of natural styled EVER! That is why I heat train. Same volume with hang time.