I Relaxed and Now I Miss My NG!


Well-Known Member
Any of you ladies stretch your relaxer and then when you relax. Suddenly you miss the thickness of your ng. I do. My hair seems so much thinner. I want thick relaxed hair. Any tips on how to get thick relaxed hair. The strange thing is when I started this journey it seemed so much thicker, but it does not seem as thick, the longer it gets. Anyone find this to be true. I posted a couple of picks in my fotki.
Yes, I found that to be true. As the years go on when I was a constant relaxer my hair seemed to get thinner. That's one of my reason's for transitioning. I want thick, healthy, long hair.
I used to feel that way when I relaxed my hair straight. Now, that I texlax, I still have plenty of thickness after the touchup.
I used to feel that way when I relaxed my hair straight. Now, that I texlax, I still have plenty of thickness after the touchup.

It's not bone straight, but I went a little past the 18 min this time. It's definitely not overprocessed. Hopefully I should still have a little wave when I wash it. I not sure if true texlax will work for me. A stylist underprocessed me in March and it was really damaging to my hair.
Have you ever thought about texlaxing? My hair has been much thicker since I have been doing this.:yep:

When you texlax, do you just apply the relaxer and NOT work it through? Does it just stay on the hair the amount of time you take to apply it.
i've been thinkin the same thing!! i was 6 months post when i relaxed and now it just feels weird to have it so straight
story of my life. i have such fine strands that newgrowth is welcomed. it gives me great volume. when i relax i instantly want it back! sometimes it makes me want to go natural.
Me too! I just relaxed and my hair looks and feels so thin. I can't wait for some new growth to kick it!! I'm definitely going to texlaxed route from now on. No more bone straight hair for me.:nono:
my "curlies" will always have a special place in my heart...we have a bitter-sweet relationship...im always excited to 'relax' them but sad when they're gone...i never relax bone straight though