Does anyone REALLY enjoy their hair?


Well-Known Member
My hair is now SL and I want to wear it down but im paranoid. I feel like my ends will dry out and break off. I get this feeling when I do my hair also; it never hangs unless Im checking my length.

Do you ladies feel like this or am I crazy?? I want to enjoy my hair but Im afraid ill mess up the little bit of progress ive made.
A lot of people get paranoid when they make it to SL because this is the length that can possible set you back because it drags on your clothes and this is the length where you want to show your progress, if you want to wear it out without dragging you can do curls that ways it hangs above your shoulders and its a non manipulation state, so you won't have to comb your hair everyday because its in curls.
I wear my hair mostly in curls and moisturize and seal daily and when I wake up I seal again with my grape seed oil so my ends does not dry and breakoff
I get you. When I get my hair flat-ironed, it's the worst. I always think dang, I just used heat on my hair and now I'm wearing it down too. lol.
but really, why have long hair if nobody knows you have it? yeah, i'm doing it for myself, but I personally want credit for it too and not just when someone questions me how long it is because of how big my bun is lol.
I'm getting over it as my hair gets longer so maybe you will too. I wore a curly pony tail twice this week and got lots of compliments and that made me feel better as well.
I enjoy mine. I love low-manipulation hair styles! Braid out, flexi rod and curlformer sets, :yep: Keep your hair M&S. Especially, the ends and cover it up at night.
My hair breaks here and there but no where near the extent as it used to prior to seriously caring for it. I don't have the face for buns so I always wear it down. I could retain more with buns but it's not worth it. As long as my hand isn't covered with hair as I apply products I think I'm doing alright. I'm retaining most of my length anyways.
to answer your question in the title: honestly, no, i do not feel like I enjoy my hair as much as I'd like to. however, as some ladies in the HL 2014 thread were discussing, once I get to a certain point (possibly HL:lick:), the whole world will know! :grin:
So for those of you who wear your hair down, all you do is seal your ends? Do you do a DC before you style for added protection?
So for those of you who wear your hair down, all you do is seal your ends? Do you do a DC before you style for added protection?

I always deep condition with every wash with heat for 15 minutes, moisturize with my leave in and seal and style. Once I even moisturized twice and sealed (used my leave in, used my thicker moisturizer i usually use daily, and I sealed with my oil). Then I get up the next day and seal again. And every night I lightly moisturize my ends by scrunching moisturizer in my curls and taking excess and adding it to the rest of my hair and lightly sealing my ends by scrunching all into my hair and again in the morning sealing with my oil
I always deep condition with every wash with heat for 15 minutes, moisturize with my leave in and seal and style. Once I even moisturized twice and sealed (used my leave in, used my thicker moisturizer i usually use daily, and I sealed with my oil). Then I get up the next day and seal again. And every night I lightly moisturize my ends by scrunching moisturizer in my curls and taking excess and adding it to the rest of my hair and lightly sealing my ends by scrunching all into my hair and again in the morning sealing with my oil

Thanks. I normally do something similar everyday but then I put it in a bun. So far no courage to wear it out. Ill have to try this with my hair down for a couple of hours.
to answer your question in the title: honestly, no, i do not feel like I enjoy my hair as much as I'd like to. however, as some ladies in the HL 2014 thread were discussing, once I get to a certain point (possibly HL:lick:), the whole world will know! :grin:

Exactly! 10chsr
I think it makes sense in your case. There is a part of you who wants to wear it down and show the beautiful health and lenght of the hair . Then its like....its at the shoulders all them ends rubbing. I was always slightly passed my shoulders but when It was at that point, I was always looking at my ends...and then putting my hair up. Once its passed the shoulder it got easier for me. Im currently BSL lenght and When I worry it down Im not conscious about it until I sit in a chair then I start thinking about my ends.
I am enjoying knowing that my hair is healthier. I do not wear it down often because I enjoy wearing buns. At one time I could not get my hair in a bun because it was not long enough. Now that it is long enough and the ends especially the back don't come out of the bun, I am happy. I am sure I will get to a point that I get bored with it but that is when I will get serious about wearing wigs to give myself a different look and to experiment without sacrificing my hair.
I do. I went through too many plain and downright ugly stages of learning how to do my hair and take care better than i had been for there not to be a payoff when its all said and done. I love my hair now. This isn't to say I wont go back to another hide your hair or no heat period, or that I don't say "uh oh shouldn't have done that" and cut some. I just balance it out now. I don't wear my hair in styles that I don't like just to grow hair and I feel comfortable enough to wear my hair how I want when I want without beating myself up for doing it. I had to find my medium to make it worth it for me. I know I am am not looking for the longest and healthiest hair I can possibly have if I can't wear it like I want it and it becomes and inconvenience during every wash day. I know as as I do more potentially damaging things to my hair the quality of my products and tools need to match that to offset my potential damage. I also know I can't whip my hair like I do on wash day every day of the week for time and manipulation reasons but when when I style my hair on wash day and the results are ideal it's all worth it. I just wanted it longer than it used to be and look good when I want it to. I'm there now.
I wasn't and my hair has suffered because of it. I'm now going to do styles I like and hopefully my hair will like it, too!:yep:
My hair is now SL and I want to wear it down but im paranoid. I feel like my ends will dry out and break off. I get this feeling when I do my hair also; it never hangs unless Im checking my length.

Do you ladies feel like this or am I crazy?? I want to enjoy my hair but Im afraid ill mess up the little bit of progress ive made.

I used to be that way, then I said forget that. I wear my hair out 99% of the time. Hair is going to break no matter how hard we try to prevent it. Wear and tear is just a part of the game. I just do my best to keep it at a minimum. I deep condition once a week, use protein as needed, incorporate oils into my regimen (sealing and oil rinsing), trim a few times a year, and keep manipulation low. It has gotten me to BSL. That's the longest my hair has been since I started caring for it on my own.

I just can't be paranoid about my hair. It becomes draining if I focus too much on it. I really believe that if you can keep your hair moisturized and don't abuse chemicals and heat, and aren't doing a million things to it daily, then you should be able to have a pretty healthy head of hair. :yep:
Yes and no. I don't enjoy it as much as I did prior to joining LHCF, but since being here some years, I know how to rotate styles and still safely enjoy my hair.

I roller set if I want it straight, bun, & twist out on other days. I almost never use direct heat like before, and that was the main culprit of damage.

OP, find a few styles to stick with on your journey. Don't believe that rubbing on your shirt crap. Put coconut oil on your hair everyday and be done with it. I assure you you'll still retain length.

-Resident cosmetologist.
When my hair was shoulder length I had to hide it.

My hair didn't retain. I deep conditioned, moisturized, sealed, didn't use heat.....i was still stuck at SL for a year.

Hid my hair and kept it off my clothes for one year, that's when I finally made it to APL. I would've reached it in one year not two, IF I didn't wear it down as much.

It took me two years to get from SL to APL because that first year I refused to keep my hair up.

Everyone is different. U may not have that issue. But there are plenty of ladies that have had that problem.....

I have learned to enjoy my hair when I wear it up AND when I wear it down.

Up means I'm retaining and growing

Down means I'm flossing and showing. :p
I do. I went through too many plain and downright ugly stages of learning how to do my hair and take care better than i had been for there not to be a payoff when its all said and done. I love my hair now. This isn't to say I wont go back to another hide your hair or no heat period, or that I don't say "uh oh shouldn't have done that" and cut some. I just balance it out now. I don't wear my hair in styles that I don't like just to grow hair and I feel comfortable enough to wear my hair how I want when I want without beating myself up for doing it. I had to find my medium to make it worth it for me. I know I am am not looking for the longest and healthiest hair I can possibly have if I can't wear it like I want it and it becomes and inconvenience during every wash day. I know as as I do more potentially damaging things to my hair the quality of my products and tools need to match that to offset my potential damage. I also know I can't whip my hair like I do on wash day every day of the week for time and manipulation reasons but when when I style my hair on wash day and the results are ideal it's all worth it. I just wanted it longer than it used to be and look good when I want it to. I'm there now.

All this!:yep:

I am very close to getting to this point. I think everything is in balance. I will flat iron or do a blowout but maybe once a month to every other month. No abusing heat or over manipulation. I realized it is even mentally healthy for me to wear my hair out and be free.:lol:
Thanks ladies :) I see myself doing all this but its easier said than done. The last time i had my hair down i had a braid out. Every couple of minutes i would look down and see little broken hairs on my WHITE shirt. Maybe my hair was too dry and ill try seal my ends and doing pre-poos.
Yes I have always enjoyed my hair at every stage/length it's been. Never had a problem retaining length. I did notice after looking at past pictures that my hair always seemed to be in a ponytail. Not on purpose, I would just wear it down for a few days and throw it in a ponytail when I grew tired of feeling it on my neck and back.

After deciding to stop cutting it, I just incorporated deep conditioning and protein treatments. I just refuse to not enjoy my hair while trying to reach a certain length. It truly is a journey...I'm in no rush to get there, but you better believe the ride is gonna be fun! lol
I hide my hair often and enjoy every minute of it. I do styles that I like so it has never seemed like a drag. I originally started hiding my hair because of acne. I wanted my hair off / out my face as process of elimination of potential reasons of what was causing the acne. It then just became a way of life. I never did it for growth. Now that acne is pretty much a thing of the past, I'm still hiding because I truly love it. I also love wearing my hair down and do so from time to time. All of it is fun, if you allow it to be. So all that rambling to say, yes I enjoy my hair.
I hide my hair often and enjoy every minute of it. I do styles that I like so it has never seemed like a drag. I originally started hiding my hair because of acne. I wanted my hair off / out my face as process of elimination of potential reasons of what was causing the acne. It then just became a way of life. I never did it for growth. Now that acne is pretty much a thing of the past, I'm still hiding because I truly love it. I also love wearing my hair down and do so from time to time. All of it is fun, if you allow it to be. So all that rambling to say, yes I enjoy my hair.

divachyk, how did you get rid of your acne? what was the problem?
I don't really enjoy my own hair, as I've been hiding it and wearing wigs/weaves since I'm in the process of doing a long-term transition. So I still have some relaxed ends and I can't really wear a completely natural look. I do enjoy it for the most part when it is straight however. It's just a lot of work to keep it straight and I'm also fearful of heat damage. Heat damage and it breaking off from too much manipulation is what keeps me from truly enjoying my hair. I straightened it yesterday for the first time in about 7 months and it has gotten even longer than my siggy pic. I'm now at BSL. I think I'm finally going to completely cut off all the relaxed ends at the end of the month. I've been transitioning for more than 2 years.
Yes. I tend to wear my hair up most of the week for convenience sake, but rock it down towards the weekends. I always do styles I like no matter if it is up or down. Always. There is no compromising my look or how I feel about my hair style.
I try to keep a balance, but from experience, I got better (i.e. faster) results when I would PS. For example, the first time i reached midback it took forever because I was wearing it out every day with no major length gains. After bunning it up for a few months, I finally broke that milestone. Then while waiting to reach WL, I kinda threw my hands up and let it grow. I wore it out every day and in a six month period it eventually reached that goal.

Right now I'm trying to really focus on reaching my next hair goal before the end of the year so I'm bunning it up daily. I try to make pretty buns, but to treat myself and not feel "blah" at times, I'll wear it down for one week after relaxing, and I'll wear it down to church if it's been freshly set. I also take a picture before I bun it up so I can see that it's pretty and still doing it's thang while in that bun, lol.
I think you received great feedback, but just wanted to say that when I was ear length and dying to be APL...I did not want to bun or wear it up at all. The only way that I reached and surpassed APL was by doing protective styles. I learned to enjoy buns and up hairstyles. I also learned that I can only get away with what my hair allows - if I want to retain length.

But not everyone is like that. As I struggled to reach BSL (and made it - whoop whoop) a relative started her hair growing kick with shorter hair, she did everything she wanted to her hair and ended up waist length.

We have a similar texture, but her hair is unbreakable (almost) while my hair breaks under heat, chemical or strain. She put heat on it - pressed it, flat ironed it, you name it, didn't deep condition, added color, didn't trim unless she wanted to, blah blah blah. She just said that she can basically do anything to her hair and still reach her goals...and it is apparantly true. have to find what works for your hair and I have learned to love my hair up, down or twisted out. :) I enjoy it everyday.