O the irony......Is anyone else uncomfortable wearing their hair down?!

Guyaneek said:
MEEEEEEEEEEEE! Funny, I was just thinking this as I posted in the HYHTJ thread! I do feel a little uncomfortable wearing it down for some reason :lol: so odd!

*I'm glad there's a thread about this...cause I swear I have been feeling like this since I started wearing my hair down.:ohwell: I wore a wig for so long...I forgot what wearing my own hair felt like. I'm getting more adjusted though.

Sylver is my wearing hair down inspiration and I'm rocking braidouts for the summer.

I just make sure I oil my ends in the morning, I have some Kiehl's and an oil mixture in my pocketbook at work, rub again before I go outside again to go home. Hopefully, any end damage will be minimal, cause I ain't puttin that wig on my head this summer...*
O.K., I wasn't going to join in but...I'm thinking of transitioning right now. I'm APL stretched, I haven't worn my hair down in probably 2 years, and I have NEVER worn my natural hair out, but I'm planning to try. I have been easing into it by wearing an airdried loose ponytail. I wore it to work for the first time on Monday. My (caucasian) coworkers couldn't believe their eyes. One asked me if it was a clip on or a weave, another asked me to take it down to prove it was real.:eek: .

Anyway, all day I was afraid my ends were rubbing off, like I was going to have less hair at the end of the day. I was so relieved to braid it back up at night. I don't know how I am going to do with wearing it out natural!
This was such an interesting thread to read. I wear my hair up a lot because my hair isn't at the length I want it and I like wearing it up. And especially now that it's summer, I don't want my hair all on my neck and down my back. It's too hot for all that! I won't be revealing my hair down again till my birthday, 10/27, when it's apl.
ME!!!!!I wear my hair down, but it's a pain. I can literally feel it brushing up against my sweater and sometimes I hate the feel of it suffocating my face, but I love how it looks and feels otherwise when I wear it down.
I envy the girls who's hair is so strong that they can wear it down everyday without worrying about their ends.
nicki6 said:
I've recently discovered that I don't really enjoy wearing my hair down:nono:
You would think that after all the time and attention I've given my hair, I could enjoy the fruits of my labor every now and then, but I am aware of every strand brushing my clothes..and heaven forbid I feel some break:cry2:

I'm so paranoid that I usually put it up before the day is out:smirk:

I feel the same way. I'm too afraid to wear my hair down in public. I don't like the attention and it doesn't feel normal to me. The last time I wore my hair down was on Dec. 9, 2006.
SouthernTease said:
I am still hiding my hair
(until... I dunno)
but I am very scared to
wear it down...
even for a day...
I don't think I will unless
its a super special occassion...
I am scared that all my hard work
will be ruined by split ends

The bolded is a REAL fear of mine:sad:
I feel yo uguys on this too, especially since my hair is SL, I am soo afraid of breakage that I don't like wearing it down, and it's hard for me to experiment with different hair styles other than the pulled back bun I have in my avitar picture.
Wow, glad to know I am not alone.. I have not worn my hair down at work since Oct of 2006.. My family has not seen my hair since Oct of 2006 also. Only my husband and child have seen my hair down at home. I am keeping my hair up until I reach full BSL. I don't really want anyone to see my length and progress because so many people have said my hair could never grow long.:(
I'm uncomfortable for the most part as well.
I can wear it out for the few hours after I come out of the salon, but it gets put up afterwards.
lately, i've been wearing a banana clipped braid out, so my SL hair doesn't touch my body/clothes.
more recently, i've switched back to hiding my hair in buns. Its too darn hot to wear it out/down and I'm too darn lazy to do anything else to it after I wash it.
BUT here's how I think of it:
before I came here, my hair's length was stagnant, BUT it was healthy (before the color mishap) despite wearing it down all the time. I can't even say that it was stagnant because I was the scissor happy one a couple years back (I used to get a bob in the first few months of the year, have my hair grow back the end of the year, then do it all over again the next year). So once I reach my goal length (and who knows when this will ever happen, because I've noticed that people's goals are constantly changing. who knows, I may reach mid back and decide I want to be natural again), I fully intend to wear it down, JUST like I did before, but in addition to maintaining my healthy hair habits.

However, I am definitely a few years away from this point, so I feel just as uncomfortable as you all.
ME too!!! I like now that its summer so I can wear tank tops and the only time I wear my hair out now is after I rollerset. This last for a day then its back in some sort of updo. I cant wait till this time next year believe me I will be swangin my BSL hair around all the time. But weekdays up in the same old granny bun. Its all good. I love the results Im getting from keeping my hair up and love the compliments I get when I wear it down every once in awhile:D
I am not even sure what length my hair is right now. I only blew it out twice since BC and the first time it didn't last long. The second time it was so heavy on my face and I was worried about the back I just ended up washing it and putting my band around and I push it down into a bun. I am so excited about growing my hair and so terrified it will all break off. Still I am looking forward to the day I feel strongly like this I am not sure what I will do then. But I have a point to prove to a lot of people who said my hair would always always be short. Ha
I should add that wear my hair down almost every day in spite of my worries, but now what I do to eliminate some of the stress is to pin it up when I'm inside. As soon as I get home I pin it up, if I'm working I tend to pin it up until I'm done, etc. I figure it lessens the amount of damage and so fa my hairdresser says I don't have any split ends. Also I think what helps is that I rub Tigi's Ego Boost on my ends the first day after a rollerset or over my leave in. It seals and protect the ends of your hair.
The irony for me is that I've got my hair at a good length, but I seem to be allergic to the oils and moisturizers I put in my hair when I wear it wavy. In this heat, I like to wear lots of strappy sleeveless tops, and with my hair down I get a rash. I haven't figured out just which product it is; I just have sensitive skin.

But if I wear it out flatironed with little on it, I'm scared it might frizz in the GA humidity.

Typically, though, I am not worried about wearing my hair down, so much as I am worried about actually ironing it so that it looks it's best down. I really need to learn to rollerset.
winterinatl said:
The irony for me is that I've got my hair at a good length, but I seem to be allergic to the oils and moisturizers I put in my hair when I wear it wavy. In this heat, I like to wear lots of strappy sleeveless tops, and with my hair down I get a rash. I haven't figured out just which product it is; I just have sensitive skin.

But if I wear it out flatironed with little on it, I'm scared it might frizz in the GA humidity.

Typically, though, I am not worried about wearing my hair down, so much as I am worried about actually ironing it so that it looks it's best down. I really need to learn to rollerset.

Dang!!! Its always something:ohwell: You ladies have made me feel better about this:D

BTW...this is my 2,000th post!!:woot:
K Stokes said:
I can bearly go 2 days without hearing the whisper "you need to baggie those ends" "Your ends are rubbing on your clothes"

:lol: You and me both! Every second that my hair is down i hear that little voice in my ear too!
I wore my hair down earlier this week and all I heard was WOW, your hair is so long. I felt proud but I couldn't enjoy it. I found myself sitting at my desk constantly checking my hair for dryness and dreaded splits. I kept looking around my desk to see if there was any shedded or broken hairs - I was TRIPPIN! I even brought a tiney 1 oz bottle of spray moisturizer, some aloe hair oil and a clip - just in case. I thought I was going to wear my hair down for the summer, but it's too distracting.
Wow, I thought I was the only one. I too keep silk ties and clips handy so on those R-A-R-E occassions when I wear it down, It ALWAYS ends up back protected.

ETA: Beautiful hair SleekandBouncy!!!
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Its so refreshing that while we are all on this hair journey we are all experiencing the same little quirks...funny!:p
nelli711 said:
I feel uncomfortable wearing it down is because it gets in the way of everything! Since I keep my hair up all the time, I'm not used to feeling hair on my neck and getting in my eyes and whatnot. It's also very uncomfortable when it is hot outside. I think being in the heat with my hair down bothers me the most.

Yes, this sums it up for me.
This is why when I press my hair I only keep it for 2-3 days top. I feel like its being damaged when its down and the the straightness is breaking my nappy bonds. Its really weird.
Soooooo.........now we understand why those women we knew had the long strands always bunned. I no longer question myself.."Why doesn't she do a 'style' with ALL that hair?" I have my hair now in two braids and am very happy with it for the weekend. The two braids is as far as I'm going for "outted hair". I do not want to constantly feel, rebraid then spritz my ends.
This is really funny so many ladies feel this way. I wore a really cute curly pony with my flexi-8 clip, but all day I kept pulling the pony away from the cotton cropped hoody I had on.:( I love to wear my hair out though, and I especially love how it feels on my neck and back...feels like warm silk. The textured has really changed, but I still feel really uneasy wearing it down. I find myself only buying shirts, dresses, jackets, etc. that will not snag my hair, even though I rarely wear it down.:spinning: Talk about mental!:lol:
:( yeah right now yes because I just got a full relaxer in april because my hair was underprocessed (my own doing for self relaxing) and she said it would take a couple of retouches to get it straight.

Its getting straight now but it still can get a little frizzy. Plus my hair was cut short and theres not much you can do with short hair so im trying to think of hairstyles because im sick of wearing a bun.

I dont want to use heat on my hair either until it grows out so I have no idea how to wear it down and style it.

But then I get paranoid that I should be wearing a bun for it to grow out and plus theres less manipulation. haha oh the irony.
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The paranoia doesnt go away ya'all. :lol: I still cringe at wearing my hair down, and cant do it for more than 2 days in a row (and that's pushing it).:lachen:
nicki6 said:
I've recently discovered that I don't really enjoy wearing my hair down:nono:
You would think that after all the time and attention I've given my hair, I could enjoy the fruits of my labor every now and then, but I am aware of every strand brushing my clothes..and heaven forbid I feel some break:cry2:

I'm so paranoid that I usually put it up before the day is out:smirk:

Yeah, me too.b
When I do wear it down, I get this weird feeling inside. I am aware of every strand every time. Once I hear a snap from my hair, that equals breakage to me and up in a bun it goes.
I used to be but I got over it. My hair is in protective styles more often than not though, so having it down for a day or two doesn't bug me.