Does anyone here watch NEXT? Why we should take the "NEXT" approach

If you've never heard of the show...

Ever wish you could bail in the middle of a bad date? Well, NEXT is the MTV show that lets you do just that. We'll set you up on 5 dates. The minute you get annoyed, angry or just plain bored, simply kick 'em to the curb by saying "NEXT", and start over with someone new.
There are some other parts of the show, like receiving a $1 for every minute you last on the date before you are "next-ed". But that's not important to the thread, so...

I love that show! Yea it's stupid, but it's actually a pretty decent approach to relationships. Isn't life like the NEXT bus, except there are more than 5 suitors sitting back waiting to meet you? We assume we'll never meet another guy like (insert sorry arse chump here) because...

a. we feel like decent guys will never approach us
b. we think he's the best we'll come across
c. we don't want to start over
d-ζ. more excuses

If you are unhappy with someone, there are plenty of guys who are at least a little better than the losing arse loser wasting your time. They are just not all on a bus awaiting a date. Well, round them up! Life is too short to stick around with a smooth-talking, inconsiderate, liar who is causing you more grief than bliss.

I just LOVE the idea of saying "NEXT!" when a guy starts acting up. That's right, bring in the next guy! If I know you're a crappy excuse for a BF, I'm wasting my time and might as well see what else is out there. I think we act differently in a relationship when taking the "NEXT" approach. We aren't as likely to put up with B.S. Just imagine if you knew for a fact that there were men on a bus who were ready to meet you, wouldn't you be more likely to drop his butt? Well there are men, they are just scattered around. Get some confidence and they'll be lining up. Like I said earlier, if you aren't happy, there HAS to be a guy better than the pile of dung you're dealing with now. Seriously.

What they are REALLY saying...
Guy: "I don't want to work, I would rather mooch off of you"
You: NEXT!

Guy: "I'll deal with you on MY time, so don't expect me to put you before my boys or girls on the side"
You: NEXT!

Guy: "I lie about little things, so will definitely lie about big things"
You: NEXT!

Guy: "I just want to have fun in the sack, shack up, and keep my options open--so no, I will probably never propose"
You: NEXT!

Girls, if you are dating or 'talking to' the suckiest sucker that ever did suck, please send his arse back on the next bus and bring the next one out!

If you need a visual please observe exhibit A at 2:00

:lachen: Boy BYE!
