Does anyone else spend HOURS on LHCF when they should be working/studying?


So am I the only one that does this??? :perplexed I have my law school exams coming up in about a month (yes, I am TOTALLY Elle from Legally Blonde), and I have SOO much work to do for school and for my job yet I ALWAYS have issues peeling myself away from here. :wallbash: Don't get me wrong, I get my work done, but not without my extended LHCF fix. I even reward myself for studying by giving myself some LHCF time every so many hours, or I will do a hair treatment if I was REALLY good!!! I swear this forum is like crack!!! (I even have a link to this website on my bookmark bar) HELP!!! :drunk:

If anyone sees me here lurking please send me to my books. There is no sense in having fly hair and no job. After all this PJ needs to support her lifestyle :lachen:
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See my avatar. Doesn't everybody? :lachen:

I KNOW I am on here at least 6.5 hours a day and I am on a 7.5 hour work day! :lachen:
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YES. I should be doing an online course for my job right now, but I don't seem to have the free time. oh to lurk some more
Yes, I thought it was just me (because I'm a newbie)!
I just can't stay away!
I love LHCF!

Ok, well I gues I better go study now ladies :nono: but do continue to post because I WILL be back (probably sooner than later :wallbash:) See Ya!
Eeek, I am not going to even begin the list the things I *should* be doing... I pop in during the work day when ever I can and I have to watch it on the weekends!! LOL I consider this my entertainment!! Who needs the news or TV, it doesn't matter about the subject, I usually find out about it here first!

Luckily this site was not around when I was in college. Also, this site is blocked by Websense at my job. But when I get home I'm on here for hours!

When I got my hair done every 2 weeks I spent a lot of time in Off Topic and Entertainment. But since I started doing my own hair earlier this year I cannot stay out of Hair Care Tips!
i'm new here...but since i found out about it, i'm always in absolute awe!
I should be working on a presentation at the moment, but i cant pry my eyes away from the talk of hair, hair, and more hair! Hopefully it'll die down once the pressure of procrastination rolls in.....
OMG! ME!!!! I'm up on here when I should be at work (I tutor from 7-10). I also have a test to study for tomorrow and two papers due on Thursday. Haven't started on anything because I'm posted up on LHCF.
Well I do find reading and posting here a good way for me to wind my brain down from a hecktic day!! So...that's better than having a drank right??!! :look:LOL
I too am totally addicted to this site. It is so bad that as soon as I get to my desk at work, I sign on to LHCF. All throughout the day I am constantly refreshing the "new posts". As soon as I get home from work. It's actually quite pitiful, but I just can't help myself.
I do! I should be reading Biology right now but as you see, I ain't reading nothing but LHCF posts....I'll get to the Biology lata
So am I the only one that does this??? :perplexed I have my law school exams coming up in about a month (yes, I am TOTALLY Elle from Legally Blonde), and I have SOO much work to do for school and for my job yet I ALWAYS have issues peeling myself away from here. :wallbash: Don't get me wrong, I get my work done, but not without my extended LHCF fix. I even reward myself for studying by giving myself some LHCF time every so many hours, or I will do a hair treatment if I was REALLY good!!! I swear this forum is like crack!!! (I even have a link to this website on my bookmark bar) HELP!!! :drunk:

If anyone sees me here lurking please send me to my books. There is no sense in having fly hair and no job. After all this PJ needs to support her lifestyle :lachen:

I feel you. I should be outlining and exampling and explanationing, but I cant. :nono:

Elle, meet Elle II. LOL
Both :badgirl:
I suppose to writing papers for grad school and working while I'm on the clock...... I'm thinking about how I can't wait til I reach BSL then MBL....
Well its nice to know Im not alone! We need an addiction support group :lachen:....this place is the reason I always wait until the last minute to study for my exams....and even during studying like every hour Ill take a 15 minute break and be on here getting my fix :drunk:

I work in pediatric home health on private duty and when I go on cases where I cant pick up a wireless connection it is soooo hard to get thru my shifts! I was thinking of getting a sprint wireless card just so I can always have access to the internet wherever I go! I got it BAD....:spinning:
Well I do find reading and posting here a good way for me to wind my brain down from a hecktic day!! So...that's better than having a drank right??!! :look:LOL
Yes! :grin: There are people who want a beer or a glass of wine after a rough day at work and then there are people like us!
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: @ EVERYONE'S posts. It's good to know that I am not alone in this obssession, and YES, I am back after less than an hour :wallbash:.

MizzEsq, I totally have Examples and Explantions sitting right next to me. I'm trying to get my evidence on (the dreaded Hearsay) but am more concerned with the LHCF happenings!

We ALL really need a support group... or NOT! :lachen:
Guilty!!! been a member for awhile, but just recently became addicted. I finally said it was time to get on my personal tasks and goals. The forum keeps me on my toes with my hair goals and always encourages me on my worse days. Its a good escape from my hectic life sometimes.

I think whenever you all see me posting too much, a simple "GO StUDY AL00FONE!" would suffice. I have no idea how i never have time for anything yet I have time to be gettin on LHCF. Which reminds me... I have 2 papers due tomorrow! :blush:

So am I the only one that does this??? :perplexed I have my law school exams coming up in about a month (yes, I am TOTALLY Elle from Legally Blonde), and I have SOO much work to do for school and for my job yet I ALWAYS have issues peeling myself away from here. :wallbash: Don't get me wrong, I get my work done, but not without my extended LHCF fix. I even reward myself for studying by giving myself some LHCF time every so many hours, or I will do a hair treatment if I was REALLY good!!! I swear this forum is like crack!!! (I even have a link to this website on my bookmark bar) HELP!!! :drunk:

If anyone sees me here lurking please send me to my books. There is no sense in having fly hair and no job. After all this PJ needs to support her lifestyle :lachen:
Guilty as charged!!! I try to stay away but it keeps calling six year old is always telling me to get off that hair site.
I am always online because of the type of work I do so my work windows and LHCF window are minimised. I just keep maximising, refreshing, browsing the new posts, replying if I need to, minimising. That way I get work done and I get my LHCF fix. Any justifiable break and the LHCF window is fully maximised for 15 + mins. When my work day is done...I reward myself with posting on LHCF. WTH! I feel like a junkie.
who u tellin: this might as well be my home page: anywhere i can access the net: i'm on here