Do your friends/family think you're OBSESSED with your hair?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who I thought was my "hair buddy" IRL. Since I started talking about buying a hair steamer, I found out that she called me "obsessed" about my hair behind my back. I don't know why, but my feelings were kind of hurt....:sad:.

Does this happen to anyone else? Do your friends and family call you obsessed, even though they can see what you're doing is clearly working for you?

Yes, I know there are threads like this, but I wanted to start an updated one :yep:.
I AM! I know i am.. Hair literally takes up my life. Since i have goin natural and found these hair boards, this is all i do in my free time. Read and learn.

My people know i have a problem because some kind of way all my conversations turn into one about natural hair lol...
My family knows that I'm knowledgable about hair care and they call me for product suggestions, but I don't like to discuss hair unless they inquire.
This is why I keep my thoughts about hair to myself now. B/c some folks like to make a mockery of it. It's just that hair is really important to me. The only person that truly understands is my DH. He respects my hair obsession and does not pass judgment. Everyone else is critical imo. Heck it's better than being obsessed with gambling. p**n and other crazy activities out here.

Don't worry just don't share anything else with her regarding hair. Just let her see how your hair flourishes.
I use to get a few looks and quiet responses from people I knew and then I just stopped talking to them about it all together. I was kind of hurt or offended too. I didn't know how bothered I was until it came out in my responses. They would reach for my hair and say... "oooh you transitioned well", or "ooooh it's growing - it's so soft... what did you do?" I then would halfway laugh and say, "don't try and act like you're interested now!" and change the subject.

When I talk about certain products, techniques and goals while in my stylist's chair... I can practically "hear" her rolling her eyes. She'll get quiet and then have this dumb look on her face I just start laughing. Most of the time, I'm bouncing ideas off of her because she knows me well but she also knows I'll run out and try or buy anything.

My friend goes to her too and while my stylist won't talk any kind of way to me (not in a bad way, just in a corrective tone), she does to my friend when she tells her the things we buy, love and discuss.

Unless it's someone that is as deep into it as I am, or my stylist that I need to bounce things off of... I really don't talk to anyone else about my hair. And yes, I am obsessed with it.
Right now, my DH thinks that its something for me to do; if I enjoy myself then he's happy. I do not have anyone to talk hair with except on this board. I do not think the people with whom I associate would understand.
It depends - but I am obsessed. My Mom - just laughs BUT also wants to know whats the latest information. My poor SO just gives me the blank stare EXCEPT when I talk about relaxing - he's all over me about stopping forever. :rolleyes:
I use to get a few looks and quiet responses from people I knew and then I just stopped talking to them about it all together. I was kind of hurt or offended too. I didn't know how bothered I was until it came out in my responses. They would reach for my hair and say... "oooh you transitioned well", or "ooooh it's growing - it's so soft... what did you do?" I then would halfway laugh and say, "don't try and act like you're interested now!" and change the subject.

When I talk about certain products, techniques and goals while in my stylist's chair... I can practically "hear" her rolling her eyes. She'll get quiet and then have this dumb look on her face I just start laughing. Most of the time, I'm bouncing ideas off of her because she knows me well but she also knows I'll run out and try or buy anything.

My friend goes to her too and while my stylist won't talk any kind of way to me (not in a bad way, just in a corrective tone), she does to my friend when she tells her the things we buy, love and discuss.

Unless it's someone that is as deep into it as I am, or my stylist that I need to bounce things off of... I really don't talk to anyone else about my hair. And yes, I am obsessed with it.

@bolded - Me Too!!! :grin:

This whole statement sums it up!!!
But in my case it is with some in-laws....they say throwed off comments, then ask advice, then halfway take my advice and wonder why "things are not going their way"

When people ask what I "do to my hair" nowadays I just say - wash and condition - and when they ask with what - I just state "whatever's on sale"....
*raises hand* im obsessed and proud lmao!

btw OP your hair look so full and healthy in ur Avi.... I love it!

but I find that I can only casually discuss hair with ppl IRL I leave all details and obsessions 4 LHCF
I've been obsessed with my hair for a loooong time, but I just really started to learn to properly care for it.

The only people I talk about hair with are my mother and father. My mother because once I started spouting knowledge, she became intrested too. So now we discuss hair care regularly. My father because he likes that I'm trying to go mostly organic or natural with my products. And one friend I have IRL here on the board..Hey Girl! :wave:

I think that hair is a healthy obsession..more women need to take a little more pride in their appearance. Taking proper care of my hair and seeing it flourish have only made positive impacts in my life. My self-esteem is flourishing because of all the compliments (from family, friends, and strangers), and my hair goals have motivated to complete other goals in my personal life........

So in short...Yes I'm Obsessed. And Yes They Know :grin:
My DH is the only one I share a lot with, but I found a new hair buddy that I dance with. So we text and chat about hair without feing like obsessed weirdo's!
You know, my family used to give me the :rolleyes: :ohwell: look when I'd talk about healthy hair care... before I did my big reveal. They had only seen me wearing wigs and other PS, so they did not believe me (that hurts my feelings!) when I told them about my length.

Ever since they have seen my hair flat ironed and out, NOW they want to listen to what I have to say and accept my hair advice. :rolleyes:
I was obsessed about all things hair way before hair forums became popular. My family and friends know what time it is with me, so they don't even comment anymore. :laugh:
Nope. My friends/family don't. Friends just think that I have "good hair"???

Family don't because I wear protective styles so frequently, and rarely are they privy to my personal habits in the confides of my home.

LHCF is my biggest secret weapon. I love reveals though during the holidays, etc.

My grandmother is too funny. She asked me to come to her church....and "make sure to wear your hair down"! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
You know, my family used to give me the :rolleyes: :ohwell: look when I'd talk about healthy hair care... before I did my big reveal. They had only seen me wearing wigs and other PS, so they did not believe me (that hurts my feelings!) when I told them about my length.

Ever since they have seen my hair flat ironed and out, NOW they want to listen to what I have to say and accept my hair advice. :rolleyes:
I know this feeling. Everybody used to talk about me so bad. They literally thought i was losing my mind because i didn't want to get relaxers n e more. I see things are turning around b.c my hair keeps growing at a good pace and im loving it.

Before it was " relax your hair damnit!" now people can't keep their hands out my hair which is something i have to constantly say stop doing
I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed but I definitely have a love for my hair that I've never had before because I know how to take care of it and am not afraid of being natural or relaxed. I only talk to my Mom about it but she's loced down to her hips and she's pretty much set with that.

I can tell that the people whose opinions I actually care about have noticed my increased confidence and although they're not quite "with me" when I'm talking about bagging my ends and challenges they give me the support I need and are happy that I'm happy. I have to say though, having the LHCF community to share with really does make my life a WHOLE lot easier!! AND I'll be starting cosmetology school soon (my bank account and Financial Aid willing) so you'll have a hairstylist to visit who actually WANTS to share your obsessions whether they be natural or tex/relaxed...if you're in the Chicagoland area of course :)
Yes, and unfortunately these are the same family members who's hair is fired, dye, and laid over to the side with a bad weave on top of the pile.
Thanks for all of the comments, guys.....

My family knows that I'm knowledgable about hair care and they call me for product suggestions, but I don't like to discuss hair unless they inquire.

I think this should be my new policy! I told someone IRL I was "growing my hair." She was like, "what's wrong with it?" :perplexed I didn't even know how to respond....

Nope, only DH thinks so
Im very :sekret: with other folk :laugh:

Haha! I don't have a DH, just a dear boyfriend. He loves my hair and thinks my "obsession" is kinda funny.

who cares? your hair is gorgeous...she may just be a hater...

Aw, thank you! My mom was like, she'll come around once her hair starts growing....

*raises hand* im obsessed and proud lmao!

btw OP your hair look so full and healthy in ur Avi.... I love it!

but I find that I can only casually discuss hair with ppl IRL I leave all details and obsessions 4 LHCF

Thank you! I really appreciate that. I need to stick to LHCF and a couple of other hair boards I am on. Before I found LHCF, I thought I was crazy. I knew there had to be a better way to take care of my hair...

then there's all the other information on here about careers, politics, even entertainment.

Nope. My friends/family don't. Friends just think that I have "good hair"???

Family don't because I wear protective styles so frequently, and rarely are they privy to my personal habits in the confides of my home.

LHCF is my biggest secret weapon. I love reveals though during the holidays, etc.

My grandmother is too funny. She asked me to come to her church....and "make sure to wear your hair down"! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

too funny! When I get ready to go out with my boyfriend, he sometimes reminds me to "wear my hair down." :lachen: I'm like, just wait until it actually gets LONNNNG....I can't wait!

They know!

They talk, but when they need something, they know who to come to, lol :lol: And they haven't seen nothin' yet-- give me a couple of years . . . they are going to see books and salons, and there won't be a question of who has gone Coocoo for cocopuffs :lol:
My friends yes. My family no. We all have nice hair on our heads and are always looking for new ways to up our hair game. My mom has cut her hair to CL and grew it back to BSL/MBL (BSL is as long as she likes it to get now) so many times that I can't count with "obsessing" over her hair. So I get my love of hair from them so I can talk to them about it. Outside of that I keep it to myself.
I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed but I definitely have a love for my hair that I've never had before because I know how to take care of it and am not afraid of being natural or relaxed. I only talk to my Mom about it but she's loced down to her hips and she's pretty much set with that.

I can tell that the people whose opinions I actually care about have noticed my increased confidence and although they're not quite "with me" when I'm talking about bagging my ends and challenges they give me the support I need and are happy that I'm happy. I have to say though, having the LHCF community to share with really does make my life a WHOLE lot easier!! AND I'll be starting cosmetology school soon (my bank account and Financial Aid willing) so you'll have a hairstylist to visit who actually WANTS to share your obsessions whether they be natural or tex/relaxed...if you're in the Chicagoland area of course :)

Congrats on starting cosmetology school! I was in Chicago this summer....if I ever go back and need a stylist, I will be looking you up!


They know!

They talk, but when they need something, they know who to come to, lol :lol: And they haven't seen nothin' yet-- give me a couple of years . . . they are going to see books and salons, and there won't be a question of who has gone Coocoo for cocopuffs :lol:

That's great.

I've read all of your articles, so I'll be one of the first in line to purchase your book!
My hubby is very supportive and doesn't bat an eye when UPS, mailman or Fedex brings packages several times per week :lachen:. My sister and sister in law will ask questions regarding their hair problems and some of the ladies at church also.
They sure do.
And folks can laugh, taunt, gossip, giggle and make jokes all they want.
*in Smokey from Friday voice* I don't give a phunk!

We gonna see who's laughing in a few years, when my hair is touching my butt and Diddy has more hair on his chin than they have on their heads.
I don't consider myself obsessed. It's just a hobby, just like some people love to play golf or go shopping. I still pay my bills, go to work, take care of my child and my hair "habit" doesn't get in the way.

Some others might consider me obsessed, but I can think of a lot of other worst things to be obsessed with than hair.