Do your friends/family think you're OBSESSED with your hair?

They don't think.....they KNOW:rofl::lachen::lol::rofl:

The advantage for me is that I'm MBL so what can they say to me:look:

lol they call me the natural hair expert I love it:grin: and my friends periodically drop by my facebook page and ask me for tips and advice and I respond and tell them everything they should get and how they should alter their technique....its fun for me:yep:

They understand pretty much everything but my parents dont seem to get why I would ever want to wear fake hair when my real hair is long they're like why would you add hair when you have all that?:rolleyes: I would tell them about the concept of protective styling but they'd just look at me like heh? lmao so I just say, oh I just want a break from my hair thats all lol....which is usually true.

I had THE sweetest moment with my brother a coupla weeks ago when he saw my crochet braid style for the first time he was like "thats really nice" I was like "thanks" and he said "is that what one of those protective styles?" I was like:blush: omgeeeeee:grin: you really do listen to me he was like okay okay relax:rolleyes: but I was like this:grin: all the way back to campus it was so sweet.

For the ladies that have shorter hair that are having trouble being understood....don't day the proof will be in front of their face and people will be calling texting and messaging you like they are me.....just stay on your journey and enjoy the spoils of your labor:grin:
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yess, my family knows i truely care about my hair. but i dont even talk to them about it anymore. im so glad im on lhcf so i can talk talk talk hair hair hair all i want and not get the side eye.
They don't think.....they KNOW:rofl::lachen::lol::rofl:

The advantage for me is that I'm MBL so what can they say to me:look:

lol they call me the natural hair expert I love it:grin: and my friends periodically drop by my facebook page and ask me for tips and advice and I respond and tell them everything they should get and how they should alter their technique....its fun for me:yep:

They understand pretty much everything but my parents dont seem to get why I would ever want to wear fake hair when my real hair is long they're like why would you add hair when you have all that?:rolleyes: I would tell them about the concept of protective styling but they'd just look at me like heh? lmao so I just say, oh I just want a break from my hair thats all lol....which is usually true.

I had THE sweetest moment with my brother a coupla weeks ago when he saw my crochet braid style for the first time he was like "thats really nice" I was like "thanks" and he said "is that what one of those protective styles?" I was like:blush: omgeeeeee:grin: you really do listen to me he was like okay okay relax:rolleyes: but I was like this:grin: all the way back to campus it was so sweet.

For the ladies that have shorter hair that are having trouble being understood....don't day the proof will be in front of their face and people will be calling texting and messaging you like they are me.....just stay on your journey and enjoy the spoils of your labor:grin:

That was sweet!!!:yep:
Yeah I've been called obsessed before. Thats okay. I plan to swang my obsession in their faces when I hit MBL :yep:
let me just add: before i was WL, my family believed me, so when i got to WL it was like "great"<--not in the thrilled way: lol. it was nothing really to them. but in the street its like "OMG!! OMG!! all that hair!! "are you mixed" is there pieces in it?"

eta, ihave a friend who seen me go from above BSL to WL,but she still thinks im mixed with something, i dont fricken get it. she makes me mad sometimes becuase she always want me to do her hair, but when i do hher hair, she jacks it up the next day. its not that hard to throw a moisturizer in your head, thats the bases of retaining length. i tell her " you can also be WL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" its not that hard!!!
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My hubby is the only one who would think so and maybe one of my homegirls who tends to tease me about my concotions, however I don't get to talk about it enough for anyone to think I am obsessed, maybe it's my cheapness and that I am not so gun ho about lookin on point (that's how my friends are) but rather just the simple thriving of my hair be it short or long weaved or not...
My closest friends know I'm obsessed along with my SO, my family however may only have a thought that I might be. The good thing is that my SO once had long hair so every once in a blue moon we'll chat, but that's only if he brings it up and decides to encourage me to keep growing it when it sees it has grown. But if he doesn't bring it up I can't talk to him about my hair thoughts so instead I come on here and post or on my blog. I'm also sure a few of my friends have told me I'm obsessed with hair, but I know its true, they just don't have a passion for it like me and I know to keep the hair talk to a minimum with them. That's including when they ask for advice.
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When people ask what I "do to my hair" nowadays I just say - wash and condition - and when they ask with what - I just state "whatever's on sale"....

Okay, I'm stealing this response. I like. Quick, to the point and translates, "thank you for the compliment - keep it moving!"
Most women in my family (on my mom's side) have a lot of hair so they don't care. When I told my mom about LHCF she just rolled her eyes and told me it was about time I started taking care of my hair again.

Friends on the other hand are another matter. Most of them have jacked up hair. My afro is starting to get thicker but my hair isn't long so not very many people would take me seriously at this point anyway. I don't talk much about hair unless people ask.
My mother thinks I'm going to blow-up the kitchen one day with my "concoctions" :-)! But I don't care - she is always complimenting me on my hair and wanting me to do hers.
My mother thinks I'm going to blow-up the kitchen one day with my "concoctions" :-)! But I don't care - she is always complimenting me on my hair and wanting me to do hers.

My mom thinks I spend too much (I really don't - I used to spend $50-$90 at the salon) BUT she is supportive and always compliments my hair. She's even taken and implemented a lot of my suggestions.
I have a friend who I thought was my "hair buddy" IRL. Since I started talking about buying a hair steamer, I found out that she called me "obsessed" about my hair behind my back. I don't know why, but my feelings were kind of hurt....:sad:.

Does this happen to anyone else? Do your friends and family call you obsessed, even though they can see what you're doing is clearly working for you?

Yes, I know there are threads like this, but I wanted to start an updated one :yep:.

Absolutely. My own mother has called me obsessed about my hair both to my face and behind my back to my daughter and to others.

I was :mad:. That's all I can really say about it. Just take it with a grain of salt. Remember, "it's a black thing, you wouldn't understand?" (if you are old enough, you'll remember that saying)...well, this here hair thing is not for either are deeply interested or you are not. Just know that some folks will not "get" it and ignore their comments. Don't try to convince them of a dang thing. Your gorgeous, healthy, long hair will say it all.
Uh, short answer: yes.

My mom has said things like "it's paying off, but I wouldn't do all that!" or "it's coming along, slowly but surely." :-(
I'm in Cosmetology school and my classmates (and even some teachers) think I'm hair obsessed!!! My parents also feel that I’m hair obsessed, and that it has impacted my life negatively. They feel that I should be "using" my degree in English and Criminal Justice instead of going to "hair" school! It hurts my feelings sometimes, but at the end of the day I have to be happy, and hair makes me happy!!!!!
lol YES

But I don't let it bother me, because my obsession will lead me to healthy long hair in the future. Trust me, when they start seeing the results, they're going to try and pry every little detail you were so-called "obsessing" about. :look:
When I first joined the site, EVERYONE thought I had a problem. However, once they noticed that everything I started doing worked, now everyone wants advice.
I think my roommate thinks I'm a bit obsessed with my sister thought I was but she now knows I do what I do for the health and length of my hair....
My family knows I'm obsessed but they see the difference in my hair so... I don't really care what they think!!!
Family know I'm obsessed! Friends, if I'm close to a computer for more than 10 mins without anything else to do......LHCF! :lachen:
But I see my hair growing. I wish I was married or living away from home now cause I want to do the big reveal once I get to WL hair :woot:
For now, I try to keep my obsession under wraps but it does tend to spill out occassionally! I'm trying to reduce the spills :lol: by writing down my discoveries instead!
Yes, my mama says I am all the time. She looks at my product stash and see's how I invest time into moisturizing and wrapping hair and such. For YEARS she's been sayin "your hair is gonna fall out. You're gonna wake up w/ all ur hair on the pillow cuz of all that stuff u put in your hair." Hasn't happened yet, lol. But she definitely thinks I'm obsessed with my hair.
yes some of my friends do. like when i went to rite aid with some girls from my class to buy MN and i mean lotssss lol they were like wth! are u doing with that cooter cream and im like omgzz its for my hair. they made the weirdest face ever. i couldnt tell if the were grossed out or intrigued. lol. my mom and bf think so too, im always giving out hair tips to whoever i kno and whoever ask. lol. buttt some ppl dont believe i will achieve the growth i want. i guess some still b-leave in the old lies of AA women not being able to gro there hair long but you guys have proved em all false!!. all in all i wouldnt care what ppl say bcus its working for me. and thats the best!!
in a word YES! but I had to learn not to care what any one thinks about it bc it's my hobby and some people won't get it. people will talk if I was a bird watcher or stamp collector so I might as well do what I love
I know my BF thinks i'm obsessed, lol... because I am! I actually try not to talk about it with anyone else too much because I know I will go off on the crazy long tangent. I do share some stuff with my aunt just because she does everything wrong with her and I can't watch her ruin her hair anymore, lol!

I figure when my hair is down to my toes, I can start dropping crazy knowledge and let my obsession out :-)
My BF and a couple of friends think I am. Because my friends know I have a hair blog and do youtube videos- they think I am obsessed but I try not to talk abt hair around them so they WONT think Im obsessed lol. It kind of bothers my BF though- because I pay more attention to hair than him--or so he says.
My fam prolly thought so when I lived with them years ago, b/c I was new to LHCF & BHM, and you know how newbies can be, I wanted to try everything at once almost, I was so excited to increase my knowledge about hair care. Plus, I was buying products galore! But, I don't have anyone really thinking that these days! I just do my routine and leave it alone! I already have a nice stash of products, so I rarely buy. I don't spend hours messing with my hair/conditioning like I used to. No time for that anymore!