Do you think you look OLDER or YOUNGER with your long hair?

Do your think you lool OLDER or YOUNGER with longer hair?

  • Older, more mature

    Votes: 44 18.3%
  • Younger, youthful

    Votes: 128 53.1%
  • About the same age

    Votes: 33 13.7%
  • I have no idea!

    Votes: 36 14.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ooooh do you have a cut in mind or rather how short you going?

To answer the OP -
It depends, but generally I would say I look younger or my age with longer hair. With shorter hair I look more sophisticated and same age or older with shorter hair.

The length most flattering on me is somewhere between chin and shoulder length :grin:.
this is a really good question to which i will have to discover the answer.....

my hair is the longest it's ever been since i've joined this forum!

thanks ladies! growing with you is a joy!
I think it depends on a) how old your are and b) color/cut/style
So people that are already young anyway usually just look younger with long hair because I think people usually associate long hair with youth.
I think as you get older it depends. I've noticed women that are older with long hair with no style/layers can look older especially if their hair is dyed really dark all over.
I'm 30 and for me I think I look youngest when my hair is in it's natural curly wash n go or in some type of bun or pony. I still normally get taken for younger with it straight and out but I think people associate my straight hair with me being mature for some reason.
I look young either way...people think I'm 13-17 and I'm 20. I look much older with bangs but I can't maintain bangs while transitioning. My mom (and her stylists and friends) look younger with pixie cuts (all around 50) mom tried on my long wig and it made her look much older....but when she wears her hair pulled back in a phony pony, she looks young idk maybe the long hair framing the face is what makes older women look older to me....and when I say older I mean their age not 60 or anything
I actually think short, short hair looks better on me and my face looks really cute/young. Its something to think about. SO said I look like I'm in high school when I take the extensions out.
I'm 35 and I look younger with long hair. That's why it was so hard for me to give up my wigs. My own hair needs to hurry up and grow.
I look younger with long hair. It also depends on my weight. If I'm over a certain weight I think I look older, no matter how long or short my hair is.

I am 39 and I am never going to cut my hair short just because I hit a certain age. I think that women of color look beautiful when they're older and have long hair. I can see myself being 80 with a large bun. My grandma died in her early 90's and she had long hair she always kept in 2 braids or a bun.

i agree. if i see a 60 year old white woman with hair past bsl i think she'd look more youthful and modern with a SL bob or shorter cut. on the other hand, i remember that back in the day when i was relaxed this older black woman with silver bsl hair used to get her hair done at my salon. i was only a teenager but i remember thinking how lovely her hair looked.
I definitely think my long hair makes me look years younger than my hair when it was cut short (or when I wear a short wig). I find that ppl think I'm in my teens (18, 19) when I wear my long wigs or my own long hair out. They (men usually) have thought I was 30 or older with my hair short.

I have certain family members who ALWAYS comment that short hair makes you look younger, but I think that is not true for each woman...they likely say that b/c their own hair looks thin & scraggly (due to hair care practices & lack thereof) anytime it surpasses neck length.

So, they cut it short, and look around like a deer in headlights, or with the jealous side-eye at any Black woman over the age of 20 with past SL hair...believe me...I get the side-eye all the time from 'em and they always wanna talk about the pro's of short hair, as if that is gonna make me cut mine. :rolleyes: I cut off all my hair twice in the last 3 years, and short hair required way too much upkeep for me, plus it was not as becoming on me. I agree with JenAccess below...I'll never cut my hair drastically again, for spiritual, aesthetic, & personal reasons. In case anyone is wondering based on my post, I'm 26.

lol at the bolded
For me its not so much the length, but the texture. I look younger with natural/texlaxed texture.
I'm 23 and I voted older because people think I look 18 at the length I'm at now but when I had extensions in people would guess I look around 22-26
i just go by what others say. people always guess younger when my hair is longer or worn down and older when my hair is shorter or worn up.:yep:

i think i look "fatter" when my hair is shorter or when i wear it up.

so my vote for myself is for fatter:lachen:
I'm 25, I look a lot younger bc I'm short and I have a very round face. I tend to look younger when I where my hair down BUT since my hair has gotten longer I've noticed that when I do wear it down the length makes my face look thinner which makes me look older. I finally look my age!