I definitely think my long hair makes me look years younger than my hair when it was cut short (or when I wear a short wig). I find that ppl think I'm in my teens (18, 19) when I wear my long wigs or my own long hair out. They (men usually) have thought I was 30 or older with my hair short.
I have certain family members who ALWAYS comment that short hair makes you look younger, but I think that is not true for each woman...
they likely say that b/c their own hair looks thin & scraggly (due to hair care practices & lack thereof) anytime it surpasses neck length.
So, they cut it short, and look around like a deer in headlights, or with the
jealous side-eye at any Black woman over the age of 20 with past SL hair...believe me...I get the side-eye all the time from 'em and they always wanna talk about the pro's of short hair, as if that is gonna make me cut mine. I cut off all my hair twice in the last 3 years, and short hair required way too much upkeep for me, plus it was not as becoming on me.
I agree with JenAccess below...I'll never cut my hair drastically again, for spiritual, aesthetic, & personal reasons. In case anyone is wondering based on my post, I'm 26.