Do you think you look OLDER or YOUNGER with your long hair?

Do your think you lool OLDER or YOUNGER with longer hair?

  • Older, more mature

    Votes: 44 18.3%
  • Younger, youthful

    Votes: 128 53.1%
  • About the same age

    Votes: 33 13.7%
  • I have no idea!

    Votes: 36 14.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I equate short hair with being older. Older people typically cut their hair short, or wear short wigs. Longer hair is more youthful. But not TOO long, anything past WL looks matronly and "Little House On The Prairie" to me (like the drones in the FLDS cult :look: )
I am curious if growing my hair out will make me look a certain way. So I want to know if you think you look older or younger with length. Also, what age group are you around? I will never ask a woman's age!:look:

I do, I'm nosey like that. I ask men, kids, tweens. What??? I aint prejudice:rolleyes: Anywho, I'm 33:grin: and I'm told I look young either way it goes. So, for me, it does not matter, whether it's long or short.
I equate short hair with being older. Older people typically cut their hair short, or wear short wigs. Longer hair is more youthful. But not TOO long, anything past WL looks matronly and "Little House On The Prairie" to me (like the drones in the FLDS cult :look: )

This is sooo true. I agree but I won't be cutting mine:perplexed
Well, Nick Arrojo on TLC's "What Not To Wear" would say long hair makes people look older...I guess that's his excuse for trying to cut those poor women's hair off all the time! :wallbash:

In a British accent: "It will bring so much vitality and youthfulness into your face!"

I saw how much he charges for a simple cut at his salon ($500) in New York and I'd be persuading them to cut too :lachen:

:look: "Uh yeah, it makes you look :look: younger :look: yeah, that's it :look: younger. He he."

I think that usually longer hair makes a woman look younger, or more youthful. :yep: However, there does get to be a certain age where long hair just makes a woman look more OLD. I think once you're about 50+ years old and you're still sporting bra-strap length hair, it does kind of look "old". Case in point...actress Meryl Streep always looks sooo old and haggardly to me when her hair is longer than bra-strap. But when she was in the "Devil Wears Prada", and had a chic short cut bob do, she looked very snazzy, and younger to me. For those older women I would say they should get a new spunky hair cut, because then it will make them look younger/more vibrant. Think Jamie-Lee Curtis, Barbara Sreisand, Hillary Clinton and Tina Turner.

Plus, some older women don't upkeep their hair. There's nothing worse than seeing long past bra-strap length hair on an old woman and it looks frizzy, whispy, and fly-away. :nono:

So, I think the QUALITY and health of your hair matters too, as well as the length when you get a lot older. JMO.
:( Unless your hair somehow screams 19 and your face screams 45 I think that's silly. If you're hair and face are matching in age then I think it's fine. Ppl have these silly rules when they should worry about clipping their own nose hairs.

I look younger with longer hair, more jovial. I look more serious and mature with shorter hair.

Thank you girl for your comment....I sure do appreciate it. I can't help it if I look half my age and always have teenagers chasing me!:spinning:
I look younger with long hair. It also depends on my weight. If I'm over a certain weight I think I look older, no matter how long or short my hair is.

I am 39 and I am never going to cut my hair short just because I hit a certain age. I think that women of color look beautiful when they're older and have long hair. I can see myself being 80 with a large bun. My grandma died in her early 90's and she had long hair she always kept in 2 braids or a bun.
I'm 21. Whenever I wore my extensions (MBL) I looked older. Whenever I wore a pony tail or my shorter natural hair I looked younger.

Currently in protective style so can't say right now but I'm guessing your natural long hair will make you look younger
I always looked young either longer or shorter hair especially when pulled back. Some people thought I was in high school even though I have finished college. I have teenagers trying to talk to me all the time or the old perverted men trying to get w/ a underage girl (that is nasty anyway). I appreciated my youthful look b/c it would work for me when I do get older.
Now that my hair is bsl I think I look younger. I think that men equate long hair with youth. I dont know why most Black women get to a certain age and think that because of their age that they have to cut off their hair. My own mother was like, you'll be 37 soon, and you know your getting too old to be growing your hair long. I want to be like my fathers mother. She was 80 and had hair down to her waist. I think there is nothing prettier than to see a Black woman up in age with long healthy hair!
My hair make me look younger. I also think the fact that I don't wear any make up doesn't help much either. DH thinks I make him look like a pedophile when we go out, so I have to put make up on. :look:
Long hair make me look younger and short hair makes me look older. I will never wear short hair again. I will be in my 90,s with long hair.
I definitely think my long hair makes me look years younger than my hair when it was cut short (or when I wear a short wig). I find that ppl think I'm in my teens (18, 19) when I wear my long wigs or my own long hair out. They (men usually) have thought I was 30 or older with my hair short.

I have certain family members who ALWAYS comment that short hair makes you look younger, but I think that is not true for each woman...they likely say that b/c their own hair looks thin & scraggly (due to hair care practices & lack thereof) anytime it surpasses neck length.

So, they cut it short, and look around like a deer in headlights, or with the jealous side-eye at any Black woman over the age of 20 with past SL hair...believe me...I get the side-eye all the time from 'em and they always wanna talk about the pro's of short hair, as if that is gonna make me cut mine. :rolleyes: I cut off all my hair twice in the last 3 years, and short hair required way too much upkeep for me, plus it was not as becoming on me. I agree with JenAccess below...I'll never cut my hair drastically again, for spiritual, aesthetic, & personal reasons. In case anyone is wondering based on my post, I'm 26.
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I look fairly young for my age anyway, or so I've been told too many times, so I think I look the same with short and long hair. Whether I wear long or pixie short wigs, the reaction from other people around me is the same, young-looking:look:.
O_o good question!
I love long hair, I think it looks good on me- I look a tad older But i never really had short hair...the shortest is shoulder length...i kinda craving a shorter look
I think for the most part it depends on the person and the age. At 28, I think I def look younger w/ my hair longer, and I forsee this for the next few years. I do think some women, after 40 look a little more fresher w/ shorter hair, or even better yet, some layers, something going on with the hair and that will 'liven' their face a bit. Of course, this is not a steadfast rule. I've seen some older women w/ shorter hair and it really takes them up a notch, totally livens their whole appearance and adds a level of fierceness to them.
i think i look young no matter what because i am... young. :lol: but anyway, this natural hair is definitely not helping me look my age. at all! i look closer to my age with straight hair, whether it is short or long. ♥
Long hair makes me look younger. I look young as it is. Especially with my voice. You cannot tell ME I am not 17. Lol. Shorter hair does make me exactly my age. 21 or slightly younger. Maybe 20. Figures...
I think that long shapeless hair makes people look older. But then again I think its a case by case type of thing. I was told I look 17-18 with long hair and 19-21 with short hair. I am 24. So I am guessing longer hair makes me look younger.

But like BostonMaria said I also think weight plays a major part. I used to be 50 lbs heavier and someone asked was I in my 30s. I was 18 at the time :ohwell:
I definitely look younger when my hair is SL or shorter. I'm WL now :ohwell:

After growing it out in 2010, I want to go shorter :yep:.
I definitely look younger when my hair is SL or shorter. I'm WL now :ohwell:

After growing it out in 2010, I want to go shorter :yep:.

Ooooh do you have a cut in mind or rather how short you going?

To answer the OP -
It depends, but generally I would say I look younger or my age with longer hair. With shorter hair I look more sophisticated and same age or older with shorter hair.