Too old to have long hair?

I notice most folks here are going for bra-strap length or longer.

Anyone over 35 with long hair? What do you think about the notion that older women with long hair look like hags?

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Before deciding to take a big cut by my relative, my paternal great-grandmother had her big silver tail-length wavy hair.

Do you plan on cutting as you get older?

[/ QUOTE ] No, I won't plan on cutting or letting anyone else do my own hair. Because my paternal great-grandmother knew that I shall get.

As far as I am concerned, I will always have long hair even when I reach 55 +.

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D I T T O !

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I agree
Re: Mrs. Marie Cook

This post made me smile. Seeing as I may be the older woman of this board here is my advice.

I have never compromised or given into what others think. I enjoy being me. And in my status I have decided to be me with healthy, longer hair. My goal length is "when I am satisfied with the length". Currently I am 4" below shoulders and growing.

I remember there was a woman who lived across the street from us when I was growing up. She played the organ in the church next door on Sunday morning. Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Marie Cook. Sister could burn up an organ on Sunday morning. And I remember her beautiful hair. It was bra length, shimmering steel gray and white, and she wore a deep part on the right and it swooped down covering her left eye. She was striking, powerful, and awesome.

And when I grow up, I wanna be just like Mrs. Cook, striking, powerful, and awesome.

I love this post!
I don't think of 35 as old.

I'm mid-20s now but many people I see don't start living their best life until their 40s.

Long well-mantained hair is nice at any age.

I would cut it though if I didn't have the health, ability, or resources to take care of it.
In the Bible is says something like, if a woman has long hair it is a glory to her. It also says that It is a covering for us. It says nothing about age anywhere does it?

I've ALWAYS believed this is the real reason Black women innately desire long hair even if they never heard of this scripture. It is because we as a people are naturally spiritual and drawn to Godliness.

Contrary to what some people say, in many cases it has NOTHING to do with "trying to be like white women".
I've ALWAYS believed this is the real reason Black women innately desire long hair even if they never heard of this scripture. It is because we as a people are naturally spiritual and drawn to Godliness.

Contrary to what some people say, in many cases it has NOTHING to do with "trying to be like white women".

I wish I could like this post a million times.
I believe (most) men love long hair on a woman. Its so lady like to be elegant and long hair is the epitome of elegant. It suits us. Long hair is the gravy to our mashed potatoes.
Yo, I'm in my feelings that 35 is the cut off age for old.

My hair grows slow. It's gonna take me at least 3 good growing years to get to long! I won't allow you to make me old when I get there. Plus, I want a couple of years to enjoy it in peace.

99. Let's say 99 is old.
Yo, I'm in my feelings that 35 is the cut off age for old.

My hair grows slow. It's gonna take me at least 3 good growing years to get to long! I won't allow you to make me old when I get there. Plus, I want a couple of years to enjoy it in peace.

99. Let's say 99 is old.

35 isn't old, OP used the word 'hag' to as well so I don't take any of these adjectives as gospel... no shade intended, just saying that words are powerful and should be used properly.

My goal is TBL by 30, which is definitely going to be my prime young age where I've paid off my debt and gotten my degree and I'm just ready to be a fully bloomed flower. Heck, my mom is 50 (I can't even believe it as gorgeous as she is) with long black hair. People still ask if she's my sister. Age works differently for black women, so I might call 70 old but even still... :lol: