Do you shed more in the shower than at the sink?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if all the hot steam from the shower opens up your pores and the creamy conditioner softening the scalp is causing the mounds of shed while I shower? Cause I dont shed alot if I sink wash

Maybe if I detangled with refrigerated cold conditioner? Or maybe I should comb before I shampoo, then shampoo without tangeling? What do you guys think?

Why do I only shed in the shower?
I haven't washed my hair in the sink in years but I do remember that when I used to sink wash, I didn't comb my hair. When I wash my hair in the shower, I come it as the water runs over it, thus, I release more shed hair. Could this be the same for you?

It sucks getting hair stuck all up in various crevices of the body but I still prefer shower washing to sink. :drunk:
same for me, but when i did comb I didnt loose nearly as much as shower washing.

I prefer shower washing too. :grin:
I haven't washed my hair in the sink in years but I do remember that when I used to sink wash, I didn't comb my hair. When I wash my hair in the shower, I come it as the water runs over it, thus, I release more shed hair. Could this be the same for you?

It sucks getting hair stuck all up in various crevices of the body but I still prefer shower washing to sink. :drunk:

This is SO true! I'll wash certain places and just think how in the heck did I get hair there? I still prefer the shower method because it allows the products to run down the length of your hair in the direction that it grows opposed to me piling hair and product only in the top when sink washing. I wish I was still small enough to lay on the kitchen counter like when I was a kid and get it washed!