When i use to relax i would rinse it out in the tub. Now that I just wash my hair I do it in the shower. I dont mind it at all because i wash my body right after i wash my hair. so all the nock and cranies get washed out and cleaned out. Never had a problem with hairs being stuck anywhere lol. I guess u gotta spread them cheeks and open wide!!
Your post had me dying laughing but I know what you mean. I usually find the little ball of hair that collects down there later on and I'm like "WTH, I didn't know that was there. Normally I'm a sink washer but for the summer I've been doing it in the shower.I used to wash my my hair in the shower back in the day, but I stopped doing it because all of the shed hairs would either get stuck on my back or slide down to that little nook and cranny right below my tailbone So anywhoo, I started just washing my hair in the sink or bending over the tub and washing it. Well, I wanted to do a sugar scrub/exfoliation treatment in the shower last night, and decided that I'd revisit the whole "washing my hair in the shower" thing again. Low and behold, all those little shed hairs had done slithered down to that little tight space and it was a mess. I hate trying to get all those hairs from back there. So needless to say, I won't be doing this ever again. It's just not for me. I don't mind bending over the tub or standing over the sink. For those of you who wash your hair in the shower, how do you get around/over this?
In the shower because it eliminates tangles...If I do it upside down it will be so tangled which would lead me to have to comb more out of the shower. But my hair always ends up in my booty!!erplexed
Your post had me dying laughing but I know what you mean. I usually find the little ball of hair that collects down there later on and I'm like "WTH, I didn't know that was there. Normally I'm a sink washer but for the summer I've been doing it in the shower.
Oh my goodness i just hate that .....its only a recipe for more tangles and BREAKAGE!!I can't wash my hair in the sink or bending over the tub anymore b/c my hair gets tangled around the faucet or stuck in the drain. Also I don't like having all my hair pushed forward like that -- leads to tangles. I just barely touch my hair until it's time to detangle under the water and then I lean a far back as I can.
although I know what you mean about the nook and cranny -- it happens to the best of us.
I prefer this way, but I always find shed hairs long after I've gotten out. My butt isn't that big...erplexed
Yeah I found a few hair balls after I went to the bathroom and I just refused to believe they came out of my hindparts.......but deep down I knew they did.Pokahontas, you are retarded girl! This was a while back, but after I had gotten out of the shower after washing my hair, I didn't think to check and see if there was any hair "back down there", so I dried off as usual, did my little hair thing and went on to bed. I woke up the next morning and my butt crack was itching. I scratched back there and went on about my business. A few minutes later, I felt like something was tickling me back there and was like WTH? So, I went probing and found my culprit. A few hairs had gotten trapped back there, I mean, waaaayyyyy down there and I didn't think to check when I had gotten out the shower. Needless to say, it was a little gross, but that was the reason I stopped washing my hair in the shower.