Do you say "I love you" everytime b4 getting off the phone?


New Member
Just curious. Well, do you? :look: Can "I love you" lose it's meaning if you say it all the time because it's expected (ie - before getting off the phone) or do you reserve it for more intimate/important times?
Yes I always say I love you over the phone. It means a lot to my family because we didn't grow up saying I love you to each other. Now that I am out of the home, I feel the need to say it more. DH is a big fan of saying I love you and it never looses meaning because we don't just throw it around...the other day I almost said "Okay I Love you bye" to a client after a phone conversation...It was too funny:lachen:

I think I almost said I love you because the person was making me laugh and my husband is always making me I got a lil comfortable and it almost slipped :lachen:
No and this actually turned out to be a problem between me and my-ex. He was big on words. I was big on actions. And we never really met anywhere in the middle.

Now, if you're only saying or hearing "i love you" during sex, there's a problem. But with me...I don't need to be reminded every 2.5 seconds that I'm loved, if I feel it every day.
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Yes, because that conversation might be the last time we ever talk to each other. :yep:

ETA: Same reason we always kiss the other goodbye in the morning, sleeping, stank breath, PTFO, whatever......
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Well I'm not married but when I was dating and I was in love or so I thought, we reserved it for more special moments. There were instances when we said it before getting off the phone. BUT it just wasn't like:

Him: Hey, did you get the thing today?
Me: Yeah, I got it for you.
Him: Ok. Thank you. I love you. Bye.

Yup, I do. My DH and I say it in person and when we talk on the phone. It feels wonderful. It has not lost it's meaning.

I also tell my daughter I love her a few times a day.
I say "I love you" a lot but not everytime I'm on the phone. Actions and words are very important to me.
No, we don't say it every time we talk on the phone. We talk on the phone several times a day so it would be trite if we said it that often. We do say "I love you" about once a day.

But for me, love isn't just a feeling, it is action. I'd rather have a man who shows me all the time how much he loves me by the things he does and only says it once a month than one who says it daily but almost never shows it by his behavior.
I don't think it has to be either or - we say 'I love you' multiple times a day, and we show our love for each other multiple times a day, as well.

I don't understand how repeating a truth makes it 'trite' or causes it to lose it's meaning......
I say "I love you" a lot but not everytime I'm on the phone. Actions and words are very important to me.
This is me also. :yep: When I was married, my ex and I used to say "I love you" every time before getting off the phone. Eventually, it turned into quick "luh you bye" click. :perplexed It's like it became so routine that he would just hurry up and say it just to say it. Now with DF we'll say it but not every single time, and I agree with another poster that I don't need to hear it a million times a day to feel loved.
I say "I love you" everyday to my husband, sometimes a couple of times a day. I also kiss him before he leaves for work and when he get's home from work! I'm big on words and action.
Most definitely.... it doesnt feel right if, we dont say it each time before getting off... we always end up calling each other back asking each other "so its like that huh?" if we dont lol its cool though, i love it.
I don't say it everytime we get off the phone, but I say and show it everyday... even when I'm not in a great mood. Either that or I let him know I appreciate him and he does the same to me. Again, it's not always spoken, but it's an act that is deliberately shown everyday and has been for the last 9 yrs and so far it hasn't lost it's meaning for us. May be different for others though.
I say it everytime I get off the phone and everytime I leave the house. My husband and I know that we love each other and it doesn't have to be said b/f each time we part ways, but you never know when the last time you see someone will be and I do my best to let mu hubby AND my children know that I love them whenever we part ways. :)
I dont say it everytime I hang up the phone but I say and express it daily. It's important for me to feel loved.
I don't think it has to be either or - we say 'I love you' multiple times a day, and we show our love for each other multiple times a day, as well.

I don't understand how repeating a truth makes it 'trite' or causes it to lose it's meaning......

I don't think repeating a truth often makes it "trite". Love is a feeling, more than anything and if hearing it consistently reinforces the feeling for some, while feeling through action reinforces the feeling for others, I don't see a problem.

...and maybe it's different for me because I'm not married.
I only say it to my mother most of the time but not all of the time. I usually don't say it to SO on the phone. I do that in person.
I don't think it has to be either or - we say 'I love you' multiple times a day, and we show our love for each other multiple times a day, as well.

I don't understand how repeating a truth makes it 'trite' or causes it to lose it's meaning......

ITA with your entire post:yep:. For me it's action and words, that's where it's at.

I say "I love you" everyday to my husband, sometimes a couple of times a day. I also kiss him before he leaves for work and when he get's home from work! I'm big on words and action.


Most definitely.... it doesnt feel right if, we dont say it each time before getting off... we always end up calling each other back asking each other "so its like that huh?" if we dont lol its cool though, i love it.

What a cute story:).
No, I don't everytime we get off the phone either. He doesn't either. I would have to say that throughout the day when we are at work, we talk to each other maybe two or three times and we say it about, most of the time, we do.
Yes I always say I love you over the phone. It means a lot to my family because we didn't grow up saying I love you to each other. Now that I am out of the home, I feel the need to say it more. DH is a big fan of saying I love you and it never looses meaning because we don't just throw it around...the other day I almost said "Okay I Love you bye" to a client after a phone conversation...It was too funny:lachen:

I think I almost said I love you because the person was making me laugh and my husband is always making me I got a lil comfortable and it almost slipped :lachen:

same here. I always say "I Love You" as a salutation. . . I have to concentrate really hard NOT to say it depending on my audience. . . and Radiant, that happened to me too... but I actually said it :blush:. . . The man was too funny and said it back :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Our phone calls to each other before we got to sleep yes always. If we call each other through out the day we may or may not
my brother has a bad habit of not saying anything when he gets off the phone, i'll be "aight bye bro" and all i hear is a click :sad: so i yelled at him and from then on he always says "love you kelmie" when he gets off the phone sacastically of couse:rolleyes:, he was talking to my sister the other day and said "love you" and she freaked out :lachen:can you tell we are not an affectionate people?
My fiance and I say I love you whenever we part whether it is on the phone, online, in person -anything. And we will not let the day go by without saying I love you. Actually, that is a good thing. Because we are so used to it, it kinda serves as a guide back to us when are in a heated discussion where we do not agree. I guess sort of like that don't go to bed mad thing. When it comes down to it it causes you to humble down and remember why you two are and that is love.

Also, like previous posters, you never know if that would be your last. Imagine saying I love you all the time and being mad and not saying it on one particular day and that is the day something happens that will forever change both of your lives. Just something to think about. Life is short. Never take for granted the love you share with others. It is a beautiful gift that is like tomorrow, not promised.