Do you LOVE your hair?


New Member
I am asking this because my feelings about my hair have changed dramatically in the past year. I used to not care, get frustrated, weave it up and just plain ignore it. Now I am babying my hair every chance I get. I used to hate my nappy hair, mainly because when I would relax it, it would never be bone straight like some other girls. I am not natural and dont plan on being least not for a while (I want to reach some goals with my relaxed hair first). But somehow I developed a hand in ng disease :lol: . I just love the feel, the texture, the realness of my roots. I think it started once I learned the proper way to take care of my hair, and when I saw that my hair responded to it. I actually developed some sort of relationship with my hair. :lol: I appreciate my hair now. And I love it.

What about you ladies?
No not yet,that's why I am here. I have many areas I want to improve on-silkiness, texture, and length. The thing I hate the most is my thin sides from heat/wrapping damage.
I so agree with you Jazzy Dez!!! I get excited daily about my CW or my shampoo/cond. I even love my baggie. My hair is so soft, so shiny and I talk about this forum Constantly!! I can't wait till the end of the year to see the real progress but I see it and feel it daily:) .
MizaniMami said:
No not yet,that's why I am here. I have many areas I want to improve on-silkiness, texture, and length. The thing I hate the most is my thin sides from heat/wrapping damage.

Hey girl....I still have PLENTY issues that I am dealing with regarding my hair. Its just that before I used to HATE my hair, and now I am very optimistic. I think that if I love my hair and treat it well with conditioning treatments, moisture, etc that I can achieve some length. I hope I see some good progress soon so that I can continue to feel this way! :lol:
MizAvalon said:
It depends on the day!:lol:

Seriously, for the most part I really *like* my hair.

LOL. I think your right! I hope I am not just experiencing a "happy hair day" :lol:

Catina72 said:
I so agree with you Jazzy Dez!!! I get excited daily about my CW or my shampoo/cond. I even love my baggie. My hair is so soft, so shiny and I talk about this forum Constantly!! I can't wait till the end of the year to see the real progress but I see it and feel it daily:) .

:lol: I agree with your other points but i do refrain from talking about LHCF to some people though. I think someone just had a thread talking about how people can look at you funny.
Well, I "love" the fact that I'm natural, and I "love" it enough to put the effort to take care of it and work towards my hair goals, but I'll say I'm just "ok" with the current status of my hair. I like it a lot on some days, sometimes not as much and I do get frustrated at times, probably because I have the ultimate idea in my head of what I want it to look like and I'm very far from that point. The loose texture towards the front used to bug me a lot, but it is what it is, and I've accepted it and learned to work with it. I just need MORE of it (hair)...LOTS more...BIGGER, I mean BIG hair!!! That's my motivation, the thought of having this HUGE, massive, overwhelming mop of hair on my head that's out of control!!! *sigh* not sure I'll get there, but I'm gonna try! That's when I think I can say I LOVE everything about my hair! At least that's where I'm at now in this thought;)
I :love: :love: :love: my hair!!!

I think I am more accepting of my hair and the changes it goes through than I am with my own life. LOL. I am appreciative that it still hangs in there after all that I have put it through. I am working to improve my nutrition but it still manages to grow with the junk I feed it. I feel the same about my body as well. I want more from my hair but I am willing to be patient and work with my hair for a solution. :)
I'm loving my hair more, everyday!
It's changing on me and that's okay! :yep: I'm learning to be flexible and give it what it needs.
I do love my hair, even on the bad hair days! :love: Loving my hair is what continues to help my hair thrive and be healthy. Loving my hair also keeps hair-growing a lot of fun!
I used to hate my hair. Especially since I go to a predominatly white school where I am reminded everyday that I will never hair long ,flowing hair. But now I know it IS possible and I will have beautiful hair before you know it!
I love my hair! It's definitely not the length that I want, but I sure love how it looks and hangs, esp. when I get it done. It's made so much progress, and just reminds me that if I treat it right, it will really thrive :grin: .
I am loving my hair. Its finally at the length i want so that when i put rollers in it, i have Oprah hair. :grin:
Yes, for most of my life I have loved my hair, relaxed and natural!

The only times I hated my hair was:
When it shedded a whole lot post Accutane in 2003 and I cut my relaxed hair to a short layered cut...
When my hair was in the transitioning phase, breakage and hard to find a decent hair style to wear...
When my natural hair got burned from my mom using a stove hot comb post my first big chop...

Now, I'm loving my hair all the way now that it is natural... it's growing, it's healthy, and it's so versatile... I love my hair!!! :weird:
I have a love/hate relationship with my hair. Sometimes it just gets on my nerves. I'm trying to love my hair at all times but sometimes it just be trippin. :)
I love my HAIR!!!!! Beofre I thought it was a hassle which was why I used to be at the salon every 2 weeks but with the help of the lovely ladies here at LHCF I have learned to take car eof my hair and learned how to style it. Now I'm am stretching longer and will do my first self relax in july. I'm so proud of myself so far because I would go to the salon just ot wash my hair. Now with all the money I'm saving I can buy clothes!!!!:grin:
I love my hair........I just don't always like it!!! :lol: :look:

Just kidding. I enjoy seeing the progress my hair has made over the years. I finally found the place where my hair wants to be, and it's been thriving, especially after giving it an 11 month break and chopping off the old relaxer.

Now, just I keep it texlaxed, minimal combing, and good conditioning, and it looks great to me...even though most people would not agree it's anything special. ;) But, I know how far it has come in the recovery phase. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I've accepted that my hair is what it is and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it, especially because I've seen too many of my family members go through chemotherapy. Every strand, no matter how dull and lifeless it seems, is to be appreciated. :yep:
I love my hair more and more everyday, but that doesn't mean I don't get bored, frustrated, fed up, and down right PO'd with it too.
gorgeoushair said:
I have a love/hate relationship with my hair. Sometimes it just gets on my nerves. I'm trying to love my hair at all times but sometimes it just be trippin. :)

Kind of like when your in a relationship with someone who you love dearly...but they can really work your nerves sometimes :lol: