Do you keep attracting men of the same sign?


Well-Known Member
All the guys that I really cared about and fell hard for were all leos. It's like I always fall hard for them and then they do me dirty. The guy in my other thread is a Leo too.:ohwell: I'm a Libra and we're supposed to be good together but somehow it never works out.

Does this happen to anyone else?
Well I don't know about this sign attraction thing.

I'm a Virgo and I've attracted Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, and Scorpio men...
I'm a capricorn and I have never dated anyone who wasn't either a Pisces or Aries. SO is an Aries and we both fit the textbook description of our signs. According to astrology we are not good together. Most people can tell how opposite we are. I like to plan things, he likes to just "do." We drive each other crazy but somehow it still works. It's weird b/c I'm always attracted to "non matches" :look:
So far I've dated signs that I'm not supposed to be with. Libra and Gemini. I'm a Cancer. My SO is a Gemini and I don't like that he can't sit still! He's always into something and can't just relax and chill. However his Gemini traits are great for er...our love life.
I'm a Scorpio and I've dated Cancers and Pisces' men. They're the signs that I'm supposed to get along with best and I've noticed that my relationships with them tend to last the longest.
I am a Pisces and I attract Cancer and Capricorn men. Don't know how well those matches are supposed to be.
I'm a Leo.

Sorry about our Leo men Locabouthair....:blush:

I always have the strongest connection with aquarius or aries. They always do me sooooo wrong :nono: I've learnt to stay away from them :lachen:

I'm trying this sagittarius, but my heart isnt there. I dont know who I'm meant to be compatible with...:ohwell:
I'm a Leo.

Sorry about our Leo men Locabouthair....:blush:

I always have the strongest connection with aquarius or aries. They always do me sooooo wrong :nono: I've learnt to stay away from them :lachen:

I'm trying this sagittarius, but my heart isnt there. I dont know who I'm meant to be compatible with...:ohwell:

i used to read a lot about astrology. since you're a leo you're best with aries and sag because all of you are fire signs. Aquarius is your opposite sign so it might or might now work out.

Leo women, in my experience, are very nice but the men:nono: With leo men, it's like you eat a big mac because you just had to have it even though you know you're gonna gain 10 lbs :lol:

They play soooooo many games but whenver I meet someone I really like, he's a frigign leo and the cycle begins again:ohwell:
I'm a Libra and I dated a Leo and he treated me like a damn queen but I was too young mentally to understand that he was the best thing ever happened to me :wallbash:. Dated an Aquarius for some years he was no good and still no good :nono:. I really don't get into to astrology that much but now I'm dating a Scorpio and he has a good heart so I'll see as time progress.
90% of the men that try to get with me are Scorpios. I was starting to think that maybe I was a scorpio magnet. Now I think it's because they are the most confident of the signs, and that's why they come up to me.

The other 9% are Capricorn men, but EVERY single Capricorn guy I have dated has never wanted to commit so.....
i used to read a lot about astrology. since you're a leo you're best with aries and sag because all of you are fire signs. Aquarius is your opposite sign so it might or might now work out.

Leo women, in my experience, are very nice but the men:nono: With leo men, it's like you eat a big mac because you just had to have it even though you know you're gonna gain 10 lbs :lol:

They play soooooo many games but whenver I meet someone I really like, he's a frigign leo and the cycle begins again:ohwell:

To be fair, Aries and Sags are great :grin: but its always some situation (babies, distance) that deter the relationship from blossoming. Aquarius..huh...NEVER again. My two loves were both aquarius' and trust, i fell, HARD.

I've never dated a leo man..i guess cuz i know they are as high strung as we leo women are :grin:

Maybe now that you've identified the prob, u should :roadrunner: whenever they come around.....
i swear...if i meet ONE MORE CAPRICORN!!!:wallbash:. I'm a gemini, and we just won't last very long so i've noticed.

I never ever ever ever meet my love signs: libra & aquarius

my last guy was a pisces...NEVER AGAIN. (no offense)..but they're too sneaky for me
I'm a Cancer, and the types of men I've dated (Aquarius, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio) I would say that Virgo and Scorp's are neck in neck in terms of how many have approached me. But as far as long lasting relationships Leo and Aquarius.
No. I'm Virgo and I've been with Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Libra in that order. The rest I had no clue what sign because they were just some people I went out with a few times. The Scorpio is the one that will always have my heart.
i swear...if i meet ONE MORE CAPRICORN!!!:wallbash:. I'm a gemini, and we just won't last very long so i've noticed.

I never ever ever ever meet my love signs: libra & aquarius

my last guy was a pisces...NEVER AGAIN. (no offense)..but they're too sneaky for me

I am cosigning this to the FULLEST and just going OH MY GOD in general, LOL.
No..I've seriously dated 2 Libras, Virgo, Sag and Aries and briefly dated other signs. They all have their good/bad about them. My daughter's father was the Aries and us living under the same roof was awful. The Libras were definitely ladies men (or thought they were) and big flirts. My virgo guy analyzed too much.
I'm a libra. I've dated 4 libras (yes i keep attracting them) and an Aries. The libras were all ladies' men (especially the last one) and really good looking. The aries lied too dang much.

The one I fell really hard for is a scorpio. He has that intense stare that just does something to me :blush:.
I am a Gemini and I seem to attract Sags in relationships and friendships. I get along with them and Leos more than any other sign. I dont understand why that is but there is a definite pattern.
I'm an Aquarius and I seem to attract them. SMH.
Three of my most serious relationships were with Aquarians.
My SO is an Aquarius. LOL.
i used to read a lot about astrology. since you're a leo you're best with aries and sag because all of you are fire signs. Aquarius is your opposite sign so it might or might now work out.

Leo women, in my experience, are very nice but the men:nono: With leo men, it's like you eat a big mac because you just had to have it even though you know you're gonna gain 10 lbs :lol:

They play soooooo many games but whenver I meet someone I really like, he's a frigign leo and the cycle begins again:ohwell:

I know exactly what you're talking about! I don't know what it is about them... they're like magnetic or something.

They do play games. I am confident that my Leo boy read the WMLB book and used that joint against me. :nono:
i used to read a lot about astrology. since you're a leo you're best with aries and sag because all of you are fire signs. Aquarius is your opposite sign so it might or might now work out.

Leo women, in my experience, are very nice but the men:nono: With leo men, it's like you eat a big mac because you just had to have it even though you know you're gonna gain 10 lbs :lol:

They play soooooo many games but whenver I meet someone I really like, he's a frigign leo and the cycle begins again:ohwell:

Well, my Leo adores me. He just does stuff that gets on my nerves, like wanting to be the damn center of attention all the dayum time. :rolleyes:

He was playing some games when we first met, but it's been 4 years, we've worked some of the stuff out. I know how to play games right along with him. And win. :rolleyes:

ETA: Huge cosign on the magnetism. I think we must be drawn to each other because neither one of us can stay away.
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I am cosigning this to the FULLEST and just going OH MY GOD in general, LOL.

What is it about Pisces men?? I'm curious and offended (not really) at the same time. My son is a pisces and the guy I'm secretly in love with is a pisces.

He is so freakin.....just.......ARRRRRGGGGGGGG! He lets absolutely no one in but that man can write poetry and say things in ways that just.....oh dear.

Oh and the keeping of secrets is soo true. WHY WHY WHY must you play with my emotions MAN!!!
Oh I'm a Sag and I've had one Aquarius, one Aries and one Pisces. Just working my way down the Astrology line......LOL
What is it about Pisces men?? I'm curious and offended (not really) at the same time. My son is a pisces and the guy I'm secretly in love with is a pisces.

He is so freakin.....just.......ARRRRRGGGGGGGG! He lets absolutely no one in but that man can write poetry and say things in ways that just.....oh dear.

Oh and the keeping of secrets is soo true. WHY WHY WHY must you play with my emotions MAN!!!

Oh wow. I used to date a Pisces poetry writer. He damn near seduced me with those words, I tell ya. :blush: But we weren't compatible at all. :nono:

I find Scorpio men to be HUGE secret keepers. I try and try and then give up. I thought I was hard to get to open up. :nono:
Oh wow. I used to date a Pisces poetry writer. He damn near seduced me with those words, I tell ya. :blush: But we weren't compatible at all. :nono:

I find Scorpio men to be HUGE secret keepers. I try and try and then give up. I thought I was hard to get to open up. :nono:

Girl that man has a blog out with all of his poetry and I just fantasize. But everything else is just so WRONG about him! He is just so GAWD! IDK. We are totally not right for each other but I can't help but wonder if he just got it together.
Girl that man has a blog out with all of his poetry and I just fantasize. But everything else is just so WRONG about him! He is just so GAWD! IDK. We are totally not right for each other but I can't help but wonder if he just got it together.

I hope we aren't talking about the same guy. :look:

This dude wrote me a poem.... I STILL have it... It was ****** incredible and I couldn't believe he had written me something so beautiful.

But our love for the written word was the ONLY thing compatible about us. Too bad because he is a really nice, sweet guy and a good catch - just not for me.