Do You Have a Bootycall Arrangement?

Do you have (or have you had) a bootycall arrangement?

  • Yes. I have/have had one, and it is/was great.

    Votes: 55 42.6%
  • Yes. I have/have had one, and it is/was a mistake!

    Votes: 18 14.0%
  • No, I have not had one but I want one.

    Votes: 8 6.2%
  • No, I have not had one and I do not want one.

    Votes: 38 29.5%
  • Bootycall arrangements are IMMORAL!

    Votes: 10 7.8%

  • Total voters

It's sorta like an 'unstated' relationship.
Like, with my dude--of course, we have 'relations' :grin:. <--that's just a funny word.
...but he also takes me out, i.e, to dinner, nice jazz clubs, cruises and such. We would talk and discuss things. He buys me lots of things, i.e, handbags:yep: and clothes:yep: and he pays for my spa visits:yep:...and groceries.
Y'know--things like that.
As he should.:yep:

He's really good to me. He's a good person. We have good conversation...and of course phyically he's fine. The sex is great.
But he's not my 'man' and I'm not his 'woman'.
It's just a comfort thing, really. We're companions. We have affection for each other. There's no pressure. No obligations. Just good times.

He is just a hot mess.
..and he thinks I'm a hot mess, too...which is why we get along so well.:grin:
He is forcing me in small ways to 'soften up' and acknowledge some feelings.
I was trying to keep this on a certain level but --not sure how this will play out. And I do care for him.

Anyway I peeped his strategy. I am being 'wooed' and 'courted'. He's trying his best to wear me down. He's waiting me out.
Honestly, it I figure it might be working on some levels.
He's a good guy.

Why not make him your "MAN"?
Those never work for me HOWEVER there's this one guy I am very attracted to and would love to play with. He's taken so I know it wouldn't go anywhere plus I believe in Karma *gulp*
I've had this arrangement before and it didn't end well. Sometimes, though, I wonder if I would be interested in an arrangement such as this now... Not sure...
I currently have something like that going on now but it's more than a booty call. He drives from Atlanta every other weekend to see me and I'm in Tallahassee, FL. That's a 4.5-5 hour drive. We like each other more than just for sex though. I couldn't just be banging someone who I don't even talk to at least semi-regularly and have some other interests. I'm no one's on call booty. No one can call me up in the middle of the night and show up at my door expecting me to lay down for them.

Anyways, we go out, have a good time, and he cracks me up. We can talk for hours even though we are soooooo different. But he's one of those guys that never wants to get married because he was engaged once and she broke his heart. He also claims he doesn't want kids. Can't see myself being with someone long term like that but for now, it is what it is.

We're not technically exclusive but we don't even talk to other people on that level. He jokingly told me not to go overboard with liking him too much in the beginning. But he's always saying how he reaaaaaallllllly realllllly likes me. I might be liking him too much We'll see what happens...

CaramelPrincezz did you end up married? :)

Some one bumped this old thread and I read this and imagined you married the guy.
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