Do You Have a Bootycall Arrangement?

Do you have (or have you had) a bootycall arrangement?

  • Yes. I have/have had one, and it is/was great.

    Votes: 55 42.6%
  • Yes. I have/have had one, and it is/was a mistake!

    Votes: 18 14.0%
  • No, I have not had one but I want one.

    Votes: 8 6.2%
  • No, I have not had one and I do not want one.

    Votes: 38 29.5%
  • Bootycall arrangements are IMMORAL!

    Votes: 10 7.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Ok, so I was reading the other thread about falling for a bootycall, and I'm just kinda wondering how common this kind of arrangement is. Oh and do you let the bootycall go when you are in a relationship or do you keep him on the side? You can speak hypothetically or about your friends.

I considered making this one guy as a bootycall because I was so attracted to him, and there was no way I was having a relationship with him because he was an aimless slacker. However, the moment I gave him the time of day, he started calling and calling and calling, and acting as if I was his girlfriend. Fool, please. You are not on my level. He told me he loved me and just totally caught feelings from the beginning. So much for bootycall material. :rolleyes:

How do you keep a bootycall situation from escalating when you don't want it to? Like how do you communicate to a guy that he needs to keep his feelings to himself?

I think I have too much guilt instilled in me by my mama do ever do a bootycall, but boy is this phenomenon fascinating.
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Ok, so I was reading the other thread about falling for a bootycall....

How do you keep a bootycall situation from escalating when you don't want it to? Like how do you communicate to a guy that he needs to keep his feelings to himself?

hmmm well sonce, u already know my situation stemming from the other bootycall thread:lachen:...but i'll answer anyway.

the truth is.. in my last bootycall situation i couldn't control it. I thought i would be the one to tell him 'sorry hun, i don't make bootycalls into boyfriends' but WHAT A JOKE that was. He ended up having too many qualities that i look for in a guy that made me started to take more interest in him. he was an ex college football player with a body to match, a college grad, great career, good moral standings, etc etc. who was i kdding I DIDN'T STAND A CHANCE!:nono:

to answer ur first question. most of my BF's or soon to be BF's, i usually did keep my bootycall to the side. i know it was wrong but it was too good to let go. I know i wouldn't dare to try that now that i'm older but yea....maybe i'm still getting karma for that:perplexed
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I just tell them, don’t take this the wrong way, but you are something to do because I’m not looking for anything serious right now. At first, they laugh it off like I’m playing, but then they realize how serious I am. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. But in the end, I’m always told, thanks for being straight up, and they know their options. Some men can deal with it and some can’t. I’ve just started treating them like they treat some women. When the job has been completed, there is no cuddling, you gots to go. LOL. I have notice some men think that it is a challenge because they think that you will end up liking them on that level of a relationship or calling them blowing their phone up. Just remember don’t ever catch feelings, cause they can flip things on you. Also remember there is a reason why you just wanted him for the bootycall.
Well I've just sent them a text "Sorry I can't see you anymore." Sounds rude but if I'm ending it ya pissed me off.
I had one (it wasnt suppose to happen that way but it happened) , I knew I wasnt built for that shht, and it didnt work out well. Oh well :ohwell: You live and you learn.
hmm.. not exactly sure if u can call him a "bootycall" but me and this guy that i met in college had been friends for almost 2 yrs and a couple of days before i was to leave to come back home permanently we hooked up. since then we've hooked up a couple of times.. i'd go visit him or he'd come visit me and it seems like each time it happens im either "talking to" or w. someone else. we figure we'll be together for real (become bf/gf) when the time comes.. (a couple of yrs down the line) as for now..:lick: :grin:
I have one, if that's what you want to call it. I like it! I don't have sex/have never had sex, but we "fool around". I've known him for going on 3 years. It started out as me liking him, but him being unsure of whether he wanted to have a relationship. Then I stopped liking him, and we just fooled around occasionally when both of us were single. Now he likes me, and wants a relationship, but I DO NOT like him like that. I think we might hook up sometime next week cause I've been anxious. I have another one too but we haven't done anything in a good while.:ohwell:
I have a bootycall arrangement. It's with one of my best guy friends and we're attracted to each other like mad. It's real good, and the friendship hasn't changed negatively which is awesome. We basically decided that we'll bootycall when we're both single for as long as we can, until one or the other gets married. Pretty sweet. =) We were pretty free at first but now we're starting to get attached to each other and get sort of jealous... haha but it's cool.
I have one... it is cool with me. I like him solely for superficial reasons and he likes me for the same. When i send him that text he knows what time it is and then we politely keep it moving when it is over. I make it known from jump street what is about to happen and we are good with it. I am not looking for anything serious but i do want to go out and kick it and you know:rolleyes:. I am cool with them.
I don't think they work. DH had one long before we met and she tried to get him to be her boyfriend after a few months. When she tried to get him to meet her mom and sister (while in town visiting) it was done. I think that women (and some men) say they can handle a booty call arrangement but most people do get attached after consistently having a physical relationship with someone.
Maybe for other people, but not for me! these things have a funny way of starting as one thing and becoming more complicated. No, I am not able.
I thought briefly about what would happen if SO and I broke up, and realized I'd want to keep him on the side as an FWB. :look:

I've never had one before though.
Sad to say, when DH met me, he wanted me as a bootycall. I wasn't having it. I had BCAs though. I would never bring them to my house (for security reasons), and they would never have my house #. I'd tell a friend or two where I was going and who I was going with, just in case the guy turned crazy. I would also not accept calls after ten.
I have had one for the last 2 years, but I stopped it about 3 months ago because I am looking for a relationship now. Can't have someone blocking my blessings. He still calls me once or twice a week but I let it go to voicemail.
Nope... but I wouldn't mind one. I think you really have to find the right person for this though. The vetting process would have to be extenuos. I don't think many people can handle this arrangement. Both people would have to be extremely grown and mature.

There would have to be clear ground rules. For instance, sex only, no phone conversations, no dating, no emtionally intimate encounters, hotel rooms only, no introducing to family/friends/co-workers etc...

A lady once on Oprah, talked about her arrangement that she had with a man. He was her long time sex partner for over 20 years. Whenever they both were not in a relationship they would have dates and sex. She said it was a beautiful relationship.

I would like something like that but again I think he would be hard to find. Sex, for me anyway, is very emotional if you keep having it with the same person. There is a real attachment/bond that happens. The bond can be hard to break.

ETA: The lady on Oprah was Dr. Pepper Schwartz. She wrote a sex therapist. She wrote a book named "Prime"
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I had an on/off Booty call buddy for about a year. It worked well because we were sexually attracted to each other but we were not romantically compatible at all. We mostly fooled around and he was a great kisser omg (sorry if TMI) But, I just couldn't see him being my boyfriend and he made it clear that he wasn't looking for an SO. It basically ended when he moved to Ecuador to serve in the peace corps. It was fun while it lasted and that's what i wanted at the time, i don't know if i could do it now.

To answer your question, I don't think there's really a way to stop it from escalating, once a person has feelings and the other isn't interested, it just doesn't work. The other person just can't get rid of what they feel to suit your special relationship. It also becomes an unhealthy and unfair relationship for the one that does have feelings and an uncomfortable situation for you.
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1. current dude...we've been 'together' :rolleyes: a hot minute.
This is the closest thing to a relationship that I've had in a LONG time.
We've been seeing each other for a year almost. He's not my 'man' (even though he tries to claim ownership more and more these days).
BUT we are exclusive.
Mostly because, in general, just never really believed in sleeping with multiple dudes at the same time. That's nasty.:perplexed

BUT, typically I do reserve the right to DATE as many men as I like, i.e., go out on dates and talk on the phone.
I like to keep my options open. Something better might come along...I like to keep an eye out for that type of thing.

As far as marriage and relationships are I want children. I want a family--but I don't EVER want to be 'married'.:nono: I've seen too much. He'd have to be one helluva guy to get me to go down the aisle with him.

Now--I typically do the non-committal type things but I don't do 'booty-calls'. No.:nono:
That 'call-me-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-for-some-loving' type mess?
That's not me.

I'm not some random chick. You ain't pimpin me. Have me runnin to your house like a fool. Like I got a big *** "We Deliver' sign tacked on my forehead.
To clarify, a man cannot sustain me with sex alone. Sex is fine and dandy but after the 2nd time I'll be like, "Ok, what am I gettin out of this?"
If I'm sleepin with you--you gon' do your part. These are my conditions, period.

It's sorta like an 'unstated' relationship.
Like, with my dude--of course, we have 'relations' :grin:. <--that's just a funny word.
...but he also takes me out, i.e, to dinner, nice jazz clubs, cruises and such. We would talk and discuss things. He buys me lots of things, i.e, handbags:yep: and clothes:yep: and he pays for my spa visits:yep:...and groceries.
Y'know--things like that.
As he should.:yep:

He's really good to me. He's a good person. We have good conversation...and of course phyically he's fine. The sex is great.
But he's not my 'man' and I'm not his 'woman'.
It's just a comfort thing, really. We're companions. We have affection for each other. There's no pressure. No obligations. Just good times.

I'll agree with CINDA.
IMO, few ppl can really handle that type of relationship without catching feelings. And men catch feelings too--don't believe that they don't.
They start 'checkin up'...
They start gettin jealous...

From my end everything is planned. If I say that I don't want a relationship...then I don't. If we begin to develop emotion for each other then we'll sit down and talk about it. But you won't catch me fallin in love no time soon.
Many men expect that a woman will or will come around later on, though. Trust and believe that.
Let 5-6 months go by and you ain't callin him and acting attached and jealous? They will wonder why. A lotta men will do certain things to gauge a woman's level of interest and attachment.

My relationship has had a minor shakeup but I think it's for the best. I
I believe in open, HONEST communication. the beginning it was whatever. He never voiced an opinion on who I was dating.
Oh, but--NOW it bothers him.:rolleyes: We got into the biggest fight ever on this issue like a 4 weeks ago. And it wasn't even a date, to be honest...I just had a dinner and a movie with one of my male friends.
Well--he wasn't available...I was feelin lonely so when my friend called up and we went out. I didn't want to stay at home.

I figure the reason WHY he got so pissed was because we've become so comfortable with each other. I suppose he assumed that I was just gettin more into him--and maybe took it as a clap in the face that I'd hang with some other man.
Plus a few of my male friends are dudes who have tried to date me. That's a bad look.

But--it ain't what it seemed. Sounds like a date but it's wasn't.:ohwell:
And me and the other dude are just cool with each other. We've never slept together. I've never even kissed him. I dont' want him. He knows this. Still, he doesn't care. He REALLY likes me. And--he's just comfortable being up under me for God know whatever reason...and I allow him this. :grin:

But--my dude didn't believe me and I was like, "Since when do you NOT have a reason to believe anything I say...?"
He just ended it. Said we were movin in 2 different directions and :blah:
So, fine--whatever. I felt sad about it. Missed his presence.
But I just let it end.
Mostly because, hell--he was trippin. I don't want to sound heartless but I am not gon be made to feel bad about this. We are not together. Shoot, anytime he don't like how ish is arranged he can stop seeing me. It's really THAT simple! And hell I was more annoyed than anything else.
Because--he's a fool to let a good thing end like that...behind some bullish.
Plus--it wasn't even a 'date'!

That's what he gets for asking my whereabouts, anyway. It was totally innocent. Anyway I don't like lying. I happen to be very bad at I figure it may be best to. Just to save him from his damn 'sensibilities'...and me from a potential headache.

...because guess who called me the other night talkin about some 'Let's talk..."?
My dude. I KNEW he would call. They always find some excuse to call.
I was glad to hear from him. Honestly.
And the first thing out of his mouth was, "How you not gon pick up the phone to call me?"
I said, "Well why you ain't call me...? You the one said you ain't wanna be bothered. So far be it from me to insert myself where I ain't wanted."

Guess I'm supposed to be just ringing his phone off the hook crying and snotting and leavin crazed mssgs on his voicemail. But--of course, y'know that's what he wants, right?:yep:
That's what his little groupies used to do.:rolleyes:
He is used to that behavior, believe me.

Then, "You miss me?"
I said, "Did you miss me....?"
>>sucks teeth<< "Man...there you go..."

He is just a hot mess.
..and he thinks I'm a hot mess, too...which is why we get along so well.:grin:
He is forcing me in small ways to 'soften up' and acknowledge some feelings.
I was trying to keep this on a certain level but --not sure how this will play out. And I do care for him.

Anyway I peeped his strategy. I am being 'wooed' and 'courted'. He's trying his best to wear me down. He's waiting me out.
Honestly, it I figure it might be working on some levels.
He's a good guy.
Yep, I had one for the last 3yrs but it just ended last Sunday.....He felt that I had the upper hand, he caught feelings, but it was already agreed upon...NO RELATIONSHIP.... Best 3 yrs of my life!
I don't know if it qualifies as a bootycall arrangement, but it was a dude I dated for a loooong time. We finally called it quits but continued to use each other for "physical needs". The feelings were mutual and we talked about it often - so I don't feel bad about it.

Eventually it had to end because as usual, one person starts to catch feelings that aren't reciprocated and the arrangement well....doesn't work anymore.
I have one and its no fun...when you are the one falling in he thinks booty calls are normal but i am the type thta seek more from a man than a booty call because I was spoiled by my kids dad who is lacking in the physical dept.
I currently have something like that going on now but it's more than a booty call. He drives from Atlanta every other weekend to see me and I'm in Tallahassee, FL. That's a 4.5-5 hour drive. We like each other more than just for sex though. I couldn't just be banging someone who I don't even talk to at least semi-regularly and have some other interests. I'm no one's on call booty. No one can call me up in the middle of the night and show up at my door expecting me to lay down for them.

Anyways, we go out, have a good time, and he cracks me up. We can talk for hours even though we are soooooo different. But he's one of those guys that never wants to get married because he was engaged once and she broke his heart. He also claims he doesn't want kids. Can't see myself being with someone long term like that but for now, it is what it is.

We're not technically exclusive but we don't even talk to other people on that level. He jokingly told me not to go overboard with liking him too much in the beginning. But he's always saying how he reaaaaaallllllly realllllly likes me. I might be liking him too much We'll see what happens...
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