Do you ever go out ALONE?!!

Do you or have you ever gone out alone and had a good time?

  • Yes I go out by myself all the time and meet the most interesting people/potential dates!

    Votes: 29 55.8%
  • Yes I have gone out by myself but I never met anyone new or I met creepy people.

    Votes: 15 28.8%
  • No, I never go out alone! I'm too shy.

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • No, I never go out alone! Why would anyone do that?

    Votes: 3 5.8%

  • Total voters
I've been to the movies, a semi fancy dinner, salsa dancing, art shows/museum alone. The big challenge would be a bar. I want to do that in the next 4 months
I do and enjoy myself always! I go to the movies, events, concerts, dining by myself frequently. I even went out clubbing (first time) 2 nights when I went to Caribana by myself and had a ball! I was nervous but it is all about being responsible (I only had one drink) and being aware of my surroundings. Because of this experience I would definitely go out again!!
I go out alone frequently- to eat, movies, bars, whatever. I've taken 3 vacations by myself and plan to take many more.

It's kind of strange to me when I hear grown women say they never go out alone. I think it's important to be able to enjoy your own company.
MzLady78 said:
I go out alone frequently- to eat, movies, bars, whatever. I've taken 3 vacations by myself and plan to take many more.

It's kind of strange to me when I hear grown women say they never go out alone. I think it's important to be able to enjoy your own company.

Shoot if I sat around waiting for other people Id never get to go anywhere. :nono:
MzLady78 said:
I know that's right! That mess got real old, real quick. :yep:

Yeah plus people are usually pretty friendly at bars. You get to know the regulars, the bartenders, etc. I used to have people come in to see me all the time when I was working. And I have certain bartenders or servers I like to go see. My favorite server at my favorite restaurant worked my bridal shower. I told them I wasn't having it there if he couldn't wait on us. :lol:
Yeah plus people are usually pretty friendly at bars. You get to know the regulars, the bartenders, etc. I used to have people come in to see me all the time when I was working. And I have certain bartenders or servers I like to go see. My favorite server at my favorite restaurant worked my bridal shower. I told them I wasn't having it there if he couldn't wait on us. :lol:

Yep, I always have people strike up a convo with me at bars.

It's always nice to have a little spot where you know the bartenders/servers. My friends and I are all really good tippers, so we get great service.
I notice a lot of female friends look at me shocked like I'm Braveheart when I say that I go to dance, singing and fitness lessons by myself. I really don't think that is out of the ordinary at all lol.

I do agree with the posters that say they don't want to have to rely on another person to be able to enjoy something.

I want to go to Iceland alone for a volunteering opportunity. However, one of my friends is trying to come with me too because I suppose people assume you want someone to go with. I don't lol:look:
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I did tonight! I was suppose to meet a group at a wine tasting event but I got the date wrong! Lol! I stayed anyway and sat at the bar and participated in the wine tasting! It wasn't that many people there, it wasn't bad for my first time. I would do it again.
I go out to eat alone at restaurants all the time. I will sit at the bar and order 3 courses with no problem. I'll go during brunch, lunch, and dinner. Lol

Bars I will to. Usually it is after work I'll go. I haven't gone to a lounge or club alone before but those aren't really my thing.

Movies and coffee shops I am usually by myself.

Only thing is is that I dont go out late. I won't hit up a bar at 11 PM.

I definitely plan to travel alone soon. On my to do lost.

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Only once. It was ok. I def want to try to vacation alone. I plan on hitting a couple of beaches by myself this summer.

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All the time... sometimes I prefer going places alone, especially shopping. I hate when people are rushing me or they have to do this or that and I have to hurry up and take them here and there and I can't be as thorough as I like.

I grew up as an only child so I know how to keep my own self entertained quite well.
All the time... sometimes I prefer going places alone, especially shopping. I hate when people are rushing me or they have to do this or that and I have to hurry up and take them here and there and I can't be as thorough as I like.

I grew up as an only child so I know how to keep my own self entertained quite well.

I can't stand shopping with other people.
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I go out alone all the time. In college, I would just not tell people about my birthday and take myself out to a restaurant that I'd been wanting to try and then maybe to a movie or a stroll around the nicer parts of town.

It's not about meeting men for me, because I have betchy resting face and when I'm by myself, it is in full effect. So men don't approach too often cuz I look mean as fuark.
But I always have fun and it's just...freeing. Don't gotta worry about if other people want to eat at that place, don't gotta worry about making conversation, don't gotta worry about splitting the bill or picking a movie that everyone will like or if the music will be good for everyone or being on anyone else's timeline.
You just do exactly what you want to do and nothing else. It's awesome.

My self-esteem and ability to put myself first has also improved alot since I started going out alone more often. :yep:

The only downside is you have be especially mindful of your safety, especially when you go places at night.
After a really bad breakup im finding myself wanting to be alone more. I heal better in solitude rather than a circle of friends offering well meaning yet ultimately useless advice. So back I will go to dining, shopping, movie watching on my own. I loved it back then and I love it now.
All the time... sometimes I prefer going places alone, especially shopping. I hate when people are rushing me or they have to do this or that and I have to hurry up and take them here and there and I can't be as thorough as I like.

I grew up as an only child so I know how to keep my own self entertained quite well.

You and I seem the same way. I am an only child too and quite comfortable chiling solo. I enjoy being on my own schedule and not on someone elses.
Nope, just dinner at one of my favorite Hibachi restaurants. (They sat me with two families so it could have felt awkward but we all hit off and had small talk here and there, so that was nice) And then one the players for the Heat came with his wife and kids so that was fun enjoying good food and watching the playoffs with one of the Heat players there, lol.
I was just saying to my bff the other day, reading some posts on the thread that i THINK this thread came from talking about being alone makes you more approachable, i cannot go out alone. My birthday was this passed Friday and I had no plans because everyone was busy. Didn't treat myself or anything.

It's not like i'm an extrovert I just get scared being by myself on the outside in a place i've never been. I suppose i could just go to my local movie theater, been there like 20 times. I spend a lot of time by myself at home though.

Oh! there was this one time my school had a movie viewing party. It was kinda lame because it was mostly couples who went and the movie was not my cup of tea, so there i was 5th wheeling not even having a decent source of entertainment.

But now that I'm of age I might try going to a club or something. I totally understand how intimidating it can be for a guy to come up to a group of girls with only intentions for 1. That would freak me out too!
I am an introvert and i really enjoy going out alone. I dont like the bar or club scene so i dont go there alone but everything else is solo. I really enjoy eating alone as i like certain types of food others are not into.
I want to travel alone but now i am married my husband wants to come because he doesnt like being home alone for extended periods of time.