Do you ever go out ALONE?!!

Do you or have you ever gone out alone and had a good time?

  • Yes I go out by myself all the time and meet the most interesting people/potential dates!

    Votes: 29 55.8%
  • Yes I have gone out by myself but I never met anyone new or I met creepy people.

    Votes: 15 28.8%
  • No, I never go out alone! I'm too shy.

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • No, I never go out alone! Why would anyone do that?

    Votes: 3 5.8%

  • Total voters
All the time. Actually prefer it.

My friends and family think I am weird as they would not do it. They would even try to invite themselves along.:wallbash:

I hate being on someone's timetable.
Also, there is no-one to check in with. If I go out, and ain't feeling it, and want to head home early/go someplace different/etc - I can. No negotiaging with your girl who just swears she's about to hookup, no whinging about who can afford what, no figuring out the car issue - just, dip.

This is one of the biggest perks! Also, as much as my friends and I have in common, we sometimes have different preferences about food (where to go eat), movies (they want to see the cheesy romance, I want to see the comedy), etc..
The first time I went out alone was shortly after a break up. I got dressed up one Friday night and went to the movies. I kind of felt weird in line by myself seeing everyone grouped or coupled up. I said I would never do that again so if I do go I def hit it up in the daytime. I see a lot of people by themselves during the day anyway. I'm too shy and self-conscious (unfortunately) to do much more than that alone. It's great to hear about you ladies great experiences with going out alone and meeting others, this gives me a little more hope to venture out alone if I have to.
Sure. I did go to clubs alone back in the day (and met some decent men) but now I only go to movies, dinner, shopping alone. Usually this is because I am out of town for work but I do go out alone at home sometimes too.
The first time I went out alone was shortly after a break up. I got dressed up one Friday night and went to the movies. I kind of felt weird in line by myself seeing everyone grouped or coupled up. I said I would never do that again so if I do go I def hit it up in the daytime. I see a lot of people by themselves during the day anyway. I'm too shy and self-conscious (unfortunately) to do much more than that alone. It's great to hear about you ladies great experiences with going out alone and meeting others, this gives me a little more hope to venture out alone if I have to.

I go to the movies by myself all the time - but always to a weekend matinee or on an off night like Tuesday. It's a great mental escape for me, sneak in some good snacks, settle into a half empty theater and check out for a while.
Hey, I conducted my "experiment" and actuallly wound up going out alone to this nyc lounge last night and had a BLAST.

I am so glad i went, i got there and within 5 minutes i had these 2 guys approach me to make small talk. After they left, some other dudes approached. During small talk, i mentioned that i had come solo bc my friends did'nt want to come out, they actually thought that was so cool. Didn't buy a drink the entire night, got some phone numbers, and had my cab ride home paid for :grin:

I had a really nice time, will be doing this again.
Hey, I conducted my "experiment" and actuallly wound up going out alone to this nyc lounge last night and had a BLAST.

I am so glad i went, i got there and within 5 minutes i had these 2 guys approach me to make small talk. After they left, some other dudes approached. During small talk, i mentioned that i had come solo bc my friends did'nt want to come out, they actually thought that was so cool. Didn't buy a drink the entire night, got some phone numbers, and had my cab ride home paid for :grin:

I had a really nice time, will be doing this again.

High five! :clap:

You know, the bolded I think was a VERY smooth move! That was great small talk... you basically were communicating to these dudes that one monkey don't stop no show... that you were your own person, and that your happiness and desire to go out and enjoy yourself was not dependent on the fact that your friends decided not to come along.

(Even if your plan was to come out by yourself, they didn't have to know that! :lol:)

And some nights will be better than others. You might do it again, and the night will be LAME!!! Then another night could be a ton of fun, like last night. It always just depends on where you go, when, who happens to be there and all that.

I'm happy that you had a wonderful time!
Yes, I've gone out alone. One particular time I went to a jazz club and met a GAWJUS chocolate man. That was like 2 years ago and I'm still kicking myself in the arse for not getting those digits. We had a great lil ole convo and he said he liked my hair.:look:
Yes, I've gone out alone. One particular time I went to a jazz club and met a GAWJUS chocolate man. That was like 2 years ago and I'm still kicking myself in the arse for not getting those digits. We had a great lil ole convo and he said he liked my hair.:look:

Aww, don't feel bad about that... and hey, he could have tried to get YOUR digits too, you know? Sometimes a great connection might only be for that night, so we should just relish the memory of that and keep it moving. :)

Glad you had fun though... keep it up!
i go to the movies by myself quite a bit. never went to a club alone though, i was THIS close to doing it saturday night. there's a club about 10mins away that's such a drunken meat market. if i go alone, i doubt anyone would've known... lol.
I go everywhere solo. I have different interests than a lot of my friends so instead of trying to make them go places they don't want to go, I just roll by myself.
I want to be able to go out more places alone, but at times I get really insecure and feel people are just staring at me like some loser. I don't make eye contact unless someone make it at me, and I don't go up and start conversations. I want to learn out to be more socialable alone, but I'm really shy when it comes to that and proably miss out on a lot on life due to this.
I want to be able to go out more places alone, but at times I get really insecure and feel people are just staring at me like some loser. I don't make eye contact unless someone make it at me, and I don't go up and start conversations. I want to learn out to be more socialable alone, but I'm really shy when it comes to that and proably miss out on a lot on life due to this.

I've found if you station yourself in a high traffic area you don't have to approach anyone to start a conversation. They will come to you and speak. Try volunteering to work the welcome table at an event, conference, or golf outting. You're the first smiling face people will see when they arrive and it's the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation.
I go to most concerts alone...especially ones I really want to see. I don't have to to waste waiting on this one and that one to figure out what they want to do. By the time everybody figures it out the best tickets are GONE!
Oh dear lord....I am about to book me a table at a resturant with all this talk....You have definitely got me think about dating me again cause I havent done that in a long time! I always do coffee shops on my own and used to go out for dinner on my own a long time ago.... I might go to the movies by myself this weekend!
I like to go to places like the movies or shopping alone. I went to see The Hangover by myself last week and ran into my old neighbors in the parking lot. They were like "OMG, you're here alone?! Wait for us to park and we'll sit together!!" I could just tell they were embarrassed for me, and I really didn't want to sit with them, but I did. I hate being bothered when I don't feel like it, I should have just told them I like sitting alone.
One of the best birthdays I ever had I went out alone and it was AWESOME. My neighborhood bar, so I walked, it was my b-day, so people bought me dranks, and I didn't have to herd cats. No negotiating about what time, and where, and telling someone their outfit looks cute.....Just me enjoying my life. blissful!
I was thinking about this this morning ... I would like to start going out to different restaurants but would feel kinda awkward sitting there by myself. I'm not a big movie goer but I've gone to movies in the past solo.
I was thinking about this this morning ... I would like to start going out to different restaurants but would feel kinda awkward sitting there by myself. I'm not a big movie goer but I've gone to movies in the past solo.

I have only gone to restaurants alone when traveling. I typically sit at the bar and it feels pretty normal. I would try a weekday, like Monday-Thursday.
I can do movies easily alone. I just go during the day. I started doing this when I was in school and working and I was too busy to see a movie when it first came out. So by the time I had a chance to see it everyone else already saw it so I'd go alone.

I can easily sit at a restaurant bar and have a drink and order food to go. I've done that a few times when I was away on travel. My next step is to actually sit and eat at the bar. I can't imagine sitting at a table alone though. I don't really want to do that because talking to people is more fun. What do you do while waiting for your food to come? Sit and stare? Sitting at the bar I was comfy because I played with my cell while I sipped my drink but not sure how I'd feel at a table alone.
I do all the time. Mostly because some places I prefer alone, like the movies. I like to enjoy movies w/ my junk good & not have to entertain the person next to me. LOL
Do malls count? Pbly not. All girls do that alone. lol
I started eating at restaurants alone while traveling for work. Then later I did it because I was single and wanted a good meal without having to "herd cats" as someone upthread so aptly described it.

Now as a married woman, I go to the movies, dinner, coffee house, grocery shopping, flower shopping, the mall, etc. - alone, when I can. DH likes to go to all of those places and I appreciate it the companionship but I'm glad that I'm okay on my own as well. Plus when I go alone I'm not thinking about the budget and I love to spoil myself

My favorite thing: Breakfast, early in the morning all by myself. I love my own company. :)
I've done this since i was studying. I go out to eat, movies, coffee shops, etc. It doesnt bother me. I dont have many friends and not many people like what i like so why should i deprive myself?
I hate when some man takes it upon himself to converse with me because 'i look lonely' and i have been extremely rude on occasion.

I always have my ereader in my purse so i read while waiting for my food. Sometimes i'll go to a coffeeshop just for the coffee and sit with my ebooks or sometimes just people-watch...afterwards i feel like my soul is soothed and i am ready to face the world.

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Yes, but for some reason it's always more fun when I do it while traveling. I can't tell if it's because people in other countries are different or if I am different when I go to other countries or a little of both.
Yes, but for some reason it's always more fun when I do it while traveling. I can't tell if it's because people in other countries are different or if I am different when I go to other countries or a little of both.

I would love to travel alone but I'm direction challenged LOL. I can't risk getting lost in another country....alone. :(