Do you care if your SO asks you before going somewhere?


New Member
My SO gets home from work at about 11:30, and we usually chat online a little before bed. The other day he texted me and asked if he could go to a movie, but since I didn't respond to the text before he passed the theatre he didn't go.

I told him later that that was silly and he doesn't have to ask permission to see a movie after work... My question is, *should* I care if he asks or not? Would you ladies care?
Girl talk about having him trained! Me and my SO just had a big fat fight about that. He went to the movies on friday with people from school (2 girls an another guy might I add) without so much as telling me or asking me if I even wanted to go. So I kind of flipped out. I mean have common courtesy to just tell a person where you are because I could have went out with friends you know? Well, whatever. Your SO at least let you know he was alive! Otherwise he would have came home at any old hour and you would have never known where he was. Its just a decent thing to do, esp. when a person is usually expecting to see you.
SO no, but if it was a spouse, he wouldn't have to ask, just let me know when he is coming back. I am too grown to be keeping that close of a tab on another adult.

When I was married I would TELL my spouse where I was going and when I would be back. I would hate to be out and have him blowing up my phone. Some folks like that, and think that it is cute, but I find it VERY annoying. EXDH would tell me when he would be home. Fine with me.
i would not want him to ask. my boy tells me usually if hes going to a party or somehting. im like, 'have fun'.

my ex was telling me how he wanted to go to a club but he had to ask his girl first. i was like, '...why?' and he's like, 'cause i love her blah blah blah' and im just like, 'thank god my boy isnt like that'. :ohwell:
No, he's grown. He can go where he pleases, because I sure do. :look:

We usually see if the other wanted to do something together and if not it's all good. Just let me know when you'll be back is all I ask.
lol at *ask*. Nah he doesn't have to ask. He just needs to tell me what his plans are especially if we are usually together/talking during that time.
No he doesn't have to ask. He is grown man and I'm not in any position to tell him what to do.
But he always tells me whenever he is doing something, and he would never put himself in a position he wouldn't want to find me.
No please don't ask me, b/c I sure won't ask you. It's nice for him to let me know so I won't be wondering.
No. I have too many other things to do than to tell grown folks what to do. Dh tells me where he's going like I tell him. I encourage dh to do 'man' things with his boys just like I do things with my girls. I expect him to tell me that he's going and a round about time he's getting back.
No dh doesn't ask and neither do I. Now we do tell each other because it's the right thing to do also to make sure there isn't something else going on that may conflict as far as the kids are concerned. I think it is important for couples to enjoy activities a part from each other. Q
He better let me know if he is planning to do something... but he's my husband, not my boyfriend and I extend the same respect to him.