Do You Brush Your Hair Every Day?


Flowah Powah
I know finger-detangling is a big thing, but only if I want to lose my nails - my hair strands will cut through them.

So how about you all? Natural or relaxed? Detangle every day with brush/comb? Finger detangle only? Etc....

I'm natural and I brush daily. My hair is stretched throughout the week, so I'm not brushing dry curly hair or anything.
I wear my natural hair straightened but don’t detangle on a regular basis. I comb it so it looks presentable but I don’t force it through any areas that are tight. I detangle when I’m ready to wash it myself or get it done.
I know finger-detangling is a big thing, but only if I want to lose my nails - my hair strands will cut through them.

So how about you all? Natural or relaxed? Detangle every day with brush/comb? Finger detangle only? Etc....

I'm natural and I brush daily. My hair is stretched throughout the week, so I'm not brushing dry curly hair or anything.


Welcome to LHCF, @sunflora !
I'm an avid finger detangler. I don't use a comb or a brush. Happy hair growing to you and your hair.
No never daily. If I'm doing a neat bun then I'll use the brush to smooth the hair into place before applying my scarf.

I have been known to brush my completely though, right through the lengths. I don't do that anymore.
I like wash and go's and combing or brushing breaks my curls so I finger detangle to preserve the definition. Also a part of my hair is texlaxed and fragile so I finger detangle to decrease breakage...

My nails are average strength and my hair doea not harm them. But my strands are fine and fragile themselves.
I was gonna ask when did this happen?! In the 2017 SL thread you were inching your way to APL by the end. 3 months later and you're back to short hair. With your growth you'll be back to SL by summer
I thought about growing my hair out, but I’m gonna wait. I have been playing with color, and getting a design! Lol I’m telling you the hold that hair had over me was messing me up physically and mentally. I may grow it back out once I finish school.
I finger detangle once per week on wash day. I tried to brush my hair but it hates it, even if it's wet and covered in conditioner. My curls get puffy and frizzy so I just finger detangle and let my hair do what it wants
I'm a finger detangler/comber. I'd love to be able to brush my hair again but I know what the health of my hair was like as a kid compared to now, so....