Do you believe that once a Cheater, always a Cheater?


Well-Known Member
I was reading an earlier thread that got me thinking.Do you believe in the saying, once a cheater, always a cheater? Have you dealt with a cheating man in the past, and chose to give him a second chance? How did he regain your trust? Have you forgiven only to find that his cheating ways still continued?

I've posed several questions above but I am mainly looking for others to share their experience with a cheating DH,FH or SO.
No, I believe that people can make a mistake and then can be truly sorry for it and decide to change their behavior and abide by that.
Yes, the same way I believe in "he hits you once, he'll do it again" or "once an abuser, always an abuser". I prefer not to share my experience but it would take a long time for someone to change.
Yes, the same way I believe in "he hits you once, he'll do it again" or "once an abuser, always an abuser". I prefer not to share my experience but it would take a long time for someone to change.

My father was a notorious cheater and physical abuser and I think that my trust issues stem from the way I saw him treat my mother as a child.

As far as the cheating, I honestly think after a while she[mom]just started to believe that cheating is just part of every man's nature, to make herself feel better and she just stopped caring.
It's more a matter of once you break my trust, it can never be fully repaired - so in my mind, once a cheater, always a trustbreaker - once an abuser, always a trustbreaker. And I can't abide trustbreakers, ya know?
Yes, the same way I believe in "he hits you once, he'll do it again" or "once an abuser, always an abuser". I prefer not to share my experience but it would take a long time for someone to change.

I believe that if someone tried to change on their own, it would be futile but with God's help, I believe anyone can change.

I didn't always think like this because I've been hurt by different men but as God began to work with me, he showed me that with Him change is really possible.
People do change according to lifestages. I have a friend from college he was such a cheater in his 20's. Now in his late 30's he looks at life and relationships so much differently. Also, when he lost the love of his life to a one-night stand it made him see love doesn't come easy as he thought!
Yep this is a fact unless they were cheating when they were very young and stoopid and then grew up. Otherwise once a dawg always a dawg. Sexual addiction is real.

ETA: By cheating I mean on more than just one occasion and continuously. People clearly can make mistakes but if there is a persistent pattern then stay the hell away from that person.

Hat a very bad cheating ex whom till this day is 40 years old and still doing the same stoopid things.
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