A Year After Our Split, He Found Me MySpace...What Do I Do???

Depends on what he means by "fix."

Is he apologizing or is he trying to get back with you?

If he wants to apologize he can send you an e-mail. You broke up for a reason and you don't want to forget that and romanticize the past.
Hey Cincy,

My ex did the same thing. Contacting me via text (testing the waters no doubt) then came the phone calls, now we are doing business together. After all that time of me wondering if I would ever see him again.

What this contact has done for me is let me know that we are all humans, we all make mistakes, and we all deserve redemption....just not always a second chance. Sometimes second chances are warranted especially if you broke up over stupid stuff but egos kept it from working out.

In my case, our relationship now gave me the chance to observe him as a person (in his natural habit so to speak) without being in a relationship with him. Ain't jack changed about him as a man, but he's a really good friend now and always there for me. I feel sorry for anyone thinking this is "her" man. I have to remind him from time to time that I have a boyfriend and you....well you have a "chicken head". His words not mine.

Had I never talked to him again I would have always been wondering what could have been. Thinking that I messed up this GREAT relationship. Now I know. Yeah I still have feelings for him but no way would I get back into that delusional relationship.

I would say use this time to observe him and see how he moves. Your indifference to him will make him play his hand. All you have to do is remain detached and observe. You will learn far more than if your vision gets clouded by emotions.

Keep us posted.
I can only suggest that you take the advice from someone that has been married and divorced and "healed" from it. Don't contact him, don't respond to his email, lose his number, leave him alone.

It seems that you do still have feelings for him because if you didn't you wouldn't have had any response to his email except a brief laugh. This is a guy that knows how to play games with women's emotions - in my honest opinion - in fact he probably picked that fight with you so that you two could break up, now he's sniffing around again. Bump him.

The best thing you can do is to take care of yourself and move on. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm not saying it won't hurt, but it's a lot better than letting him back into your life.

I put it like this to a girlfriend of mine, when a job fires you, they barely EVER hire you back on. Why? Because they know it's a lost cause, a burnt bridge. You'll be better off if you ignore his email and lose his number. Give yourself closure, don't wait on him.

Lose the 15lbs for yourself, not so that some screw up guy will notice you. Do you, for you.

Don't even worry about him. PM me anytime and I'll tell you how I did it. Let go, move on and never looked back. I did and now I'm happily engaged to the love of my life. :rolleyes:

I couldn't agree with you more :yep:
All I have to say is......that dmn myspace! I don't know if I would deal with him, I would probably call him just to be nosey and see what he's been up to, but i'd leave it at that. It's good that your not one to hold on to the past, that will save you any heartache in 08. I would be nosey though :)
How about...new message today...with his telephone number? Apparently, he's realized that I changed my number and didn't give him the new one.

I am just not getting this. I feel like saying..."What do you want??"

I don't want to have a weak moment..........

Cincy, don't fall for it, he's scheming. I wouldn't trust him for a minute. He's just running a game and wants to prove that he's still the MAN. He's probably lonely and thinking about how he played it and how his life is now and prob knows he made the wrong decision.
Just ignore him, and if you have to block him off your myspace so he'll leave you alone, JUST DO IT.
I've had this happen too, and this guy was a real a-hole when we dated I mean 2 weeks after we broke up he was with another girl that he met at a party while we were still together, and he called ME to talk about HER and ask me advice about her, see what I mean a jerk. Last month a mutual acquaintance ran into him at the club with his sister and he gave this acquaintance his card so I could call or email him. I didn't take the bait at all. I know he's alone and miserable and it's dawned on him that he's passed up a good thing, and now he wants to "talk" yeah....ummm....NEXT! LIke my siggy says: Ain't got no time for no haters, I'm just living my life.
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I responded to the second message:

I am doing just fine. Thanks for asking.

Take Care.

And thanks to whoever suggested to block him on MySpace. Not sure how to do it but I will figure it out.

I responded to the second message:

And thanks to whoever suggested to block him on MySpace. Not sure how to do it but I will figure it out.

I said it, here's how you do it: you go to your inbox then go into the actual message, and somewhere on the top you can block that sender. hth