Do You Ask Men How Much Money They Make?

Do you ask men how much money they make?

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No. Any person with half a brain could gather how much a man does or doesn't make without directly asking.

And if you really want to know the truth, what REALLY matters is how much they save and invest. Living paycheck to paycheck comes in all types of salary levels. Trust me. In NYC, I've seen it all.

An ex coworker/friend who had a much higher title than I did had an awesome apartment with killer views, a housekeeper, a nutritionist/cook that came on the weekend to prepare meals for the week, a personal trainer, an on-call nanny for when his kids were in town, a BMW, and he was always traveling. A few months after he was laid off, he had to move in with his father.
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Very true!

Especially in Cali and nyc with this foolishness lol

Driving a Benz but no furniture in your high rise apt smh

I'm like a salary expert, all the jobs ive had lmaoooo
I can figure out what someone's making very easily, public or private sector

But you can kinda figure it out without asking but we all know it's about what you have in that bank account that matters!

No. Any person with half a break could gather how much a man does or doesn't make without directly asking.

And if you really want to know the truth, what REALLY matters is how much they save and invest. Living paycheck to paycheck come in all types of salary levels. Trust me. In NYC, I've seen it all.

An ex coworker/friend who had a much higher title than I did had an awesome apartment with killer views, a housekeeper, a nutritionist/cook that came in the weekend to prepare meals for the week, personal trainer, on-call nanny for when his kids were in town, a BMW, and he was always traveling. A few months after he was laid off, he had to move in with his father.
Very true!

Especially in Cali and nyc with this foolishness lol

Driving a Benz but no furniture in your high rise apt smh
Right. These fools out here flossing with their Benz, $300 cologne and cant pay their rent. One almost got me taking me on expensive dates in his benz, designer clothes and about to get evicted.

For the OP, I dont ask but learned to watch closely.
No I don't ask, it's pretty easy to find out how much someone makes based on their position, years at a company, education, location, etc. It's rude and I wouldn't want someone to flat out ask me either if I just met you; that's none of your business!
You aren't misunderstanding the question, it's as simple as that. She straight up asks them.

She was also complaining about her ex who was/is in medical school and he's now interning (I don't remember the exact steps to be a doctor) and how he only makes 50k....

She needs to wait a few years for him to finish his training. She'll be sorry
The ones talking about how they re struggling are the ones to avoid lol.
Car is not an indication of wealth but assets are .
Only if they ask me for my credit score. I had a guy ask me that so i asked me for how annual salary then he got offended
