Do ya'll henna?

Do you henna?

  • Yes, I henna and love it

    Votes: 293 28.1%
  • Yes, I have but I won't do it again

    Votes: 33 3.2%
  • No, I haven't but I've always wanted to

    Votes: 518 49.6%
  • Nope, never considered it

    Votes: 200 19.2%

  • Total voters
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Wow! Is this the only henna you have tried? and if not did the other henna's make your urine black as well? How long was urine black? Was your urine actually black or just dark? Sorry so many questions but I just find this unusual.
No this is not the only Henna I've tried but I didn't sleep in it before. And yes, my urine looked black to me. In another 4/6 weeks I'm going to do the same thing again and see what happens.

I want a red color without the brown. The Adore is crimson. My ultimate goal is thicker strands with a vibrant color, plus strengthening.

Thanks for responding.
Hi Hurricane. :wave:
Henna won't make your hair a vibrant red unless you bleached it first to lift the dark color. Henna will strengthen your strands though. HTH.
I did my first henna gloss today using Lavendar2's technique ( except i used reshna henna) actually sitting under the dryer right now getting ready to go rinse. I heard all the horror stories about hair drying out and breaking and then so many great reviews so i was confused but i finally took a chance today.....wish me luck...gonna go rinse and condition now.
It's good to hear that ladies are trying it out for yourself. Always keep in mind, another person's bad experience may not be yours. and everyone's good experience may also not be yours. It's just that we all have different and unique hair textures and some do really well with henna and others don't.
In my opinion I think ayurvedic herbal hair care is good for EVERYONE, but the thing is to find that right recipe for you!

It can be a henna paste application (with other herbs etc...), it can be a henna gloss, and it can be henna and tea rinses. There is a lot of choice out there. Just try it out and make the best one you can! No one said beauty was going to be easy to achieve. We got to work it!
I did a henna treatment today as well. It's been a while since I did one and today I used Jamila henna - woo hoo, I really like that one. It actually seemed to make my hair pretty soft surprisingly. I had only bought 2 boxes and used the first one today - it was awesome:lick:!

I am under the dryer right now with a rollerset and can't wait to see the results. I'll definately update later - right after my first Macherieamour's saran wrap:yep:.

If there are anyone afraid to use henna - don't be! Let me share a henna story with my little sister. She had bleached her year about a year and a half ago and months later decided that she wanted it black again. Well crazy child put a black semi permanent rinse over the bleach mixed with some type of reddish rinse. Well after a few washes, guess what happened? Yup you guessed it - it turned green and I mean visibly green and no matter what she did, she couldn't get the green out.

So I said to her, why don't you let me henna your hair? She was a tiny bit skeptical at first but said yes. I henna'ed her hair and ladies, I cannot even begin to describe the beauty of her hair after that, the green hue to her hair was gone and the shine was INCREDIBLE! She liked it so much, she actually lerned to henna her own hair and is now doing it ever so often - but with my henna - go figure:spinning:. Her hair had this wondeful brownish, reddish copper color to it - just beautiful!!! Oh and the greenish hue never came back.

It was the best color corrector she's ever used and will continue to use, but next time, maybe she'll have to buy her own:grin:.
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Nice blog IndianAngel22 and nice henna job you did. I especially like the info on the snap clips, I'll be looking into getting some of them soon.

Thanks so much! I'm working on it, I think people can get some good info on my blog. I like to jump on different product trains sometimes and into experimenting so hopefully it will progress along with my hair :)
Now Aggie that is an amazing story. I would love to post that one up on my blog!! You know little sisters...they are always trying to get something from us big sisters. :) That's a story everyone should hear.
I did my first henna gloss today using Lavendar2's technique ( except i used reshna henna) actually sitting under the dryer right now getting ready to go rinse. I heard all the horror stories about hair drying out and breaking and then so many great reviews so i was confused but i finally took a chance today.....wish me luck...gonna go rinse and condition now.

I did my first henna gloss today, I also used Lavendar's (she's great!!!) technique. I used Jamila henna and added some indigo. My hair feels so strong and has a deep brown color. I will be doing henna treatments from now on.
Now Aggie that is an amazing story. I would love to post that one up on my blog!! You know little sisters...they are always trying to get something from us big sisters. :) That's a story everyone should hear.

Thank you and go right on ahead and share it Khadija.
Thank you Aggie! Would you like me to reference to a blog or website you have?
Absolutely, that's fine. My fotki address is right in my siggy and you can use the post I made here as well and link it. The pics below are two of the few I took after my henna treatment today. I am a hendigo kinda gal:grin:.


Khadija I finally used my Yemen henna last night :grin:. Definitely a LOT more red than even Jamila, but I think I prefer Jamila simply because it's easier to rinse out. Last night, I rinsed for 30 minutes before I even started to cowash. I had to cowash and rinse 8 times, and probably could've done it a few more times but I was just too tired and still had to DC. I'm washing my hair tonight w/poo to make sure ALL of the henna is gone-call me paranoid, but I don't even care lol. Maybe next go round I'll use one box Jamila and one pkg Yemen.
Eisani, I agree with you. Your comments are right on target. The yemeni is def more red then Jamila in my experience but the jamila is the absolutely BEST henna to wash out because it is the ultimately finest henna powder on the market. The Indian henna is next in line. I think Indian henna should be a bit more popular because of that, as I know the yemeni is a more tough with washing out. It just has a little bit more little tid bits in it, here and there.

I think mixing one 100 grams of each would be a good balance. Like for my body art henna paste I use 100 grams indian and 100 grams jamila. It works amazing! and the paste is so smooth
Hi everyone!! I'm doing my 1st henna on friday. I've read through the majority of this thread so I think I'm good on my mixture. I do have a question however.

How much do I use? I have 200 grams of Jamilla and my hair is a lil below SL, not quite yet at APL.
Moroccan isn't too bad. It washes out pretty good but it's third in line for sift. This is how I rate the most popular henna powders regarding their sift personally from best to least best (but they are ALL better then the store bought henna powders).

Jamila, Indian, Moroccan, and Yemeni.
Hi everyone!! I'm doing my 1st henna on friday. I've read through the majority of this thread so I think I'm good on my mixture. I do have a question however.

How much do I use? I have 200 grams of Jamilla and my hair is a lil below SL, not quite yet at APL.

It depends on whether or not you will be mixing it with other powders, oils and/or conditioners. I only use 75-100 grams and the length of my hair is in my siggy.
I always find that some places do recommend using a lot more powder then we all really need. The biggest thing that varies though is based on hair thickness
My hair has benefited from Henna, but I don't get the shine Henna is known to give. My recipe is simple --> Henna, water, conditioner and cloves to bring out the red and mask the smell. Any tips?
This isn't the first time you've mentionned the lack of shine right?

Do you let the henna sit out for a bit and then use it? Do you mix with warm water? You should get some of that shine for sure. Do you get shine with anything else you use to compare it to?
I think my Henna may be going wrong :( After my weekly protein treatments I've never experienced breakage that I noticed, but after my Henna, my hair was still soft, and still felt soft, but everyday I've been noticeing broken hairs in my sink. Lots of them. I moisturized my ends and sealed with some Vatika coconut oil but I'm getting scared. My hair doesn't look any different but seeing the small broken hairs everyday is making me think somethings wrong even though my hair feels fine :( What do I do!

I decided to make a thread
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This isn't the first time you've mentionned the lack of shine right?

Do you let the henna sit out for a bit and then use it? Do you mix with warm water? You should get some of that shine for sure. Do you get shine with anything else you use to compare it to?
I let the henna sit out overnight in a bowl with a lid. I can't remember if I used warm or cold water. Does that make a difference?

I've asked this before because I got excited to know that this was one of the benefits of henna. My hair was never really held a shine. It didn't matter if it was freshly permed or washed.
Well warm water does help, but if the issue is that your hair doesn't usually hold a shine, it might just be that. Unless theresome shine sprays that can be left in the hair. I am sure there must be some other product that adds shine with like a fine misting spray. I'm sorry the henna didn't bring it out like you had hoped!
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